You can check the account level feats of strength in case you don’t believe me. The Hearthstone/HotS/2018 BlizzCon match.
it’s hard to take people calling other people clowns seriously if that person is hiding behind a sock puppet. Just post on your main.
I would love to. Sadly EU forums my man.
Go back to the EU.
Nope. I’m staying here.
Yeah, can’t have more Alliance posters here, right?
I switched to Alliance in BfA because it had become clear that Blizzard had little to offer the Horde other than the villain bat. When I realized a few months ago that, if the Horde didn’t exist, it would make very little difference to Shadowlands, it has become clear I made the right choice.
Maybe it should be looked into why all Alliance posters on this thread minus you are EU posters. or why they all got banned from the EU forum and came here.
I’m not banned, it’s just dead af. So I’m here for some light-hearted WoW lore fun.
Are you trying to insinuate that being an Alliance fan is some kind of character flaw?
Or did you just use “you’re a low level alt lol” in an attempt to easily discredit someone elses posts but then they showed you receipts and you can’t admit that your accusation was unfounded?
no fam, I know you are not European. We live close to one another my dude.
I don’t see why where someone is IRL matters at all and your immediate reflex to tell Northgrave to “go back to the EU forums” feels like a result of you being uncomfortable that multiple Alliance posters are advocating for their shared interests and you would rather that they go away where you don’t have to see them.
I’m not uncomfortable for that reason. There’s a whole EU discord Erevien’s in that I was in for a while who regularly troll this forum.
Even made a post to prove I’m not banned. That’s how nice I am.
So? Ignore Erevien, he’s been widely regarded as a forum clown for years at this point.
I don’t really care I just don’t think you realize calling people clowns isn’t “light hearted wow lore fun.” You’re trolling.
Geez you weren’t kidding that the EU forums are dead. A topic about the Forsaken only got 40 posts over 8 days. We’d have that pumped out in half an hour here.
I’m not in any WoW discord as of now, you can sleep safe.
Yeah, it’s utterly dead since BfA ended. Nothing to talk about I guess.
If you look at the record, that exchange was the result of a couple of folks calling him an “MHP” (even though he’s a warrior) as a pejorative and using that as an excuse to disregard his posts regardless of their merit. Then you came in and accused him of being a low level troll alt even though he has verifiable evidence that he isn’t in another example of trying to attack his character and ignoring the merit of his posts.
But that isn’t trolling to you? Because he responded to concerted harassment from multiple forum regulars by calling someone a clown?
Harassment that seems to be the result of him simply being new here, and holding positions that deviate from the preferences of this subforum’s Horde majority?