Forsaken preference

The Horde have always had part of Ashenvale, Vanilla started with two complete outposts and some stations in addition. It became more of having an equal part with the set up of new Horde bases in cataclysm and the wiping out of Silverwing Refuge.


I have told you this multiple times I don’t know why you keep bringing it up.

Ingame reflection =/= lore

The Night Elves got full control of Ashenvale as part of a treaty after MoP, the Horde completely left these lands until BfA where they got full control of it. If you keep arguing based on ingame reflection then it’s pointless to even discuss further.


And I will say again
 if it’s not in game, it does not mean squat. The game is the common experience we all have, unless you’re here on the boards just to snipe, in which case you don’t count. Especially since out of game lore tends to contradict itself on a regular basis.


But it would be nice if phasing could be used to reflect that for night elves.


It would be nice, but they aren’t even going to give us the zone back in the lore it seems like which would already be more than enough in terms of zones.

Guess it’s just a Horde zone in the lore from now on.

This is where you’re wrong though, because this board is specifically made for people to discuss the story, and many story elements are unfortunately not reflected in the game. Sorry, you can’t just go “not in game don’t count” on the board meant specifically for discussing things which aren’t always given in game treatment reflections for players.


Problem is
 when out of game elements don’t sync with what the players experience in the game
 trumpeting them as some sort of high priority or overriding truth isn’t kosher. They are by definition
 alternate fiction.

But the version of Ashenvale we had is the version from Cataclysm, from the events of Cataclysm, as with all zones in game. Every single one of them aside from Darkshore and Arathi Highlands is in the state it was in in Cataclysm. Yet there is out of game material, for a zone such as Ashenvale, where the story progressed beyond what it had in Cataclysm.

Like the story of the world has progressed far far beyond Cataclysm by this point, so its kind of bunk to just say “Ehehe but the zone in game doesn’t reflect what this official Blizzard story source said, therefor it no count!”

Like not everything can sync with in game experiences because they would have to literally reshape the world with every single expansion considering everything that happens (which would be cool, but would take way too many resources), so we have to use other sources put out by Blizzard when discussing the story.


probably a fair degree, sure. I mean, I like Forsaken too though, while I do like Night Elves more, I think I trust myself to give the Forsaken a fair shake, and I think I have outlined quite well WHY night elves feel the way they do.

And I think a lot if it is not just what Blizzard does, but how Blizzard does it. Night Elf victories happen off-screen, Night Elf defeats are front and center in-game as a main factor of the story. I think this may have a skewing effect that emphasizes the bad things, and underplays the good things. I can’t say with certainty that Blizzard hates night elves
 But it FEELS as though they are eager to victimize them, and reluctant to show them winning
 Which I think inspires the passionate among us to be particularly combative.

Oh sure, I agree. I big problem here is that puts Night Elf fans and Forsaken fans at odds. Forsaken fans are trying to hold onto one of the few things they have left
 but that thing happens to be the thing that stripped the Kaldorei of everything important they ever had.

Night Elves barely even have Elune left, with Tyrande talking about abandonment
 I can feel my blood pressure rising as I type it.

Sure, we can talk about who has it worse for awhile. I think Night Elves do
 You, probably think Forsaken do, or at least they are comparable. I guess that would be the middle ground
 But really? Blizzard is the problem here, and I think that is the heart of those “Nelf fans, do not buy” threads.

It’s a silly thread to make, but the heart of it is true
 The only thing that is bound to get Blizzard’s attention is a hit to their bottom line. At this point though, I don’t think I trust them to do better. BfA was the passion project in which they put in “A lot of love” according to them

 And what they gave us is so detached from the wants and needs of their consumer base, it’s perceived by some to be an intentional slap in the face.

Yeah yeah you keep saying it at every one without showing any prove.

Oh someone liked your post!!! Oh right its Spuddyc

Just remember that you cant fool anyone when Spuddyc liked 533 of your post and you like 630 of his post.

Are you jealous?

spuddy and frank are relationship goals


Yeah see, maybe this is the problem.

Is a fictional race really worth it? A race that doesn’t exist? That truly has no bearing on anything outside of its fictional world?

I just don’t see it. I like the Forsaken, yeah, but I’m not gonna have a heart attack over what BfA has done to them.


We all have our passions. I am sure you do too, it’s just not this.

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Its funny cause i was responding to Trivelfrank but you responded. Guess you was on Spuddyc alt.

There’s definitely such a thing as too much passion though.

For me there get’s to be a point were “Who has it worse” is no longer a debate because there is so much pain and vitriol that arguing it is just not worth it.


Or I, Spuddyc, was reading through the replies on the forums and saw yours and it made me chuckle.


It really comes down to the same two or three specific users being extremely loud, argumentative, and dismissive of the pains of other parts of the fanbase that has painted “nelf fans” the way they have been.

Most people agree night elves got it real bad and have every right to be upset. The issue is the few users who:

  1. Try to make Horde players feel bad for what the game made them do.
  2. Dismiss other fan groups and their own issues as inferior to night elf issues.
  3. Insist other parts of the fandom deserve to have everything they enjoy destroyed.

Basically? Nobody likes to be told the things that made them upset aren’t worth discussing just because someone else got hurt more. Some users take that a step further and say Forsaken lost nothing or that they actually deserved to lose what they did because they chose to play the “obvious villains”.