Forsaken population


Something occurred to me. If Stormwind is “the last bastion of Lordaeron’s living citizens.”

Lordaeron genocide 1: Arthas.
Lordaeron genocide 2: Garrosh in Theramore.
Lordaeron genocide 3: We’ve sent all the men. We’ll be calling on farmers next.

If it was before BFA (it wasn’t), Stormwind is decidedly not majority Lordaeronian anymore.


As oppose to the Forsaken? Don’t forget, Sylvanas’ side was just as in bad a shape as the Alliance. If anything the humans can have kids, the Forsaken can’t make new Forsaken. And again, even Flynn said “Folks from Stormwind came from Lordearon originally, right?”

Heck, a quick checks say the reason the holy light is such a presence in Stormwind is precisely because there were Lordearon migrants that went to Stormwind.

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Hats off to this thread. I’ve lurked for years without ever feeling the need to make a single post, but this thread was just too much. 11/10 dumpster fire.



The Forsaken haven’t been genocided even once.

This is a lie.
Sylvanas’s problem wasn’t a lack of soldiers.
It was a lack to make new ones.
She had a finite army. Not a defeated army.


People also miss that she did not intend to hold UC.

She used it as a meat grinder for Alliance, and Anduin fed his people into it.

They however suffer from death by a thousand cuts. Especially now that they have no Val’kyr. Sylvanas had spent her own army trying to keep Darkshore(in vain). Also:

The war has proven costly and our ranks have been steadily depleted. But the Horde is nothing if not strong. Each and every citizen of Orgrimmar is worth ten Alliance weaklings on the battlefield.

Rally the citizens and form a militia! Remind them of their slain brothers and sisters!

More like she was hoping to keep it but in case it failed she was ready to sacrifice if it necessary. I expect we will get our answers soon enough with the Sylvanas book.

I mean, maybe, but Blizzard hasn’t stated that they’re in any danger of it atm.

What, Nathaniel talking in Orgrimmar?
To Orcs?

Stop paying them money to lie to you.

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Nor are the remainder of the survivors of Lordearon and even the fourth war ends with us getting the opinion of a Lordearon survivor.

He was actually talking to the player character. Which mean those who were following Sylvanas, both the living and undead members were also depleted.

How can they “lie”? it is their lore to do with as they please. And personally, I actually enjoyed the EK book(which Golden also wrote) so the Sylvanas one might be a dud or not, but I am still interested in reading for myself.

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You’re comparing Genn talking about Stormwind’s forces, to Nathaniel talking about Orgrimmar. Nathaniel is recruiting Orgrimmar’s citizens, because Orgrimmar is cut off from any help by the Alliance and Saurfang’s forces.

They died in Orgrimmar.
Stormwind lost all of its soldiers to the war.
Double confirmed in Roux’s book.

He doesnt even talk about being “cut off” he literally tell you the war itself has depleted their ranks.

It literally has more soldiers, in fact Anduin ends up in Lion’s Pride seeing new soldiers winding down.

“All of Stormwind is dead” is definitely a Dreadmoore take


Even if we are to ignore the fact Blizzard doesnt care about population, did he think various wars the Horde has had to deal with, not the least of which was the Legion/Broken Shore, which was a disaster for everyone, had zero effect on the forsaken?

At this point the entire world should be on the brink of extinction.

He is cut off, though.

It has so few soldiers, that Anduin is worried about another war because the Alliance won’t survive it.

The Forsaken refugees from Undercity reside in Orgrimmar.

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But that was not what the discussion was about, nor did he imply their lack of forces is due to being cut off.

"The Horde’s armies are depleted, our treasuries emptied, our resources stretched thin. A blow to us now would . . . Well, I am sure you can easily imagine the outcome.”-Lother’mar.

So since the Forsaken are now in the same situation as the humans of Lordaeron were after Warcraft 3, can we start to smugly go “Forsaken are from ORGRIMMAR. See, that’s where they are!”


Zerde: sees sylvanas’s horde surrounded by the Alliance/Saurfang’s forces
Zerde: nope everything’s fine here.
You can’t hold a discussion in good faith. You just lie non gottdman stop.

I’m not saying the Horde isn’t screwed too. I’m saying the Alliance was killed so badly that Anduin is afraid the Alliance will die.

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Dreadmoore: Nathanos talking about how the WAR had depleted their forces.
Dreadmore: It was being surrounded that depleted it. Even though Nathanos didn’t even talk about it/specifically said it was the war so far causing it.
Really the only one who keeps moving the goal post is you.

And I’m saying Lother’mar was also afraid if the Horde was attacked they would be finished. Heck, he didnt even want to talk about it. Which means their forces(and the Forsaken specifically) too heavy loses as well.

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