Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland

Haven’t seen what you’ve pointed to in regards to that. But you flat out lied about Exploring Kalimdor to validate your victim complex.

Are we still arguing over if the Kaldorei are leaving Kalimdor? Even though it’s been debunked with the pictures from the PTR on this very forum?


Can you point to where I lied? Because when I referenced Exploring Kalimdor, I included direct screenshots of the pages.

As for the other dialogue, I’ve pointed to several lines in 10.2 as seeming like the Night Elves are nothing without Amirdrassil.

In one of the intro quests for the Emerald Dream zone, Tyrande asks why the Druids of the Flame are attacking. Without a direct quotation handy at the moment she basically says “Why are they denying us a home?”

Malfurion and Tyrande call it home multiple times in the questline where he gets sent to Ardenweald.

The quests after the raid have various NPCs saying things like “The dragons restored their oaths and now they’ve restored a people”

Night Elf NPCs call it “our home” multiple times.

You stated that the kaldorei were not in control of dark shore nor Ashenvale when the book plainly and succinctly decrees that they have absolute control of dark shore and control all of Ashenvale save for splinter tree post and the lumber camp. Simultaneously they are invading azshara and the barrens.

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Omg i was already loving your posts but god you are my new forum Hero! And i’m still reading posts from 2 hours ago.

Can I hug you if I find you wandering Silvermoon? :upside_down_face:
Jokes aside, you nailed on the argument, couldn’t be more clear!


Can you point to where I said that?

Will do when I get home.

I eagerly await.

While we wait for Dread to post his stuff, here’s a picture of Gilneas. Stare at it’s beauty and enjoy


You’re much more likely to see me in Orgrimmar, but yes!! I will probably be doing something goofy, so you are welcome to /point /laugh too.


WRA used to be my home server many moons ago! Gods I miss the server some days. I hear the horde community is still thriving on the server, which is nice to hear and makes me happy.


I’m a Br player so my home server is azralon, but since 2021 i stoped raiding and gradually losing my wow friends, after that I explored the north america servers and landed on moonguard, so all my ally toons are there, illidan( where I play today with my expansion main ) and Wyrmrest.
In these recent years i have had alot of fun in these RP servers, ppl there are mostly nice and enjoyable to interact with.

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So I am one of those weirdos on RP servers who doesn’t RP. I used to, but now it’s lurking and watching at most.

But the Horde RP on WRA definitely seems alive to my outside eyes!!

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WrA Horde is doing just fine.
WrA Alliance, though…


Huh? I’m sorry, I don’t think I know what that is.

WRA allows people to make Alliance characters on it??? Are you sure, or are you imagining it?

I think you’re imagining it.

Moonguard has a smaller horde community, but it tends to bit tight nit and they do try to help and get new people into RP. A lot of its guild events, that are often open to the public.

Ally side is healthy though


Ally side MG always intimidates me when I go there, because its so many people talking over each other. Sometimes WrA is so lonely and quiet though.


Can confirm. I came back after years of not playing and the WRA horde population is huge. I hardly ever see another alliance player. Really makes me miss being a blood elf…


You are still a blood elf to me!!

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Which you would then take wildly out of context or assume the worst from.
People would point this out, you’d say ‘no’, repeat.

That was pretty much the entirety of this thread and the other thread.
And, guess what, you ended up being wrong with the largely assumptive argument you had come up with.

Like I said, it was easy to see it either way…
Incredibly easy to just not come up with wild conclusions surrounding vague dialog.

Hence why I didn’t see any need to continuously repeat this pattern of assumptive arguing: