Forsaken population

Malfurion commands them just like he commands all of nature.
He blew a big ole horn to get a ton of them to permanently delete themselves to (temporarily) kill Archimonde.

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Are there any other cases of violence against wisp?
Is wisp aware of their final death? About their work?

I feel like I’m in the twilight zone after reading that.

Please tell me in what universe are the internment camps not a part of the Alliance history? Talking about ducking and dodging; I’m completely undone :joy: :joy: :joy:

I think the point being made is that pro Alliance posters don’t own up to there favorite faction’s transgressions. This is like an infomercial BUT WAIT THERES MORE! Not only are they denying them they are blaming them on the Forsaken ahahahaha

Forsaken are former living citizen of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Whatever the government decided for the Kingdom is still a part of the Forsaken’s history good bad and ugly. Can the white knighting Pro Alliance posters say the same?

Now that we’re here. I wonder are those same pro Alliance posters that call for Horde name change and or a dismantled Horde calling for the dismantlement of the Alliance and the imprisonment of those current Alliance leaders who we’re voting yes to the camps?

Actually I’m not wondering…


You’re right.
The initial intention consisted in a standard strategy: to find out someone else’s point of view on the question; Distorting the point of view (to formulate some kind of “logic”); attack using “logic”.
Yes. I am a “weak capitalist.”

Peons are silly RTS references with zero thought put into them. They are just dumber sounding Peasants.

Also are we seriously using one locations presumably secret sweat shop as proof slavery is actually much of a thing in all of Silvermoon? I’m pretty sure that place actually is mentioned as gotten busted in the exploration book.

This thread was a mistake.

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It’s good to know you are a troll Shern. I will stop advocating for you in this forum now.

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Participating in this forum in good faith that people actually want light hearded discissions about lore is the mistake.

This forum is filled with low effort content.


The one where horde starts LARPing as said Alliance. At that point they don’t get to just blame us when it’s something we both did. Gotta look at themselves too.


Yes. Thanks.
This is right.


Мне нравится портить мнение о себе? Казалось бы, храни секрет, да забудь о нём. Моральных страданий испытывать не буду. Зачем портить со всеми подряд отношения?
Я пытаюсь надеть новую маску? Перестать слушать “психологию” по радио? Почему бы и нет.

Welcome to the club, buddy!

I don’t think Northgrave or Ainhin are doing much beyond verbal sparring. I wouldn’t take them very seriously in this thread.

You could almost call it RP on the forums, but it’s not quite.

If it is an RP on the forums, think of it like the old guy in a bar lamenting his glorious past while he drinks the present away!


Done with you, бычить.

Thanks for the compliment. Never gonna stop fighting for my stuff.

“I finished talking to you”… Engaging in violent behavior? Bullying?

There should be a noun in there, and not a verb?

The Forsaken are former living citizens of Lordaeron, it is what it is. The Horde can take a class in underwater basket weaving.

It doesn’t make a difference what they do. It will not change facts.

There’s no doubt that the Forsaken at large were citizens of Lordaeron when the rulers decided that the camps were a go. Blaming them for what the rulers decided isn’t the issue.

The issue I often see is the ducking and dodging from pro Alliance posters. My point is “lean a little bit closer because your roses really smell like booboo”

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I will happily put the entirety of the responsibility for the internment camps onto the Alliance. It’s the Horde that resists doing that because they keep insisting on tying the Forsaken to Lordaeron.

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I don’t understand why ya’ll keep feeding Ainhin.


Have you ever talked nonsense? To rave with an enthusiastic face, not to think, to write the first thing that comes to mind? Or do some chicanery, looking for holes in the wording to do harm? But the most juice is when in a fit you come out on a serious topic. The inertia of trolling persists and there is no doubt about its seriousness.

Hm. Is this an alcoholic’s communication trap?