Forsaken population

haha they all hoped over to their paladins because they could not be more pressed lmao.


It is bad when you start to think that everything human related is more important than every other race all together.

I am a forsaken and a troll fan, yet i also want the goblin and the tauren to have thing. Its start getting bad when you donā€™t realise how lucky you are when blizzard still give you a other zone despite many other race not having one. Its bad when you still consider you as the victim and still think that what you want is more important than what other people who have less want.


Iā€™m Ainhin, and the moment I switched my character portrait you became more of a jerk. What does that say about you?

They are all ok in my book. Like clown faces.


Hahaha. Too real.

named after Daelin Proudmoore too I seeā€¦ oh how the plot thickens.

Do you have another named Garithos?

I feel so validated rn.

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I miss the day when there was enough people on the forum so every time a MHP start being toxic ā€˜ā€˜which they are so otherā€™ā€™, they would just get ban from the forum.

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Iā€™m also a Worgen Druid

Nah, thatā€™s a coincidence. I rolled this guy in BC and wanted Dallin but that was taken so I settled for 1.

I donā€™t know about him, but the history post of Northgarve show that he is a fan of himā€¦

Nah, my Void Elf would probably object to that.


Hmm ā€¦ Is there a mask of the Horde?

Yeah but he got hit hard by the level squish. Havenā€™t really played him since Legion.

no but itā€™s Aihnin has a long history defending Daelin Proudmoore and Garithos as ā€œnot a racist.ā€

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If all the orcs were people of another kingdom, would Daelin behave in the same way or not?

Well you see, they were adhering to stereotypes, and as youā€™ve taken great pains to establish, thereā€™s nothing wrong with that if the stereotypes are true. Right?

calling a racist a racist is not stereotyping. itā€™s stating a fact.

Calling a guy with a male human paladin a MHP isnā€™t stereotyping when he actually has a male human paladin.

Are you insinuating that everyone who plays a ā€œMHPā€ (including myself, even though thatā€™s just one of many characters I play) is a racist?


I mean, this kind of come in the package of being a MHP. Its in their DNA, they canā€™t do other than defending every racist human.

When exactly did playing a wide variety of characters become something that someone should feel ashamed of on this forum?


Uh ā€¦ is it worth calling every Horde with a Forsaken warlock a Sylvanas fan?

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