I think i mentioned this further up in the thread but i also remember when this list of thinks Alliance players weren’t allowed to ask for includes Stromgarde & Kul Tiras. Many saying Stromgarde needs to be a Forsaken Kingdom & Kul Tiras should be neutral or destroyed.
Then there was all the stuff going on prior to Legion with Turalyon and Alleria. Demanding they be neutral or Alleria splits from him to join the Blood Elves & the Horde.
I remember that too. It was on the heels of Dalaran and the Argent Crusade’s neutrality. Blizzard created a precedent where basically all Alliance lore content “needed” to be accessible to the Horde in the eyes of Horde players, either via neutrality or outright Horde exclusivity.
And now in 2021 with the Alliance in such dire straits as a playable faction I really think that hollowing out of the Alliance for the sake of Horde accessibility is one of the reasons for it.
One of the biggest reasons that many players have for choosing one faction or the other, the lore, is no longer a question because by playing Horde you effectively get access to both factions narrative identity, whereas if you play Alliance you don’t get squat.
Even when Blizzard deigns to give the Alliance stuff they make sure to shave part of it off for the Horde, usually via the Forsaken.
Gilneas rejoins the Alliance? Give the Horde some undead Gilneans. Night Elves? Time to give the Horde some undead Sentinels so that they can have a connection to Night Elf lore too.
Kul’tiras rejoins the Alliance and becomes the Alliance centerpiece for an entire expansion? Better give the Horde a Proudmoore.
It’s parasitic is what it is. Even when really terrible things happen to the Alliance the Alliance can’t even properly identify with those tragedies, because the Horde sweeps up the victims and claims them for itself, leading to mind-numbingly stupid crap like tragedies that the Horde caused being treated as tragedies with Horde victims.
The Argents while i did love them in the past really are a thorn in the side of the Alliance too. Because for a LONG time they stripped the Alliance of its Human Paladin culture. And any semblance of “Human Lordaeron” was given to them as it was hollowed out from the Alliance. Sure it was nice Tirion talked down slightly to Thrall and Garrosh but it wasn’t enough imo. If the Argents were to be the main neutral faction in WOTLK Tirion should have been Thrall style neutral. I always thought an interesting dynamic in the crusade would have Tirion representign the Human/Alliance and Etrigg (who he has a historical connection to) having a more prominent role co leading the Argent’s efforts in Northrend alongside him. Thus giving the Horde some representation without making Tirion blindly neutral. Which ruined any interest i had in the Crusade Post WOTLK.
Dalaran is so annoying to me because for whatever reason Blizz keeps flip flopping their allegiance. There’s no need for them to do that when they have Horde Mages. Like in WOD, Khadgar may have been Marked as an Alliance character but he most certainly wasn’t. He was blindly neutral only making a one off comment about Orgrimmar’s sacking. Khadgar should ahve been the main Alliance guy and the Horde if they needed a mage should have had Rommath.
Remember in Cataclysm, the expansion about updating old zones, and the sole update that Arathi got was all of Stromgarde’s people including its leader being killed and raised as Horde NPC’s?
That was so disappointing. Especially since there was “supposed” to be proper updates for Stromgarde and Alterac. Then Danath, the man next in line to King was left in Outland for like a decade doing meaningless paperwork or something.
Well Blizzard admitted they did horde content first and didn’t have enough time to finish the Alliance one. That’s how horde got 100 quests in Azshara and voiced Silverpine Forest while we got… CSI Westfall.
It’s no coincidence Cataclysm was what started the great decline of Alliance’s playerbase.
Ainhin: The Alliance must win all the time every time. If the Alliance ever loses, it’s Horde bias. In a fair game, the Alliance would never lose, and constantly defeat the Horde at any and every opportunity.
or, I guess more succinctly,
Ainhin: The Horde should never win.
I just referenced how Blizzard gave the Horde lands because we had fewer questing zones, but they still let the Alliance win in the narrative anyway. So one of the very few times we actually eke out a victory, and it’s Horde bias.
Play classic, horde actually has easier time reaching 60 because:
a) their bases are at much more convenient places
b) they have more lvl 40+ quests than Alliance, check Hinterlands if you wanna see some “bias”
Stormwind is right next to Blackrock mountain.
Alliance’s attunements are easier and shorter.
You can’t mount in Undercity’s courtyard, muchless Undercity itself. EVERY Horde city boss in the game has a back door that leads directly to them except for Cairne, I guess. He has three routes of attack.
Stormwind’s GY run for Horde is the longest graveyard in the game to this hecking day.*
*Actually it’s dying in the Tram.
During levelling. There’s a reason Method’s world first race clown troupe all went horde. Easier access to Scarlet Monastery, direct portal to Gnomeregan, and just compare Grom’gol to Rebel Camp or Mojache to old Feathermoon. There’s even an ancient Blizz interview where they said they did horde bases second and just dumped them somewhere in the zone, which led to them being placed more conveniently.
This is well known to anyone who tried any WoW levelling speed-running. Just quoting a guide:
As from someone who managed to level up characters on both sides of Azeroth - Horde is far better when it comes both to Leveling and Convenience hands down. There are roughly 11% more quests for the Horde, and these quests are more conveniently placed, more condensed around the Barrens (which is the best location for efficient leveling). The Barrens area has multiple quests, that will quickly get you through early levels. There are lots of zeppelins around that will allow you to transport to the most important locations quickly. And objectives are often very close to them.
If the same player hops on two sides - Alliance and Horde, with the same class, RNG, the most optimal questing + grinding path, it will be considerably faster on Horde’s side. And it will be especially fast when playing as Undead since their racials and starting locations and the main city are great for grinding and leveling. Forsaken can just save a lot of time through their Cannibalize.
The Alliance is slightly less convenient and more time-consuming. Fly-paths are less common and lead to locations that are not really as valuable as those on the Horde’s side. The good thing about Alliance when it comes to leveling is that it’s more linear and smooth. You got to the one location, do the quests, grind a little, and then you proceed further and further into more interesting locations. As for the Horde - leveling is quite patchy, you go into one location, proceed to the next, then come back to the previous one. There’s lots of going back and forth, and some players might not like that, but it’s much more efficient, since you don’t have to fish for quests, as they are already on your plate.
To say nothing of the middle levels where pretty much the only viable way to consistently level was the Scarlet Monastery Train, which could only be accessed by going to Southshore and then travelling either through 2 Horde zones and past a Horde capital or via the Plaguelands which was 20 levels higher than you
And people wonder why Theramore and Southshore held such strong sentimental value to Alliance players
Hinterlands is the real meme zone. Horde has triple lvl 40+ quests there when compared to the Alliance and they even reward good gear, to the point the trinket for hunters is at the same level as drops from lvl 60 dungeons.
It’s okay though, Cataclysm rectified the Alliance bias by destroying both major transit hubs linking the Alliance to Central Kalimdor and Western Lordaeron
At least Alliance players got a new one in Andorhal oh wait we lost that flight point because the Horde conquered it in what I’m pretty sure is the only circumstance in the game’s history where players were actively punished for completing a questline.