your history of downplaying sexual assult is sexist.
your history of whitwashing ingame racists as Alliance heroes worthy of having their racism ignored and your history of calling Horde races “savages” is racist.
your history in ignoring the fact that the Forsaken are Lordaeron citizens is ignorant to Forsaken fans. Your history of ignorance is what it is.
the fact that you historically use every single Forsaken/Sylvanas/Lordaeron thread to make the same ignorant points over and over again is why you are called out the way you are.
You are an embodiment of a HMP and it’s not a sterotype you actually are these things.
Then you have the audacity to play the victim like everyone is attacking you for liking human lore.
I should start calling every Horde with a Blood Elf a closeted Alliance fan, given that they also tend to be the most vocal champions of taking things from the Alliance and giving them to the Horde.
Renautus went from being a mostly reasonable poster who I got along with pretty well even though we disagreed about a lot of things to my self proclaimed mortal enemy when they learned I had a Male Human Paladin alt (among my dozen other alts of varying races)
I’m actually unironically shocked at the rapid turnaround.
Read it and understand it but I actually concur with Ainhin on this one. It’s indicative of a stereotype but it’s since been weaponised to invalidate the opinions of people posting on male human paladins. I’ve never really been a fan of that myself, since morons come in all races and classes!
Daelin Proudmoore only had his past experience of orcs to draw upon, and was arguably actually vindicated in that everything he predicted came to pass haha.
Garithos is racist af he hated elves legit because they were elves.
The video game forum is a community. In that community are a diversity of different people with different values, beliefs and priorities. I can assure you that in this space there’s people from a myriad of different countries (I’m an Australian pls save me from Covid lockdown), political beliefs, religious beliefs, and moral standards.
Personally I’m not getting neckbeard vibes from anyone here? To be fair though I’m not an American so maybe I haven’t met enough neckbeards haha! I dunno, I’m totally inexperienced in the ways of the Yanks! All I can tell is that there’s an awful lot of very stubborn people with very obvious biases… but hell I’m probably one of those myself.
Maybe I sound like I’m on a high horse here but try not to make judgements about people’s IRL beliefs, intelligence, and moral character based on how they feel about story arcs in a video game.
It discussed racism, the semantics (?) Of the word genocide, IRL racial biases and their reflection in reality, economics, justifying war crimes, blaming the draenei and night elves for their own death (gaslighting?). Was there toxic masculinity (in the Anduin thread)?
How is toxic femininity different from all this?
With toxic masculinity, it is more or less understandable - violent suppression, forcible achievement of one’s goals, rejection of other points of view.
With toxic femininity … I only have media experience (no experience). Desecration of reputation, manipulation of emotions, denial of other people’s emotions.
Could toxic … equality happen? Do not know. Denying lack of advantage against the background of past advantages?
“Overbearing evil women”? “Vile”? Maybe they are hated because they are “mean”, like all bosses?
Racial bias, personal acquaintance, a sense of personal guilt (“could not keep from destroying Stratholme, so it sailed to Northrend and deteriorated”)?
Are there examples of Sylvanas-like undead (actions, lack of personal acquaintance) that Jaina sympathizes with?
No, just Derrek but he was personally victimized by Sylvanas.
You do make a good point though on how Jaina’s empathy for Arthas is tied to personal guilt. As far as i know Jaina hasn’t shown an ounce of compassion for undead as a whole or even as individuals but it’s largely because I think a lot of the living are in denial or still grieving the Third War to really stop and consider the Forsaken as legitimate victims deserving of empathy.
That’s what I’m hoping comes out of this Shadowlands arc and whatever closure it will bring with Arthas and Sylvanas.
Edwin Vancleef just wanted the people of Westfall who built Stormwind to be fairly paid for their hard labor.
We stan a king who fights for fair pay.
If I could post images I would post my favorite one of Vanessa Vancleef holding a bloodied Alliance flag. Because that’s where my disillusionment with the Alliance started. Grief isn’t an excuse to not to pay people for their labor and they have suffered and still suffer for it.
The great Alliance of Stormwind… has poor farmers in it’s backyard who were cheated by the High King, and his son is no different. Sitting there crying over how much money he has, pretending to be poor and hiding out in a tavern, completely ignoring that the citizens of Westfall have generational trauma and are blowing themselves up trying to make bootleg hooch.
At least the Horde doesn’t have social inequality and issues with rampant poverty.
(oh and if your little jab above about Horde posters secretly being Alliance fans, if that was supposed to be a dig at my alt, an alliance paladin I leveled to 50 last week in several pieces of Alliance pride gear… that’s for my son, he’s 10 and just started playing and I support him and want to encourage him. it’s not a statement outside of deep support for my kid. I still have pretty Anti-Alliance opinions but he’s too young for politics.)