Forsaken preference

Maybe it’s also do what each side wants forsaken fans generally just want to keep Sylvanas which is understandable but dumb for the story nelf fans want to have there own genocide but not be punished for it which I think would be even worse for the story


Night Elf fans don’t want genocide, they just want justice and a future for their race but they are denied it because neither the Horde nor Sylvanas has had any consequences for what happened. The Horde blamed it all on Sylvanas which is stupid to begin with, but Sylvanas can get away with everything too and then you have people who want to keep Sylvanas around forever and it’s slowly getting ridiculous with Sylvanas being the face of every expansion.

There are also other ways to rebuild the Night Elves as a race but it involves the Horde as the Horde would then lose Ashenvale and Horde players aren’t okay with that.


She’s been the face of one xpac going on two just like garrosh

I mean, to their credit, if Nelf fans are so upset, the best thing they can do is stop playing… But, that’s a decision people should decide for themselves. /Shrug

Kaylin and Nelfist are pushy, trolly and stupid. I don’t take whatever they do seriously.

I tend to get worked up regarding a few aspects of nelf lore and criticism, mostly because of -how- I become a nelf fan. As a youngin’, I was drawn to the feminine power of Tyrande and Maiev, back when fantasy had little to offer in the way of strong female leads.

And my complaints with WoW’s depiction of Night Elves tend to workup the F**kbois because I imply some of the decisions Blizzard has made is meant to appeal to mostly sexist fanbase.

Some people treat that as a personal attack against them, without realizing that kind of outs them.


C’mon now. The reason Nelf fans have a reputation should be self evident. I’ve howled myself hoarse on these forums lamenting the Forsaken’s writing but I hope at least I never pretended I was some unofficial spokesperson.

And the Forsaken are in a dire strait. The Nelves seem like they’re getting new stuff. The Forsaken on the otherhand don’t seem to be getting much attention and what we do get is clearly written by people who were never fans of the race.

Off the forums personally and in character I’ve forged a bit of a comradery with Nelf players. We’ve both been victimized by the writers, er Slyvanas, and I hope we get some sort of justice. After BFA I hope both races get better writing. Ideally perhaps some Ashen Verdict type arrangement outside whatever raid Windy will be.


Also I only can imagine how annoying for horde players to have blizzard tell you lost the war and returned the land baine say the horde is broken only for some crazy nelf “fan” to whine about how the horde wasn’t punished and Sylvanas is still alive cause she is too lazy to wait for shadowlands to end her story


Oh it is… Because they are a vocal group of people who don’t have a Horde Bias… which is what gets you crucified here.

I think it’s more they treat the personal attacks you pepper them with as personal attacks.


I am sure that has something to do with it too, but they have it coming.

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And I to this day still don’t see how the Horde lost the war.

When Night Elf fans want their lands back from the horde, horde players say that they aren’t in the position to demand such things from the horde but at the same time, they are complaining because they apparently lost the war. Can’t have both, either you lost the war and have to make up for your crimes or you won the war by wiping out the enemy race, getting their lands and not facing any consequences for it other than losing one leader.

The nice thing about this thread is that as certain people filter in, my point about why people have a problem with Nelf Fans becomes more and more self evident.

I don’t even really have to do anything! It’s great!


Why do you listen to dumb people who don’t know the lore lol you got devs saying what’s actually happening just I ignore the dumb people

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I think the point she is making has more to do with the topic of the thread. Forsaken/Horde preference on the forums. Where Night Elf players do not get the same courtesy.

No knowing her she actually believes the players over the devs

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No, I don’t think so. She is passionate and upset, not stupid.

Someone with higher good boy points post the two spiderman pointing at eachother meme.


the devs are as trustworthy as a potato with statements like “the night elves got their revenge”.

Either they are really really stupid or try to infuriate people on purpose.

Lol why is she telling me the horde won the war then we all know they didn’t blizzard literally spelled it out

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Atleast Forsaken get to hide their bones in Shadowlands. :joy:

Are you certain that only Night Elf fans insult people on here?

Lol this is what people have to deal with