Forsaken preference

Now, when did I ever say anything like that? I think most people on here are pretty awful.

But you asked what peoples beef with a certain group of people was and I explained it as best I could.

Worth noting that much of my opinion is being informed by…well, things that aren’t “on here”, yknow? Don’t wanna disrupt though.


The horde didn’t literally win the war, but they won in terms of significantly weakening the alliance by wiping out a race of theirs and not facing any consequences for it. They got rid of the enemy and didn’t lose anything in the process besides some sewers and Saurfang.

That’s why I find anything that says that the horde lost the war ridiculous. They lost the warFRONTS which were alliance zones, they still got Ashenvale and wiped out the Night Elves and didn’t face any losses after that, how is that losing?

If they lost, they would be dismantled at this point and working to rebuild Alliance lands.

When are you gonna write a book about that headcanon


Fair enough.

Exhibit A, your honor.


what exactly is headcanon about it?

Honestly like everything it reads like you didn’t play anything past 8.0

She’s not? You are not really understanding the complaint. The Horde “lost” the War… even though, at the end, they were on the “winning” side.

I say “Winning” because no one is actually winning in this story, but… The Horde did not actually answer for the War of Thorns… Tyrande was not even present for the march on Ogrimmar. The Horde “lost” but also were allowed avoid any responsibility for damning an entire race of people.

And sure, that is a whole debate in itself, but if you can’t see why that is a valid thing to be upset about, you are delusional.

No, night elves get hate because they tend to have some players who want to crap all over other races that are very loud, and tend to not just limit it to the other faction but other alliance races as well.

While this is present in all parts of the fanbase, nelf posters are often some of the more vocal ones on the story forums, as such they tend to make other posters less sympathetic to them. It’s got nothing to do with them being female dominated.



what exactly is headcanon about what I said? Horde has full control over Ashenvale and if Blizzard rubs it into our faces that there aren’t enough Night Elves left, then I’ll also act like there aren’t enough left.

so Those loyalists they are chaining up is just for some kinky fun then?

Lol keep proving my point

This thread is going places.


You know, I’m actually starting to like you now. Beforehand I’ll admit that you kinda got on my nerves but I’m really starting to see your point. I agree with your notion that the war criminals should be punished. And I do think that the night elves have EVERY right to complain considering. Sorry for all the hate!!


you mean those loyalists that are still in orgrimmar whispering you things like “For the Banshee Queen” etc. ? They are still everywhere in the Horde and also, what point am I proving? I’m arguing purely based on things that happened in the lore.

Ya some loyalists are hiding so what. What does that prove.

It proves that those war criminals aren’t getting punished.

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No it proves they are hiding

I don’t think this is fair… Night Elves have been getting crapped on by other races since Cata. Which is kind of where that comes from, and I think that’s an entirely fair thing to be annoyed with and want retribution for.

This is another thing, Night Elves just don’t align very well with Alliance races. The Forsaken are kind of in a similar boat with the Horde, but it works better for them because the Horde is, by it’s very identity, a place for hated and ostracized groups. The Alliance tends to be the ones who do the ostracizing, and it’s pretty lame to have these immortal, wise beings, like Nelves and Draenei, answering to a moody teenager, or Crimson-chin anime hair.

I agree that certain gamers make no secret their opinions about feminism. But I was going to say that Sylvanas has a lot of fans and she is a woman. Regardless of what other people think of individual posters, I still believe most of it has to do with the fact there is just simply more Horde fans on the forums than Alliance ones and that’s why Horde and Forsaken complaints are given more validity than Night Elf and Alliance complaints.

Disliking individual posters is something purely subjective. There could be a poster I like that you dislike and a poster you like that I dislike. I feel as if there is just certain cliques on this forum who decide who is likable and who isn’t.

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