Forsaken population

Well the only one actually living in the concentration camp they forced the orcs into is the Forsaken so at least they have an idea of what the orcs went through living in the Captial City sewer system. That I think is a fair quid pro quo and why the Forsaken have evolved beyond who they were as humans.

Maybe the living refugees of Lordaeron should be made to live in Undercity too, to get a taste of what the orcs went through.

? Capital sewer system was a prison for humans, not an internment camp for orcs.

no, you got your lore wrong.

Undercity was a crypt and sewer system that was converted into a prison for orcs, using Genn Greymane’s money. Jaina visits imprisoned orcs in the Undercity in Arthas: Rise of the Lich King when she visits Arthas in Lordaron for the Wickerman festival. They locked Orc women and children in cages under Capital City not prisoners, even Jaina recounts at the time how inhumane it was, how lifeless the orcs eyes were, like they were absolutely lacking the will to live. That’s some Aucshwitz level stuff.

The Undercity as it is now didn’t exist prior to Lordaeron’s fall. It was constructed by the Scourge as an underground necropolis for Arthas to rule as “King of Lordaeron” from in the Lich King’s name.

The Forsaken chose to (un)live there in Vanilla because it was both more defensible than Capital City, and also because they just plain liked it more than Capital City because it was built for undead.

One of the features of becoming undead is that you like slime rivers and rotting holes and coffins and other features of Halloween Town and actively prefer them over the sorts of environments humans enjoy.

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Still a prison, not an internment camp.

The prison Jaina saw wasn’t the Undercity. It was a different unnamed one.

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I didn’t read that book so I don’t know. But it makes sense.

Originally the Undercity was a much smaller complex of crypts and dungeons underneath the palace. It was a jail, but it wasn’t built for Orcs. The only Orc of note who was imprisoned there was Doomhammer because he was a VIP.


look who is using alt-right talking points now.

this so easily could be argued to be similar to ICE detention facilities where children were kept in cages. Was that just a prison too?

Well, I actually did read the book so…

Yes, what else would it be?

Totally was us but we kissed the orcs and made up so we’re all good now LOL

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How do you define the difference between a prison and a concentration camp?

I don’t really care tbh.

Ainhin you keep poor company. Your friend knows jack all.

That’s true. I don’t pretend otherwise. I just know you don’t get to pin internment camps on the Alliance if you do the Lordaeron LARP at the same time. That’s enough for my simple soul.

Are the conditions in prison better and labor is not compulsory?

Night Elves quite literally enslave their dead to harvest wood from trees.

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Wisp work voluntarily, no?


How does the process of using wisp work?