I’m a big boy, I can handle it.
Maybe I should just start posting as an actual MHP because the fact that that was allowed to become a negative term and fester for as long as it has is emblematic of this forums culture.
Apparently, all identities are valid unless your identity is tied to the human paladin archetype, in which case it’s invalid and everyone is free to ridicule it.
No wonder so many people’s brains just straight up break when they’re informed of basic human lore and how it’s centered on Lordaeron. You drove off all the people who would have that knowledge and be eager to share it.
is calling someone a MHP a slur now?
I’ve dealt with a lot of MHP’s in my tenure as a female wow player. A MHP is a guy who has only ever played a human, because “I’m a human, why should I not play a human?” plays a paladin because “Paladin’s are the good guys!” trust me… these types are the biggest white knight, virtue signaling, people in the entire player base.
If you get called a MHP that’s a wake up call that you should probably get yourself in check.
MHP = You are an ignorant, white knight who virtue signals for funsies while usually being condescending to women, or a female player you don’t know is female.
It’s certainly serving the same rhetorical function as one. “Don’t listen to that guy, he’s an MHP”
“Look at those MHP’s, lol, aren’t they so crazy?”
Which is to say attempting to invalidate someone’s agency and beliefs by pointing at their identity and using it as a post-facto justification to ignore everything they say.
I’ve always thought the “MHP” thing was really silly. It’s applied to anyone as an insult for simply being a fan of WoW humans and their lore.
Really it seems the only acceptable way to be a human fan is if you love Stormwind in its current, boring, bland form. Otherwise you need leap through hoops of fire to justify anything else to make their story interesting.
Well … is NEFPA an insult? Formally, nothing like that, the usual classification. But then a stereotype appears and rushed … Probably, MHP is somehow connected with the “fanatical to stupidity paladin” (gazebo).
Of if you get called an MHP it’s because you’re arguing with someone so intellectually lazy and incapable of defending their position that they have to resort to attacking your race/class combo.
You’re doing the “Hey, why can’t I apply stereotypes to people? The stereotypes are true and therefore justify their own use!” thing
When that someone isn’t a male human paladin I guess it is. I mean, why else would you use it otherwise when it’s factually incorrect?
It have become one after so much MHP thread that was all about ‘‘muh lordaeron’’, ‘‘MUh human’’, ‘‘muh light is the best’’.
The poster here fit right into that category. If you look at their past history, it always just about the alliance reclaiming lordaeron or about human. You can even look at how they always ignore every other alliance race and always bring it to human.
Oh and other thing that fall into the MHP meme is that hate for the forsaken and how they should be deleted from the game. Than look at every post from Ainhin at the beginning of that thread.
yeah lol
“Hey, I don’t mean anything when I call someone an MHP, it’s just a basic observation!”
calls a warrior an MHP
read my explanation above on what a MHP means.
Are there any gender-race-class cuts for the Horde?
Gonna start posting on my MHP (who, by the way, I think looks pretty dang cool) just to spite you all.
edit: Wow alt posting is weird. The forum UI really thinks I’m a completely different person. No wonder everyone is so paranoid
We used female blood elf for Sylvanas fans in the good ol’ BfA times on EU forums.
neckbeards usually chose to be a male human paladin. that’s where MHP comes from. It’s not an observation of your racial class combo. it’s an observation of your personality.
It’s a stereotype. The word you’re looking for is “stereotype.”
So why is this particular stereotype okay but not others?
Again i don’t get what’s so bad about being a fan of Humanity? Why is that so unacceptable? And there’s plenty of reasons why Lordaeron is so popular amongst human fans and Alliance fans in general.
From the perspective of a Human/Alliance fan this is reasonable why many would have a dislike of the Forsaken especially after everything that happened during Cataclysm/MOP. When it was one humiliating defeat after another and pretty much every remnant of Alliance Lordaeron was destroyed. Southshore being one of the major ones & then Theramore which was founded by Lordaeron survivors had to get nuked. Apparently because the Alliance needed more reasons to get involved in the war or something.
Yeah that why i could guess that you were a MHP player without seeing your MHP character… It isn’t s stereotype when it is so true.
Yeah I don’t get what’s so unreasonable or even unbelievable about disliking the Forsaken when the Forsaken have been attacking you since their inception. Is this another “victims need to just get over it and never seek justice” thing that the story really 'ought to be trying to move past especially given recent events?
I have a level capped alt of every class of multiple races.
lol and there you have it folks, stereotypes are fine so long as whoever is using it thinks that they’re true.