Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland

such chaos in here.


For sure, every single person who disagrees with you all happen to be gaslighting you.

Still reigns true:

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See? You were trying to gaslight me about gaslighting. Too much meta.

And no, you’re not being gaslight. Noibody’s trying to convince you of a reality that isn’t real.

It is factually correct that no mass-migration plans have ever been revealed.
It is factually correct that Blizzard has never confirmed a mass-migration was planned.
It is factually correct that a minority of players believed one was planned regardless.
It is factually correct that a mass-migration is not happening.

It is a fallasy to state that the fact a mass-migration is not happening because the voices of the masses forced Blizzard to change directions.

You, sir, are the one engaging in gaslighting by trying to portray people espousing these facts as dubious actors, attempting to gaslight you.

You are denying the facts.
You are engaging in misdirection by claiming the plans had to have been changed.
You are minimizing the evidence that no mass-migration was ever planned, and the asset development had already been in the works.
You are projecting your bad actions on to others, and doing so to protray them as arguing in bad faith, IE eroding their credibility.
This is all done to try and get us to doubt our positions.
And you’re using YouTubers as proxies for your argument.

You, sir, are fitting all of your own criteria of gaslighting.

You, sir, are arguing in bad faith.

EDIT: And the worst part? You’re now going to use this as more proof that you’re being gaslit. Because you cannot provide evidence for your previous claims, and the only thing left is to double-down on attacking the credibility of those who disagree.

An abuser’s tactic.


The thing of it is, I’m not using the YouTubers are proxies to say your argument is wrong. I’m using them as additional support to counter the fact that y’all keep saying my arguments are baseless.

The difference:
“These YouTubers agree with me too, so you’re wrong.”
“These YouTubers agree with me too, so what I’m saying isn’t baseless.”

This pattern generally holds true for every point you brought up there. I don’t care if people came to another conclusion based on what we’d seen so far, but I care when people tell me my opinion is over-reactionary or out of touch, or isn’t based in evidence. Even if you don’t agree with the conclusions I get from the evidence, doesn’t mean I’m not basing my argument in evidence (As evident by the numerous times I cite where I’m getting these ideas from).

No, just the ones who disagree with me and gaslight me :slight_smile:

That’s great, but I never said you did. You’re using them as proxies to say your argument is the correct one.

You’re still using them as proxies. And by trying to disprove a point I never made, you’re still engaging in gaslighting behavior.

You’re using them. As proxies. For your argument.

My actual words.

I’m not going to be swayed to believe lies, sir. Argue in good faith.


Turns out we’re all in a League together, actually.

The League of Evil Gaslighting Forum Users Against Mithaelar (TLEGFUA for short).

All of us happen to be the ones who disagree with you, and we’re all here to gaslight you!

Quick Mithaelar! Hide! The League is coming!

Fortify your house! The League of evil forum users are out to make you feel like you’re crazy!

I know they’ve already explained that they’re not doing that, and you’re just intentionally misunderstanding what they’re saying but just ignore it!
That must be gaslighting too, surely!

Except they weren’t agreeing with you.

In T&E’s case they were quoting ‘people from the forums’, whom they characterized as babies (their image not mine).

And in Doronsmovies’ case he’s showcasing what the ‘community’ thinks of it

And of course, as I said before:

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If you look at the page I sent the screenshot from, it says using proxies is “enlist[ing] others to validate their false narratives or discredit the victim”.

At no point is me saying “Hey look, other people think the same thing, so I’m not the only one, and I’m not crazy” the same thing as “Hey look, other people think the same thing so you’re wrong.”

And if you’re not referring to the screenshot I included, I’m curious why you used the same verbiage to describe what I’m doing.

Nah, because there are people I can point to in this very thread who disagree and also don’t gaslight me.

There’s a clear difference between what Madhornir has been saying throughout this conversation and what you’ve been saying. He disagrees but doesn’t extend that disagreement into calling me crazy, saying I’m the only one who believes it, or saying I’m over-reacting.

Woah, that’s exactly what I said earlier in the other thread:

Suppose I’m a gaslighter because

I said assuming that all Nelves were going to mass-exodus Kalimdor was incredibly easy to not do?

This is only going to keep devolving, they’re very entrenched in their position. You don’t need this drama. :heart:

I will just say that you are both right in a way.

Its all about presentation, way back when, BFA made me lose my god-damn mind. Over the years from patch to patch it was just more salt on the open wound. Sometimes I wish never did or said the things I said back then but anyway everyone was and is still frustrated.

We have all discussed what should have and could have happened from BFA until the current patch. Every time Blizzard could have dug themselves out, they dug themselves in deeper. For player’s that were completely done with the whole story the act of digging was enough to just end it there. For others more involved they were losing their mind because we were in deeper than we were before or if we are being generous we just dug a little deeper and filled the hole just as much.

What Dragonflight is doing is building a lid on the hole.
They didn’t fix it, they didn’t fill it, they put a lid on it. Some people like it, some people don’t (OP) and some people would have preferred a nicer looking lid (me). A custom job with colors and stainless steel so it wouldn’t rust.

I don’t think anyone is looking at Amirdrassil thinking “gee that was totally worth the BFA & SL experience and the 4+ year wait”. Some would have preferred the hole filled

I think when this world saga is over, Xbox and Blizzard have something huge planned for WoW. I find it curious we are in Northrend in the last expansion
 what’s happening there that we need to be away from the rest of Azeroth. My theory is a complete world revamp.
My theory is they are working on this huge update right now as we speak or in the planning phase of it. It will take years to complete but that’s what’s coming.
And when it comes out it will be what Vanilla was for us for a new generation of players
 and Blizzard probably hopes that this can beat whatever MMO RIOT games is building right now.

Holy crap
 I did not mean to make a long winded speech but I guess I do go on


You literally were claiming they agreed with you, IE supporting your false narrative. Stop trying to shift goalposts about what I said. It won’t work.

I literally said YouTubers.

So. Whenever you’re ready to have an honest discussion, where you don’t try to gaslight me, I’ll be waiting.


My concern and interpretation of the story isn’t a false narrative. A false narrative is something that’s entirely fabricated for the sake of misleading others. I am stating what I think about the story as I understand it.

If you think that’s a false narrative, that I made the entire thing up with no evidence, and my feelings about it are entirely fabricated, what does that mean?

Let me ask you this: Do you think my concerns and interpretation of what I’ve seen are valid?

No joke, when I heard they had doubled (or tripled? Or more?) the development team and were working on the next three expansions, my mind immediately went to “so after Last Titan, WoW becomes WoW 2?”

And it’s not just Northrend in LT. We’re also going up to the north of the Eastern Kingdoms, which I think I heard they’re putting on the regular EK map. And that whole area’s getting redone and modernized. Combine that with refreshed Gilneas and Undercity, and it sounds more likely we get the full old world modernized revamp post-World Soul Saga.

Anyway, I’ve had enough negativity for one day and dished out my own share. I’m’a go back to not doing that now.

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Thats the first I am hearing of this

Something gigantic for sure. Xbox just bought the damn thing, they want to milk this cashcow for years to come. And Riot is building something huge, Valorent has already killed OW. Is Blizzard going to let Riot kill the one remaining game they have?

Maybe try keeping that tone in the future instead of the troll posts

I could be very mistaken about that. I think it was in Preach’s interview with Ion, but it very easily could be me having heard one thing and translated it in my brain into another.

Well, I stopped responding to you earnestly when it became clear responding to you with anything against your twisted doomer narrative was useless.

And when it became clear that everyone else was saying the same things and you’d just brush it off with a simple ‘no’ with no real further engagement or reasoning why.

I also don’t disagree with what I said before.

Night Elves suck and you suck.

I’ve pointed to the story presentation (mostly dialogue) in 10.2 (and other points in DF) countless times as to why.