Forsaken preference

Is the Forsaken the fictional race whose concerns and frustrations are given the most preferential attention and respect on these forums? Compared to posters of other fictional races whose concerns and frustrations are met with annoyance, scoffed at and laughed away treated as jokes. Why are Forsaken concerns treated as the most legitimate of concerns on the WoW story forums?

Is it because most posters on the story forums are Forsaken players or is it because Forsaken players have the best arguments for being frustrated at the story direction? I’m genuinely curious.


NE and Forsaken got crapped on in BFA. So people are complaining about it.


From my perspective, it just seems there are more Horde players in general on the forums. Horde players tend to side with the Forsaken plight because:

And Night Elves are usually hated by the forums at large because of some false preconceived notion that they complain more than any other player. Which is funny because everyone on the forums is here to complain, nelves just have more to complain about.

I tend to think night elves get hate by the community because they are female dominated, lore wise and maybe player wise idk. Gaming communities, as a general rule, tend to be pretty dismissive of the plight of women. Either to be “edgy” or to because they think feminism is ruining gaming, or w/e.

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True. But on observation it appears more people get annoyed by Night Elf complaints whereas Forsaken complaints are always treated with legitimacy. Why is this?


Some people seem to feel personally attacked or something when Night Elf fans express their complaints in the forums. Night Elf fans want to reach Blizzards attention and get something in compensation for losing almost everything in BfA and they (or atleast I) try to achieve that by making threads about it.

Then there are also people who feel like everything is fine with the story because they got the long end of the stick (Sylvanas loyalists) and they just come to night elf threads to try to invalidate them

To be fair, there are also unnecessary threads, such as the “Night Elf fans don’t pre order” threads which are pretty low effort and don’t really contribute to anything, but yea some people don’t want others to have nice things and they just come to every night elf thread and say things like “Sylvanas did nothing wrong” or “Night Elves deserved to be wiped out” with the worst arguments possible, even if those threads are merely feedback threads and trying to reach Blizzards attention, hoping that the Night Elves will finally get something positive in the story.

Some people (horde players most of the time) also ridiculate those kind of threads. For example if the thread asks for punishments for those in the horde that were highly complicit in killing innocents, they somehow get the message that Night Elf fans want the horde to be disbanded and utterly destroyed, even though they are just asking for war criminals to be punished which are only a few people in the horde. And sometimes they also feel attacked when Night Elf fans ask for their lands back, because somehow it would hurt the horde to lose lands they never had to begin with (e.g. Ashenvale).
Oddly enough, it seems to work because Blizzard hasn’t done anything to address Night Elf players concerns, instead they made it even worse and openly said that there won’t be any follow ups.


If someone said anything like that in reply to Forsaken player complaints they would be casted out by the public opinion on the story forums but it appears to be acceptable when done to Night Elf player complaints. It does really appear like the WoW story forums are a safer space for loyalist Horde and Forsaken fans.

I’m just wondering how it became that way. It’s interesting to hear others opinions on why that is. I’m thinking it’s because the Horde are the more popular faction in World of Warcraft as a consequence of the writers and developers being more Horde aligned. That is why Horde and Forsaken complaints are generally more well received and Alliance and Night Elf complaints are met with annoyance or ignored. Blizzard made sure to give loyalist Horde a choice in order to appease them but they’ve never bothered to give that same consideration to anybody else. Where was the Orc choice to side with Garrosh? Where is the Night Elf choice to side with Tyrande?


waves Yes, here I am lol.

I have played WoW since vanilla, but I got my start RPing on the forums. I would say, firstly, the Horde has always been the vocal majority. The Horde has always shouted down Alliance players since the days of Warcraft 3. I also think Cataclysm and MoP brought a lot of Horde players to the forums, where they came here to complain about Garrosh, mainly.

It is funny to me, that Night Elf fans are seen as the squeaky wheels, when the forums is just a hive of disgruntled Horde fans lol.


That’s true. The Horde and particularly Forsaken players complain just as much if not more than Night Elf players but the difference being Night Elf complaints are met with more backlash and annoyance and Forsaken complaints are met with kindness and validity as a consequence of the forums having more Horde players on it. The entirety of BfA the forums were just littered with Horde loyalist posts about how sad the story of BfA makes them and any opinion that went outside of that was either casted out or met with anger and annoyance.

If you are a Horde player who liked Saurfang or Baine you were ridiculed or if you were a Night Elf player upset and frustrated at the treatment of Night Elves in BFA you were insulted and told to shut up. 2019 was the year of the Horde being sad because of BfA.


That’s not the reason.


What is the reason?

A general state of emotional instability, unhealthy obsession, and general unlikeability present among the more vocal members.

These things really don’t spawn up out of nowhere.


Nelf players are annoying to other alliance players cause they seem to act like they aren’t alliance so all the dumb stuff the alliance suffers which is the same stuff nelves stuffer in the story. So they come off as bullies while on horde side it seems more like forsaken acknowledge the wider suffering everyone else is having


This is true and probably has something to do with the dying state of this forum and many of the posters coming from a Discord or something. There is actually a wide variety of Night Elf posters I have found, with varying opinions on the stories, but only the ones which complain get shouted about or called whiners.


I feel it’s important to seperate people who are fans of Night Elves and self-identified “Night Elf fans”

The former are usually totally fine people. But there’s a consistent pattern of the latter being a handful.


Like a forsaken player wont get upset at a troll for complaining about vol’jin while a nelf player will complain about humans who are upset at not getting lordearon this is just generally of course

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So basically:

Nothing I said had anything to do with the number of complaints, moreso the substance of said complaints and the general personalities of the people making them.

Take note, forums.


When theres multiple threads telling nelf fans to quit I can see how people think that

It almost feels like there is some kind of clique on these forums that wants to decide what is acceptable and what isn’t. You either agree with them and if you don’t you are casted out as a bad person. But I don’t know. That’s just how it seems.

I generally don’t have any problems with Night Elf fans. I like Night Elves too. If people are passionate about the race they play in World of Warcraft then what’s the problem? There are plenty of passionate upset Forsaken fans on the forums but they don’t receive any of the same backlash as upset Night Elf fans.


I like Night Elves too. Lots of people like Night Elves. People liking things is not whats causing the friction here, I dunno how much clearer I can be on that.