Forsaken population

So you admit that inheritance is a joke, and that Might Makes Right.

I ā€œadmitā€ that that is going to be the practical effect. In a perfect world inheritance is what is important but because the world is imperfect people will fight over the land.

As it is both living and non-living probably have a right to the lands of Lordearon. Now the question is will they share or will they play the Barov game of getting the other faction to kill their rival?

There are more dead of Lordaeron than there are living. There were enough dead of Lordaeron to make a kingdom that rivaled Stormwind in vanilla.

And now there are not. A good chunk were killed during the Fourth War and more importantly, they canā€™t make more forsaken.

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No thereā€™s definitely still more dead of Lordaeron than living.


The survivors of Theramore and other survivors who went to Stormwind probably have the same numbers as the Forsaken, especially after their losses. As it is we donā€™t really know and the game is silent on population numbers. Iā€™d also point out not all Forsaken are Lorderanian, many were taken from every and any grave the Forsaken could pillage. Hence why there are Stormwind Forsaken.

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She certainly wants to avoid war and keep them safe. I think she is also considering not uprooting them because its their homes that they have lived in for so long.

I donā€™t think the claim of the throne automatically goes to a random noble. I donā€™t think Lordaeron created protocols for zombie apocalypse. Especially zombie apocalypses were intelligent zombie nobility and royals are resurrected.


Supposition. And, supposition that holds no bearing on the matter at hand.
Arthas genocided Lordaeron. Some people escaped. Those people are humans beings, not orcs. They reproduce at the speed human beings reproduce at, not at the speed which orcs reproduce at.

The living survivors of the genocide of Lordaeron are a miniscule number.


Problem is he is probably one of the last nobilities of Lordearon, most are dead/neutral.

As oppose to your claim? Again, we donā€™t know how many living or undead Lordearanian are.

Enough escaped that they managed to build a city. Also, the Forsaken are a minuscule amount of the undead. Donā€™t forget, most of the undead are either feral now or was/is part of the Scourge.

And Iā€™m fine with that. At the same time I doubt she would be willing to turn a blind eye to the plight of her living people who want to got back to their home.

But we know that the living amount was dwarfed by the unliving amount.

Daelin Proudmooreā€™s men built a fortress in Durotar.

The unliving, but not the Forsaken. Donā€™t forget the Forsaken are not all of the undead of Lordearon and are merely a portion of it.

And it means they had a large enough population to be the military powerhouse of the Alliance in Kalimdor. Even greater then the night elves apperently, which says alot about the population.

Fortresses, towns and cities can come in boxes in this game. No thought goes into the logic of resource gathering, construction or manpower required. A fortress can take years. In wow you can do it in your lunch break.


Youā€™re right, BUT in almost every single official description of the Forsaken cdev talks about their Lordaeronian background; not Stormwind, not Dalaran, not Quelā€™thalas etc etc

I want to say every single description, but Iā€™m sure thereā€™s 1 exception if we look hard enough.

or undead

Right, which is why I canā€™t wait to see her struggle with her choice. I wanted her to chime in during the invasion, but Blizzard thought she should recruit more Forsaken instead. Now sheā€™s net silent while sheā€™s prancing around SL, for why?

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yesā€¦the Interview about wc3 Forsaken were different.^^

Iā€™m not denying the majority is Lordearanian in origin. But I do reject the idea the Lordearon Forsaken outnumber the living human ones. Especially considering we donā€™t have numbers.

Possibly, but then we just end up with the whole Barov trying to kill each other plot(and ironically as I recall those two just end up working together anyway in Draenor)

Because it is future plot material. You know Warcraft lore moves at a glacial pace. At my age though, I do wonder if Warcraft will outlive me. It has certainly outlived a guildmate and friend or two of mine.

How do you come to that conclusion. Lordaeron- the empire was completely scourged. Wiped out. Turned into undead. Edge of night paints a picture of Lordaeron refugees seeking sanctuary at Gilneas, the mostly likely haven for them, only to be denied access and shredded by the scourge.

If Stormwind has a significant Lordaeron population at all it is most probable that they were pre-scourge migrants, who went their due to opportunities presented by a depopulated stormwind. They went there to stay. It wouldnā€™t be the only place that migrants came from either.


Uh, no, the forsaken absolutely outnumbered the living Lordaeronians. You admitted earlier that the forsaken rivaled Stormwind which is a rival city of humans not from the genocided homeland of Lordaeron.

All it means is that in a wargame about building bases, they built a base.

Confirmation bias.

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I admitted nothing of the sort. You are the one claiming the Forsaken rivaled Stormwind. All I said is they are not. In fact, I doubt the Forsaken population could rival Stormwind. We were told however Theramore was the most powerful Alliance base in Kalimdor, which means it definately had a huge number of survivors(mainly from Lordearon).

The Scourge did it, not the Forsaken. Again, the Forsaken are not the totality of the undead and are a small portion of it. If we are talking undead, they definitely outnumber the living humans. If we are talking about the Forsaken who currently side with the Horde that is a bigger debatable question.

  1. A good chunk of Stormwind Soldiers/farmers were turned into Forsaken in Anderhol. 2) As I mentioned earlier, non-Lordearon Citizens were being raised, every grave the Forsaken could rob had their corpses sent to Tirisfal to be raised into undead. We literally see Stormgarde filled with Forsaken(who the Alliance either kills or drives away).

I am saying there is a not so insignificant portion of Forsaken right now that are not former Lordearon citizens, not just former Stormwind citizens either.

but we are not talking about gameplay, we are talking about lore. And lorewise, Theramore was once more powerful then Darnassus. Which again, can only happen if they have a large enough population.

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Zerde: Theramore received no population from Stormwind, or anyplace else. Lordaeron was not genocided. Arthas did not kill any humans at all.