Forsaken population

Are we literally counting Lordaeron symbols, for why! lol

I spy one, did I win?


The entitlement of the people who play the most favourite race of Wow is just insane. The playable human are the one that had it better out of any other race in the game and yet they try to look like victim.

At the end of the day, no matter how head canon or rping they want to claim that they lordaeron human are a playable race, the real canon and every fact claim the the playable human are from stormwind. Its been since WC3 and Vanilla that the real Lordaeron lore have not been delete, but evolved into the playable forsaken lore.

As someone else above said, Lordaeron was only one of the human kingdom and wasn’t even the main one in Wow. Saying that the human playable race are getting shaft because of it would be like saying that the whole orc lore is getting shaft only because we don’t have more shadowmoon clan relevance.

The lordaeron lore isn’t getting shaft, it evolved into the forsaken one.
The playable human lore isn’t getting shaft as Stormwind is doing pretty well.

In a game where many race can not even have one city or one zone, whining about the human who have the most city and territory of all the playable race is just insane. Go back to play WC2 if you want everything to be about those boring human.


I wasn’t counting so much as just trying to see if it’d been used by the Forsaken.
Homeboy had implied it hadn’t.

It isn’t alliance symbol, its lordaeron symbol and the lordaeran people are withing the horde. The alliance symbol is a lion since ages.

That was before they gave forsaken the mask symbol I think. Probably realized that still having old Alliance symbols is dumb.

Dreadmoore already posted an explanation for it in this thread.

Just checked, I must sadly inform you that Lordaeron L appears next to every Alliance npc still.

No, it wasn’t. PVP gear was halfway to late through vanilla.
and I just provided proof that the Forsaken used the Lordaeron symbol in Cataclysm.

No horde player ever encountered it as much as an Alliance one tho.

You mean those who left their kingdom and live as Stormwind people? The horde are the one who have the most lordaeron people while being the only lordaeron people to live in lordaeron in all Wow life time.

Speaking of moving goal, wasn’t one of the main argument not long ago was that Calia was the true leader of Lordaeron and since she was one the alliance side, that meant that the alliance owned Lordaeron?

What about it now that Calia is ‘‘unfortunately’’ a horde leader and she declared that the forsaken owned it?

The Scourge has the most Lordaerons. No?

yeah, that’s the long and short of it.

Ok so alliance encountered a ‘‘L’’ beside npc is more important than horde player literally having Lordaeron city and Lordaeron people playable for 16years+…

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Yeah, it’s an Alliance symbol, you have the mask.

No Alliance player has encountered Lordaeron as much as the the Forsaken have, though.


Read my post again, friend.

I’m not against forsaken being in Lordearon. Hell I think most zones should be contested, I hate the idea of half a continent being just one faction’s, it makes for a boring game.

Just like horde using an Alliance symbol we have since W2 would.

The Alliance isn’t owed Lordaeron.
Stormwind doesn’t hold any sway over Lordaeron.
Stormwind doesn’t have any ownership of Lordaeron.


We have Southshore now in lore. And as far as the gameplay goes we encounter the Lordaeron symbol on a daily basis.

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How’d you put it?
“They’re squatting in destroyed ruins.”

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Another epic get pal. We still have it and in case Blizzard will ever decide to reflect it in the game, there will be npcs with Lordaeron symbol next to their heads.

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