Yeah, it’s an Alliance symbol. That’s my point for the last 100 posts. I’m glad we agree.
There is really no talking with them right?
Zerde: Lordaeron human are playable!!! Horde poster make it about a symbol contest!!!
Northgrave: I started the Symbol argument!!! Nothing to do with them being playable!!!
Maybe if you really tried to follow the thread you are posting on, you would get why me and dread ended up in a symbol discussion or a playable one…
And you will have to live with the fact that forsaken did retake Lordaeron back in the EK book as much as you will have to live with the fact that Calia is part of the story like it or not.
Kind of hypocrite to start denying her claim now that she isn’t part of your faction. The horde always denied her claim because she was denied by the people of Lordaeron ( forsaken) but if those people are ready to take her back, then yeah she do have authority since they allow her to.
Yeah, that’s why I’m like
Nobody: “yay so much rich canon lore from a Lordaeron symbol on a BG map”
Me: Originally part of the Scourge, the Forsaken broke free from the Lich King’s domination in a moment of weakness. Led by their queen, Sylvanas Windrunner, the formerly living residents of Lordaeron quickly claimed the fallen Kingdom for their own." - UVG
Me: Those who currently inhabit Lordaeron lived there in life. The Forsaken are the true heirs. - Calia BtS
Me: “If any of the Forsaken do recognize me, it will give me the chance to show that bear no ill will,” “That I have no desire to run them out of the place that’s been their home for so long. I want them to stay there. I want them to be safe” - - Calia BtS
There is much more throughout the different WoW universe platforms, and trust me I would much rather have rich lore connecting my favorite race directly to the Kingdom of Lordaeron because of recent citizenship and 1st hand experiences than a symbol on a battle ground map.
But I mean whatever floats boats I guess.
I guess really the bottom line is Stormwind sucks and getting absorbed into Stormwind sucks and paying taxes to Stormwind sucks, Invading Lordaeron as a Stormwind soldier would suck so on and so forth.
I have the EK book, no one has retake Lordearon. In fact Shaw ends his Tirisfal report with him waxing about hoping to one day see Tirisfal be filled with green grass and trees again.
That may have been North’s intent but clearly that isnt what happen. Dread has been trying to find every excuse he can to discount the connection Lordearon and Stormwind has. In fact:
Stormwind, crowned. murdered… a tombstone by the lighthouse. Folks from Stormwind came from Lordearon originally, right? =Flynn
And while Flynn only got it half right, even he knows the connection of the two. And it seem like the original survivors of Lordearon can be considered Stormwind citizens as well now. There are things call dual citizenship.
Speaking as a Forsaken, I’d rather die again than be a citizen of Stormwind, dual or otherwise.
The conversation is about human fans being frustrated that the core of their identity has been more overtly punted over to the Forsaken which leaves humans feeling like bankrupt shadows of what made human fans identify with them so much.
The reason the past 200 posts happened is because we’ve been forced (mostly by one particular imbecile that more people should have on ignore) to defend even the mere concept that Lordaeron formed a core part of our identity at any point. Humans suck so hard in WoW that the validity of even identifying with human lore as a human player is subject to scrutiny.
All the quibbling about Lordaeron symbols and whatnot is less about saying “this proves that we have the dominant Lordaeron representation in game” and more about demonstrating that there’s any foundation for human players to have a Lordaeron identity at all.
My point is that the fact that we need to do this at all speaks to how badly human fans have gotten screwed in WoW, particularly Cata and onwards. What was once an indisputable part of our identity and one of the key aspects that attracted people to play humans has been so thoroughly hollowed out that we’re reduced to pointing to battleground heraldry to remind people that any connection exists at all.
Just an FYI I only half agree with what you state. I don’t mind Stormwind(anymore) and I actually like it now. Sure I hated how the human didn’t start in Lordearon but Stormwind does a few things slightly better then Lordearon. It is effectively a “jack of all trade” which fits the whole versatile human theme. It has portions of everything that made the 7 kingdoms great.
It has a navy(Kul Tiras’ specialty) mages(Dalaran’s specialty) a Cathedral district(Lordearon’s speciality), a relatively powerful industry(Dwarven district/Gilneas’ Specialty) and a militant population(Stromgarde’s speciality) heck, it even has a mountainous region(Alterac’s domain).
One way that pan-human identity could be better represented in-game is simply by capitalizing on Stormwind’s status as a melting pot for all seven kingdoms, and perhaps have it reflected with ethnic enclaves in the city itself or by refugees building “New Lordaeron” somewhere near Stormwind, although thanks to the Argents reclaiming the Plaguelands might now be viable.
Recognizing and building off of human identity in WoW doesn’t need to involve taking anything away from the Horde at all, but Blizzard won’t even do that.
Maybe he wouldn’t have if we didn’t always have people claiming that the most favoured race should take even more and how the most favoured race are being destroy to the horde even if the playable race are doing very well… And seeing how you keep liking those post, it is kind of obvious that you made this thread in order to just discredit the forsaken even more.
Horde player can’t be mad that alliance player want to crap even more on one of their core race who was already crap as hell in bfa.
But the alliance player can be mad the the most favoured race in the game can’t have a second capital and a other zone even if they are already the race that have the most…
You are whining about your ‘‘old important zone’’ to a faction which nearly every core race lost their ancestral land except blood elf and forsaken, which of course you wish we wouldn’t have…
Personally I think that Redridge has a lot of potential since it’s well suited for settlement but almost everything outside of Lakeshire is still wilderness.
Have a bunch of Lordaeron refugees be granted Stonewatch Keep for instance, and have them build “New Lordaeron” there with Capital City’s architecture and aesthetic. Build a new version of Lordaeron Palace for a new King of Lordaeron as appointed by the refugees to sit.
Or since we’ve retaken Hillsbrad, fortify that zone into a new capital region for a revived Kingdom of Lordaeron. Or do what Sarestra proposes and have the Plaguelands form the basis of that with Stratholme as its new capital.
This is what should happen imo. Rebuild Southshore, connect it to Stromgarde and Gilneas by land and to Kul Tiras/Stormwind by sea and fly Lordaeron and double headed gryphon flags there just to remind greenskins and co. it’s not that easy to be rid of the Alliance.
Yeah, honestly so long as humanity resettles and fortifies on a large scale nearby with the explicit statement of “we consider ourselves the Kingdom of Lordaeron and are its political and cultural heirs” I’d be fine with the Forsaken keeping Tirisfal in its entirety, especially given that as of BfA the Alliance demonstrated that even without nearby fortifications they have the power to remove the Forsaken from the continent by force if they so desire.
The Argents are basically already doing this in the Plaguelands too which makes their insipid neutrality all the more obnoxious.
Yeah, I said it before, give me Southshore, some cool Lordaeron transmog and Lordaeron warhorse and I’m satisfied as a human fan.
The effort to deny the significance of the Lordaeron Symbol on the Alliance reminds me of those who try to deny any aspect of of Alliance High Elves by trying to say the Silver Covenant is a neutral faction.
I think you have done a beautiful job tying in the history and the intermingling of specifically Lordaeron and Stormwind together throughout the years, unfortunately it has been a train wreck with the continuation of the story by way of living refugees who fled to Stormwind. I can understand the frustration.
You’re really into cosmetics, music, symbolism and such, but that’s never really been my cup of tea but its nice to know that at least one person at Blizzard gets it. Honestly I’m looking forward to the future of Lordaeron with Calia, Faol, Turalyon, Voss, Helcular, Barov, and a slew of other people that were actually former citizens.
As much as I enjoy the Garroshs, Sylvanas’ Thralls and Vol’jins telling me how Lordaeron the Forsaken are there’s is nothing like actually former citizens taking on that mantle and getting some development. So its not just been a cringe Varian, cringe Anduin thing, the Horde gets it from time to time but I think the difference is there a direct connection with a lot of Forsaken characters to Lordaeron that the Alliance lacks. I think we are getting there(wherever that may be) slowly but surely. We can’t deny that Alliance have gotten some pretty cool additions since the days of old.
You just reminded me of the Barov brothers. I hope that conflict continues in the future, it’s one of my favorite small quest arcs.
One idea i had was a massive overhaul of Southshore now that it’s been retaken. Rather than just being a fishing village make it a foritfied city to serve as the acting capitol of Alliance Lordaeron.
It’d need a better name than Southshore though if it’s going to get really big. Maybe something for Terenas?
That could work. Either Terenas or some other notable Lordaeron hero i think would be nice.