Forsaken population

Which goes into my point:

The Primus teaches them how to be better people, in reparations for his arrogance in thinking the chains he placed on Zovaal were eternal and unbreakable.

It is, after all, the Primus’s fault the Forsaken exist. If he hadn’t simply chained up Zovaal and left him to his own devices, checking up on him only recently because he realized his Necromancy and Domination Magic had made it to reality, escaping both Maldraxxus and the Maw, none of this would’ve happened.

And so a way to take responsibility for a race of people he inadverdently caused while also allowing the damned a second chance, would be for the Primus to help the Forsaken grow as a race, give them a new purpose, etc.

Nope, because the Primus would make Lordaeron your Capital City the new House of the Forsaken :slight_smile: auxillary station of his forces on Azeroth :slight_smile:

and the Alliance would surely not dare challenge the Primus in this regard

You are never getting Lordaeron.


Either way, my money is on Night Elves being mass rez’d and Teldrassil restored by the Winter Queen before the expansion is over, because *vague gestures to everything *.

It would only be right and just for the Primus to clean up Undercity and help the Forsaken.


The Primus is not going to screw the Living, the Lords of Life, and his fellow Lords of Death to stop the Forsaken’s inevitable, terminal decline and disappearance from a world where they aren’t supposed to be anyway.

If he even tried to do that he would be no better than Zovaal and it’d probably earn him a loot table.

Alas, the Forsaken must continue existing because gameplay demands it, and the Exploring EK book has thoroughly affirmed Alliance has not kept north Lordaeron, nor wants it.

The question is whether the lore team has the grit to do anything to justify that or whether, like with everything else, they’ll brush Horde lore under the rug while Night Elves get mass rez’d and their tree restored by the Winter Queen.


If the Winter Queen mass rezes the Night Elves and restores their tree, then the Primus must restore Undercity and help the Forsaken.

It is right and just and undoes the most ridiculous parts of BFA.


They’ll continue existing until WoW dies. They’re in no danger of disappearing overnight. But in a few decades? A few centuries? They will die out. Nobody alive today will be there to see them die out, but they will.

This is far beyond the purview of WoW anyway. You’re trying to fix a problem that doesn’t exist.

Aren’t you yourself on record as saying that the Alliance probably controls everything but Tirisfal and Northern Silverpine? Including the Plaguelands?

Why is it “Responsibility” for the inappropriate creation of the Forsaken to maintain them, not destroy them?

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Especially since from his perspective, killing all the Forsaken wouldn’t even be killing them, it’d be untethering their souls to be directed to proper afterlives, like what was supposed to happen when they initially died.

Nah if Night Elves get mass rez’d and their tree restored, which you know is coming because “muh renewal” and “Elune’s mysterious plans for the Night Elves”, then the narrative demands balance.

And if the writers choose not to balance that Night Elf plot with anything Horde-side regarding Undercity and the Forsaken, then that just confirms for many Horde players (again) what Blizzards intent is.

So, simply put.

Should Blizzard pull Chekhov’s Gun with the Night Elves and the Winter Queen, then they must confront the parallel gun with the Forsaken and the Primus.

Yup, and the chokepoints are the Bulwark and the Speulchre/Shadowfang Keep battlegrounds.


Why can only Forsaken counterbalance the night elves? Why not trolls with Bwomsandi and Vol’jin?


I don’t think that this is going to happen though.

I can’t dismiss the potential that it will happen because this is WoW and stuff being incredibly dumb and lame is a common feature in it’s lore, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.

I definitely don’t think it SHOULD happen. The Night Elves don’t deserve a mass rez any more than any other victims deserve mass rezzes.

Yet you know in your heart of hearts it’s coming. “Muh Night Elf Renewal” + Grove of Awakening reviving the dead + Winter Queen is Elune’s sister + Elune’s favorite children in the whole cosmos are the Azerothian Night Elves.

Same way Kel’Thuzad always served the Jailer all along.

Same way the Dreadlords were also always serving Denathrius/Zovaal all along, even in corrupting Sargeras.

Same way the Dreadlords have now even taken responsibility for Argus as of 9.1, when not a single Dreadlord featured in the story of the corruption of Argus previously.

I mean really.

  1. It is likely they are going to mass rez the Night Elves via the Winter Queen.
  2. It is likely they are going to restore Teldrassil via the Winter Queen.
  3. It is fitting to then restore Undercity and help the Forsaken via the Primus.

If they don’t, then lol, a clear message to the Horde playerbase.

Same way:

  1. It is increasingly likely next expansion will be Lifelands
  2. If it increasingly likely that Elune will thus be the central figure of Lifelands Expansion.
  3. Given Elune is the central figure of the Lifelands expansion, we will likely see a lot of Malfurion and Tyrande, and they’ll probably be the Neutral Characters a la Bolvar/Khadgar.
  4. It is fitting then to also have An’she appear and have Muln Earthfury or Hamuul Runetotem or Wardruid Loti or Vol’jin play an important role.

And if they don’t, and Lifelands it’s just Elune and Night Elf wonderland, then lol, another clear message to the Horde playerbase.

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Oh yeah, like…Theramore was restored? Right?

I don´t think teldrassil will ever come back, they will most likely rebuild their society arround mt hyjal and mt hyjal will be redesigned to reflect this change.

Blizzard don´t even know if ever get the Night elfs and forsaken a Capital back…they even have not choose to show action in this regard, why are you thinking renew happened in an instant and not over many many houndreds of years, i mean, nightelves have enough time…no one ever said this reneewal happened directly thereafter…it could be simple like a favor of the wq for all time for the night elves and elune even protect them more carefully now…we don´t know …on which timespan this renewal works.

i don´t think, in reggard HOW the night elf stuff was deliefered over the years, that this renewal will be anything POSITIVE; most of the time night elf content…still sucks and is written in a way that is against them (Remember: Elune, Remember Tyrande…Remember entire BFA, remember Cata)

The night elfs can´t get a real win without a BIG BUT…

And the worst of the worst of this…player like you…argue this is only fair because “The horde don´t get this”

The horde get other stoff…their own unique staff…no one want a copy past…with different names…i never wanted a “life land-Pantheon” …or pantheons of every force…never. i wanted uniqueness…i expect uniqueness…and not the crap blizzard delievered over the last 5 years-


Kul Tirans aren’t the cosmic favorite children of the possible ruler of the Pantheon of Life whose sister in the Shadowlands controls the only magical mass-resurrection portal for mortal souls of great Life magic power, where Jaina Proudmoore was told by aforementioned Pantheon of Life member that they must choose “renewal” and they have a “future purpose” relating to this renewal within the land that contains the magical mass-resurrection portal.

Far from a Chekhov’s Gun, it’s Chekhov’s Bazooka.

And if it doesn’t go off, lmao

What happens to unwanted children in myths?

but life don´t work like a bazooka…life works …differently. Not the fireblast of an mage is the power of life…not the big supernova spell of destruction is life…but that no matter what you do, life will find a way, it will thrive and return even to places where you THINK it should be impossible. But its need time…the power of life is…that its ever growing, ever adapting…and never stay still.

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Zahir what the diddly damn are you talking about.

We’re talking about narrative foreshadowing and direction.

The night elves were expected to attack the orcs for revenge, no? “Eternal” enemies in the neighborhood, something like that. Right?

Plus, “Blizzard is disappointing.”

me², but we don´t know how this will pay off…Reneval…could take a few centurys, a few millenias, we talk about immortal beings…we DON`T know how this will end…we only know…tyrande had to choose Reneval…and so ardenwaeld was saved through elunes tear.

Either way… YOU don´t know how this will work, and how much time it will need.

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I think that the Night Elves are going to get a brand new capital in Hyjal, and if the Forsaken just get Undercity back then Horde will complain that they didn’t get a cool brand new capital.

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