Forsaken population

not if undercity get a overwork…like hyjal would need one.

maybe undercity, yeah…but with better textures and such stuff.

but i don´t think so, blizzard don´t like to much capitals…they prefer orgrimmar and stormwind and fixate on them…all other parts are…irrelevant.


The Forsaken might not even be numerous enough at this point to even populate the Undercity.

numbers don´t matter in this game…so…they will be enough to populate undercity.

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I don’t think the Undead or Night Elves should simply retake/regrow Teldrassil & Undercity. If everyone just retakes/rebuilds the exact same things they lost in BFA that would be an incredibly lame & boring return to the status quo.

For the Night Elves, Hyjal being their new capitol is far more interesting and they have a strong historical connection to that place. It can give them a fresh start to build a new city and a new story direction. Simply regrowing Teldrassil would be the most boring route they could take. Especially since Teldrassil wasn’t even their capitol in the first place. It wasnt even a thing during WC3. Hyjal and the history there make for a better story going forward serving as the Night Elves new home.

Same thing for the Forsaken really. Though the situation here in the Northern EK is pretty difference. Capitol City is a plagued mess, but even if you discount that and can say the Forsaken Control Tirisfal, the Alliance made significant gains in Lordaeron. The Alliance won the Arathi Warfront. I’m pretty sure it was built upon in Shadows Rising reaffirming the Alliance’s victory there mentioning Danath as the King of Stromgarde. As well as the Alliance Rebuilding Southshore & taking Shadowfang Keep. Not sure if that was in the book but pretty sure it was mentioned somewhere recently.


It was mentioned in Exploring Eastern Kingdoms. Shadowfang is held by Bloodfang worgen who are described as only Alliance-leaning and almost feral afaik, but Southshore is being cleansed and rebuild by the Alliance proper.


Quoting this for posterity.


Forsaken aren’t a dying race any more than anyone else. If there is a realistic candidate for extinction, it would have to be humans.

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Species capable of reproducing generally have better staying power than species that can’t.

Even when Forsaken DO reproduce, they require living, specifically human, hosts in order to do so. So even if you’re right and humans are the realistic candidate for extinction, that means the Forsaken are even worse off because the Forsaken are essentially viruses that require living humans in order to perpetuate themselves.

Although even in that case, the Forsaken aren’t even a very good virus because the viruses that proliferate the most effectively aren’t the ones that are the most deadly, since killing their host means they can’t reproduce anymore.

There has not been enough time in wows story for reproduction to have any impact. Every battlefield is a potential source of new recruits for the undead. The dead vastly outnumber the living in Azeroth and that number has only ever been on the increase.

Ah okay. I would still consider that Alliance then. Even if their allegiance to the Bloodfang is a little rocky. If only because they were fighting alongside the Alliance in Darkshore as recently as BFA. Would still be awesome to see that as some kinda hub though in a world revamp as a worgen town/city/hold.

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Nah, Forsaken go full Resident Evil and deadify people with unholy science. Screw the naaru and Calia’s perfect complexion.

Off topic slightly, but this is true for everyone but Orcs, weirdly enough. Orcs are fully grown, mentally and physically, by age 12 (a very odd quirk that hasn’t been retconned) and have large families that stay large because Azeroth is much less hostile than Draenor. One Orc woman Saurfang speaks with in A Good War mentions she has eight kids, and though he’s surprised by this, one can assume others have similar.

So if anything, it’s going to be a population arms race between Orcs and Undead, if such a thing was ever truly addressed in the narrative.


This seems like another “the fans put more thought into this than the writers” situation.

Remember how it was stated in Legion that the dragons are also on the extinction clock because they can’t breed anymore?

Contemplating orcs breeding and breeding cycles can get messy. Tolkien had them spawning in breeding pits which had boggled my mind until peter jackson gave cleared it up. Other games I’ve seen they are spawned from a gigantic slug like female, or alternatively they have a very short gestation period and give birth to litters with only the strong surviving.

This is WoW, they have set lore when it comes to how they populate. That lore just so happens to be… weird, honestly. They’re the only race (living race) that doesn’t mature mentally and physically at the same rate as humans. It actually lends a measure of credence to how Garrosh was able to gain support from all those Orcs, even if it was retconned later to be only a small portion of the Orc population. A large portion of adult Orcs at the time had likely been born on Azeroth and likely had never experienced the horrors the Old Horde inflicted on Orc identity.

It’s honestly very strange to contemplate that an Orc born in the First War could be a grandparent now.


I second this motion haha. Honestly I’d love to see the Forsaken cling more strongly to their Lordaeronian origins, while learning how to better cope with undeath.


Unfortunately, Blizzard has proven time and again there is only equity if the Alliance loses something, not if they gain something.

Horde main character dies or leaves the Horde? No Alliance character does.

Alliance main character dies heroically to save the Alliance? Horde character gets chumped by a nameless npc to poison that the troll racial would defeat, damning the entire Horde to Sylvanas/Zovaal.

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The shadowland are direct responsible for the death of the lordaeron people. They already disrupt the life and death circle by being blind to the death of living people by shadowland force. It would be 100% fitting that they decide to help the forsaken since they weren’t suppose to die first.

Letting the forsaken dying would me that they let a event that disrupted the life and death circle disrupting it even more.

Don’t the forsaken want to die off? In the novel with Calia, those minor character forsaken seemed to not want anyone else to suffer as they have.

(Forgot the name of the book, one before BFA I believe).

Distort the wording.

Should Shadowlands help the Forsaken? Oh, they will help, oh yes, they will help! Primus will be convinced of the irrevocable death of each of the Forsaken, Kirestia will personally transfer each of the Forsaken to the Archon, only the heads of Revendreth will correct the sins of the Forsaken. Ardenveld, alas, cannot help. Can the afterlife be more luxurious when you are being personally attended by the leaders of the Covenant?

Why should Shadowlands only help the Forsaken? Why not everyone who has suffered at the hands of the Lich King? Nerubians? After all, the nerubians were the first to suffer at the hands of the Lich King, weren’t they?

If the Shadowlands decide to kill all the Forsaken, then the Forsaken must side with the Jailer (or stop helping the Covenant). Did I understand you correctly?

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