Forsaken population

Meanwhile Alliance players demand that Night Elves have sole ownership of Ashenvale, which is the zone at the backdoor to the most powerful Horde city on the planet.

The greed is palpable.


Well I don’t. I think Ashenvale should remain contested, hell I’d have nothing against forsaken still having stuff in Hillsbrad even if big Southshore exists there. I said it before:

As much as i agree that this is the feeling we get on the forum, it is to be say that most of those poster, the MHP one, whould gladly trade any other alliance race zone or city just so they can get more human territory or even blood elf city.

I still think that the worst enemy for the alliance player are the human and the high elf that don’t care at all about diversity and just care about human and high elf.

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See, Night Elves say “We get nelf land and you can keep EK.”
MHP say “keep Kalimdor, you don’t get to have EK.”
There’s no winning. The Horde bleeds lands and heroes while the Alliance has an embarrassment of riches in both.


No one out of us 4-5 pro-Alliance posters in this thread is a paladin and I’m the only male human in that group. Keep on clownin’.


Maybe if blizzard would stop to…make the zones contested where allianceplayer are told to call their home (Ashenvale as most likely the most famous example)…then maybe…we could stop talking about it.

I mean…it would be the same as …would be Tirisfal contested…Teldrassil? Huuh…before it was destroyed it was not such an…important place for many night elf players…Ashenvale had allways an much higher value for the night elf fans.

(because its known from wc3 and especialy the nightelf com is a very wc3 based com, means that many people fell in love with them in wc3…and were disapointed in wow from this race and their shown performance.


OK. We take the citizens of the Alliance, set up a settlement in Azshara, demand the eviction of Orgrimmar to Durotar, since now the Horde is very close to the Alliance city.

Yeah cause that level 20 of yours is clearly your main. Ainhin is 100% a MHP. No need to post on one to be one.

See? This right here is greed at the utmost.
Ashenvale’s status as contested was mandated and correct because the Alliance overwhelmingly had more lands to do quests in than the Horde did.
They didn’t have to give you that win at all. They gave you the win anyway.
But it was not enough.
Nothing will ever be enough.


Is this greed - the desire to keep what is yours, when you are asked to give it away, using only threats?
The Alliance is the boy in this gif.

And that is our problem? If Blizzard had wanted to correct it they could have just invented new lands for the Horde(they do this all time)

My personally hope is the Alliance just retakes Lordearon, it withdraws from Northrend and the Forsaken just takes the place. Make either Naxx or Icecrown their new capital. Bonus, the Horde could try and help Zul’drak rebuild.

We can spend the next decade or so continuing to fight each other or Blizzard can try and give both sides a relatively peaceful solution to our problems.

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What’s next? How does this cancel out the fact that the Horde’s primary primary method of extracting resources and territories is violent, and only then, when the Horde begins to beat itself, it switches to diplomacy in order to save what it has won?

So what about the eviction of Orgrimmar to Durotar?

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Yeah, it is.

Won’t ever happen. Lordaeron is not Stormwind’s, it’s the Forsaken’s.

I play a DK and don’t have any other character at 60.

If it is our problem it will end up being your problem as well.

It belong to its people. and as it so happen the current leader of Stormwind also happens to be from Lordearon.



GREED?! XD Don´t make me laugh!

Greed to want the second most iconic night elf zone?

  1. MT Hyjal
  2. Ashenvale

All other are…almost no ones in terms of popularity.

Alliance asking for things they were promised and not getting them: Greed

Horde asking for Alliance things and actually getting them: Fair


I like how a short while ago it was “The Alliance can’t have X because it would take things away from a Horde race” and now that we’re starting to discuss options that don’t take anything away from the Horde it’s become “The Alliance can’t have X because the Horde wouldn’t also get X”

It’s like for some players, their problem is the idea that Alliance players might be happy with their own faction.