Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland

There are already some Kaldorei NPCs in the PTR for Gilneas, so I think it is safe to say they will have a part to play.

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Well and with the armistice, it might be a bit harder for them to attack now unless they decide to say screw the armistice, so for now they’re safe. Though I would argue that with Feathermoon Stronghold, there’s probably some numbers at each of their bases, and are regularly patrolling the area.

I don’t think that they would make the same mistake that they did during the Fourth War by sending their whole army to one spot. Even the army that went to Nordrassil wouldn’t sit idly by.

I don’t like using the ptr a lot of the time because I feel like it’s going to spoil certain points or make me angry cause Blizzard does a thing that makes zero sense. I think I’ve only used the ptr to test out dracthyr and was like oh cool and then logged off and never used it again.

Same with the beta.

We have been voicing concerns about the tree’s location in the DI ever since the plotline emerged in DF.

This has been talked about to various degrees since the beginning of DF by various members of the community.

I’m not sure why you’re so intent on gaslighting others, but I recommend you check in on that desire.

And yet the whole idea of the night elves abandoning Kalimdor (an entirely player-created hysteria, because nobody ever said that) is a much more recent trend.

Sure. I’ll grant you that it’s possible that they started developing these assets way back in the forever ago to reinforce the idea that the night elves are not abandoning Kalimdor.

Nothing you have provided has shown that a mass-migration was ever intended, ever planned, and only changed because of some mass-player outcry. That has been my argument thus far, and continues to be the hill I’ll die on until you can show anything suggesting this mass-migration was actually a thing planned to happen.


Doesn’t say in that video that all Nelves are moving away from Kalimdor, nor do they ever put forth the idea that’s what Blizzard is planning going forward…
I’ve only ever heard that dogma here on this forum.
He also says in that video ‘We don’t know everything yet so lets wait and see what they do with it’…
AKA, what every sane person here was saying to you.

You really like throwing around the word ‘gaslighting’ when someone proves you wrong, it’s pretty neat to see this pattern consistently.

I don’t care enough about you to ‘gaslight’ you, or whatever.
But keep fighting the losing fight, I suppose.

Oh, and before you say I’m ‘gaslighting’ you by saying you’ve misused this term consistently:

And that’s just taking from this thread, and not the other thread you were using to make these same arguments.

Maybe not a mass migration per se but the hold Night elves used to have on Kalimdor has waned in these past few expansions.
Like I said somewhere else, numerically there are now fewer night elves living on Kalimdor after the Horde killed as many as they could through Ashenvale, Darkshore and finally Teldrassil. Those 3 zones were the ones with most night elves but now not many remain.
If at least a fraction of those survivors are settling on Amirdrassil then than means the original number of night elves on said zones have decreased.
That’s the reason Kalimdor is now a Red Continent with splashes of purple on the northern part.

And before anyone said about Night Elves reclaiming their lands, yes they kinda did.
But Darkshore is destroyed and Ashenvale contested still. They are not in any position of power to hold their lands which wouldn’t be the case had they placed the Tree on Kalimdor to begin with.

Telling people over and over again that they are crazy or disconnected from reality because of something they feel strongly about is gaslighting by definition.

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You getting proved wrong for taking pieces of ‘evidence’ from the new patch and blowing it up into some twisted narrative is gaslighting?

When most people either pointed out the lack of evidence or just said ‘we don’t know anything yet’ prior to Blizz disproving that twisted narrative outright.


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At 9:39 he basically lays out the same argument I made, but without the context of the dialogue constantly reinforcing that the Night Elves consider this their new Home. So, if anything, there was -more- evidence introduced in Guardians of the Dream

If you think voicing concern about the direction the narrative seems to be going, even before the narrative is resolved is “crazy”, I’m not sure what to tell you. I’d rather voice my concern before it’s finished on the very off chance that Blizzard makes some last minute addition to dialogue or some indication that they listened.

Again, you seem really intent on telling me that I’m out of line or off the rails for talking about this before the narrative was finished when it’s perfectly valid to come to the conclusions that I did (because many other people did too) and also because voicing concern should never be seen as an issue.

In case it isn’t abundantly clear that many people in the community were concerned and voicing their opinions well before the conclusion of the story

Like… But not really though.

With Darkshore canonically back, they are exactly where they were back in Cataclysm. A decade ago. Ashenvale contested, Azshara under Horde control, Feralas theirs with a couple small Horde camps, and Hyjal under Cenarion control but primarily a night elf holding.

And really, other than Azshara? This has been the state of things since freaking Vanilla.

Numerically there are fewer night elves? Yes, that is true. Numerically there are fewer everyone, but the night elves did get hit the hardest. But they also don’t have any enemies around them. Not any more. The Horde is a non-entity in conflict, because with the Horde Council determined to maintain peace and no one Horde-side willing to push the Ashenvale situation, there is just nothing around to push the night elves.

Darkshore was destroyed. We’ve had a time gap since Exploring Kalimdor, and we have no idea what, if anything, happened there. Presumably the night elves haven’t been sitting on the beach, sadly unable to start rebuilding and regrowing, but I’ll admit without official confirmation, who knows. Maybe the night elves forgot about Darkshore.

So what exactly is this lesser hold on Kalimdor? Unless you’re arguing their pre-WCIII territories, which is more than just “these past few expansions” in the past, I’m not seeing any major losses since Cata.

And none of that implies a mass-migration regardless.

But now there’s accusations of “gaslighting” floating around because some of us don’t buy into this idea that a mass-migration was always the plan, so I don’t even freaking know why I’m bothering trying to be rational when people on the opposite side want to call rational discourse and disagreement gaslighting.


I’ve specifically called out which behavior I’m labeling as gaslighting, but since it doesn’t seem to be clear…

You realize I wasn’t literally calling you ‘crazy’ when I said this, right?:

I was using the term ‘crazy’ to refer to how easy it was to assume we didn’t know anything yet and Blizz would’ve given confirmation on it later.

Not that you were literally crazy.

Maybe you legitimately just don’t understand hyperbole and deal completely in absolutes when handed anything to digest.

Which would make complete sense.

Seemingly you, and that video where he says ‘This is what people on the forums are saying’ after a picture of a baby throwing sh1t at the wall.

It wasn’t a problem of people ‘voicing their concerns’ it was a problem of you entrenching yourself within an easily disprovable argument that only stands up if you assume the worst of everything…
Most people didn’t find any merit in it, and that’s why people took it upon themselves to argue with you.

Not sure if you realize this, but most ‘WoW content’ on YouTube is built to give a voice to the most outlandish doomer takes within the community because that’s what gets the most clicks. Typically, most of this concern isn’t even their own, but rather concerns they echo from random forum users… cough cough

Even in T&E’s video, the thumbnail is the biggest extreme that they actually put forth from that video. The actual content of the video is mostly echoing what ‘people on the forums are saying’ and saying ‘we don’t know yet, so wait’.

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Alright well I have no interest in communicating with you any further. You started this exchange by just blatantly trolling

and it’s clear you really don’t care about the content and you just came here to tell me how crazy it is to have come to the conclusions I did (and then claim that isn’t gaslighting lol)

Alright, give up.

Should’ve done that after the first three posts disagreeing with you.

I also completely stand-by the idea of Nelves sucking btw.

Again, never said you were crazy.

But alright.

Yes, and I’ve also been calling it a small public outcry about a mass-migration that was never said to be occurring and came about purely from over-reactionary people being over-reactionary.

Are… Are you seriously trying to gaslight me about who your accusing of gaslighting you, because that level of meta is not something I’m prepared for.


“Minimalization: The abuser downplays the victim’s feelings, making them feel like their concerns are insignificant or like they’re being overly sensitive.”