Forsaken population

Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken. Accept that and move on.

the forsaken MUST change themselve…they must, it would be make no sense if the forsaken stay the same…it would be inconsistent with the new position of alliance aswell as the rest of the horde.

I mean, after all this crap happened in bfa and before…it would be absolutyl…braindead if the forsaken can stay the same.


The forsaken will stay the same. They have to if Blizzard doesn’t want to discredit the fans who have sticked with the forsaken ever since. The forsaken are good the way they are. There is no need to change them.

Just practically, it would have to be, the Alliance was in no position to occupy and hold. So they’d need to yield the point.

My guess currently is that they wanted to add to the Forsaken story, give depth where it was missing. Because they realized they had not built out where they were headed.
Which wasn’t done smoothly, or deeply, enough, and resulted in a lot of divergent interpretations of the story data.

It is a weird mistake, adding what is a nuclear stand-in should have reduced peer to peer conflict, not increased it.
And then having conventional weapons cause the effect of super-weapons was just boggle.

We should have both licking their wounds right now, I agree.

None of the Warcraft races are monoliths. You can’t just say all of a certain race is like this or that.
The major concept being portrayed in Before the Storm, with the Forsaken, is that there is individuality in the group that too many decided had none. Anduin’s consideration of Farley is exactly that point, and the exchanges at the Gathering.
Even Genn sees that by the end with his bringing up the two walking away rather than fighting.

You’re supposed to see people, not monsters. That they messed up reiterating that in game, that they got so into Faction War they forgot to push it in game, is on the devs.

The story already sailed the ship of “change”, or did you miss Sylvanas’ eye’s changing? Yet another reason people should expect her to return to Azeroth.

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Do the Forsaken know that the Alliance is not strong enough? I hope for a “stupid situation” when both sides will think the wrong thing, and as a result, Lordaeron will go to someone else before the owners show up.

And since there is a new “peace treaty” … What about Azshara? Or will the Horde continue to lease this land and claim it as their own, even though they violated the terms of the lease, which were already absurdly lenient considering how the Siege of Orgrimmar (1) ended?

Everyone saw the King retreat. Feudal systems would result in the army leaving with the King.
The Forsaken civilians would be the larger group on the ground in the area, they’d know when the enemy force wasn’t there.

But who? The only other real force left would be Scourge. Bolvar recalled what he could to IC. If they had Maw Scourge Stones, why would Zovaal move them that far out?

I do think we should assume the Scourge has run rampant in our absence. No Helm of Domination means the mindless are mindlessly trying to kill.
Those that aren’t mindless are going to go to the Forsaken without the helm. (Save for DKs going to their own sides.)

I’ve not heard of any status change in Azshara. To my knowledge it’s Horde still.

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This post and your preceding ones whining about Horde underrepresentation on the story forums get stacked with nearly 10 likes all from Horde posters while the small handful of Alliance posters can only muster 3 or 4 consistently.

Horde posters are in no way “underrepresented” on this forum, you just read this thread and saw more than one Alliance poster advocating for themselves and were shocked by it because it’s so unusual.

I don’t think it’s in any way a coincidence that it’s typically Horde partisans on these forums that advocate for the status quo. The status quo is stacked in favor of the Horde and it has been since Cataclysm, and ironically the way that it came to be so stacked in favor of the Horde was a massive status quo disruption that cost the Alliance a ton of stuff.

You don’t want to let go of your video game faction privilege. Apparently even the slightest measures taken to redress the faction disparity, even if they take nothing away from the Horde, are unacceptable to you. It’s Horde fragility.



Are we REALLY going here?



If you can think of a better way to refer to the constant Horde pearl-clutching that permeates the forums whenever Alliance fans talk about how they’d like to improve their own faction, I’m all ears.

Seeing me and two other posters talk in this thread about shared human identity and how we’d like to see that better represented in game prompted a surge of whining about how apparently the mere fact that we’re doing that constituted marginalizing the Horde. It’s because it’s gotten to the point where any kind of non-Horde centric discourse is considered anomalous.


Even talking about doing things in Redridge or something to better represent human identity caused stuff like

As though these people are genuinely concerned about the sanctity of Alliance RP communities.


I’ve come to this forum fairly recently (as I’d previously pretty much only posted on the Wyrmrest Accord realm forums) and what I see exhaustingly often is both Alliance and Horde players digging really hard into unfair, absurdly partisan positions in order to get what they consider to be “fair” when it really isn’t.

We have here over 600 posts arguing alternately about whether the humans deserve Lordaeronian identity or whether the Forsaken deserve Lordaeronian identity when the obvious reality is that both do.

There is no faction privilege from a story perspective. Gameplay-wise? Absolutely - Alliance is getting it rough at the moment. But from a story standpoint , the Horde and Alliance both continue to get shafted in different ways. The Horde gets consistently hit with a villain bat they never asked for, and the Alliance have become almost entirely reactive to Horde goings on, with little focus on their own development. It sucks, on both sides.

And ultimately that’s the reason people, on both sides, are digging their heels in. Both sides feel treated unfairly, and when we’re discussing the story we start taking out our frustrations on each other, and frankly it’s leading to a quite toxic environment.


Who would have thought that dividing the community into two isolated camps and encouraging them to hate each other would lead to toxicity?

But frankly, the Alliance being the faction that’s doing far worse right now is indisputable and you only need to look at the active player population between the factions to see it. There are a lot of fundamental reasons for this and, yes, it includes lore reasons.

Both by way of identity factoring in to which faction someone might prefer (and you can get both factions identities by being Horde, whereas you don’t even get Alliance identity if you play Alliance) and in terms of the inertia of more people being exposed to Horde content over Alliance content.

I appreciate that you at least have come to the conclusion that the Alliance has just as strong a claim to Lordaeron as the Forsaken do because you take an interest in both factions, but as the Horde becomes the more and more dominant faction in the game, the more the Horde interpretation of the lore is going to come to dominate the game’s culture as well, and the fact that human fans need to constantly defend and even justify their own existence is a sign that this cultural domination is already here.

We can’t even sincerely talk about what we like about our faction or what we’d like to see from it in the future without a gaggle of posters descending to explain how actually our interests and attachments are wrong because they don’t conform to the Horde’s internally agreed upon metanarrative.


Probably have something to do with alliance player being done to see their favourite race getting shaft so human can get more… Maybe you would get more like if what you proposed would be good for the whole alliance and not just for the race that already overshadow all other alliance race. It isn’t you against the horde, its you against the horde and every other race that isn’t human…

Acknowledging the objective reality that is the Alliance’s strong historical, cultural, political, and demographic connections to the Kingdom of Lordaeron is not giving any race “the shaft” unless the foundation of your in-game racial identity is about ensuring that the Alliance’s historical identity is never acknowledged.

In which case it’s your in-game identity that’s toxic, not mine. If your racial identity is so fragile that you can’t handle another race acknowledging its own.

I had to come to terms with the Forsaken doing the “people of Lordaeron” bit ages ago even though I strongly felt that infringed on my in-game identity. Maybe it’s time for you to learn to do the same thing.


Focusing on the most favourite race and giving them more zone while other race don’t even have one? Stop trying to talk on the behalf of the alliance while you only talk on the behalf of the human.

Gnome gain nothing about fighting for lordaeron
Worgen get nothing out of it either.
Nightelf also get nothing out of it.
Same goes for draenei and panderan.
Only dwarf might give a single crap about it.

You aren’t helping the alliance with it, you only make the human potential meme even worst. Everytime blizzard focus on human instead of other alliance race, many alliance people just get even more done about the story. NE and worgen player already seem to have left for the most part.

If blizzard wasn’t so focus to give the human a warfront and a new zone while worgen,gnome and NE were still homeless, maybe the alliance wouldn’t be so dead on this forum. Instead all that left about the alliance is HE fan on the GD and some zealot MHP here.


Don’t listen to him. He is a fanatic who has this wer Fantasy about Lordaeron turning blue again. Which is obviously not going to happen since Lordaeron always belonged to the Horde.

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Nice to see you still clownin’.


To be fair though, there used to be a lot more Alliance posters here but most of them quit in disgust.

Says something interesting about the current status quo, I think, that Horde players advocate it being sacrosanct while Alliance players quit or switch to Horde.


But did you notice how few horde players post here now? That’s the real tragedy.

who are you and why are you hiding behind a level 20 alt?

Show us your true face.