Forsaken population


Just checked, the L is still there even after that post. Sad!


Is posting a neutral quest-giver in a neutral hub supposed to be an argument? You are not very bright, are you?



The L is still there even after this post my man.

In the newest content it isn’t.
You said it was on every npc.
You’re wrong.

Every npc that’s marked as my faction yeah. Jaina in Korthia surprisingly isn’t, when both factions do a quest with her.

So, to be clear, you made the statement that the Alliance had been given more Lordaeron symbols in BFA than the Forsaken.
When I proved that wrong by showing that the only two Lordaeron symbols that the Alliance had were on ballistae, you moved the goalposts to “The Horde must have Lordaeron symbols on ballistae, or it doesn’t count.”
When I explained that was moving the goalposts, you said “NPCs have the Lordaeron symbol, which has been in the game since vanilla.”

You just keep moving the goalposts, brother.
Not a great look.

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Indeed you epically owned me. Sadly Blizzard still didn’t get the memo and almost every npc in Stormwind has the L next to their portrait.

All NPCs to Stormwind’s NPCs.
Over a banner that was chosen before Metzen had finished writing Warcraft 3.

Still there tho.

And the forsaken admiral is still wearing the Scourge tabard.

Thanks for summing this current discussion up.

In any case I don’t see the point. Someone stuck on Lordaeron symbol on an Alliance ballista, big whoop. Is there an underlying point that am missing??

Like do I count the amount of Lordaeron symbols on Calia’s dress to prove what exactly(lawl)? She is literally THE Lordaeron symbol and I’m feel like I’m missing something here.

With no Lordaeron L in sight I presume?

“They made the Alliance symbol the Lordaeron symbol before Metzen finished writing Warcraft 3, ergo the Alliance owns Lordaeron.”
is his point.

:musical_note: Just looked at my wrist. I got time today:musical_note:

Turns out I was wrong.
Forsaken did use the Lordaeron symbol in vanilla.

That’s not my point at all though. I don’t want Alliance Lordaeron. I literally posted this in this thread:

I just think Horde using Alliance symbols is dumb.

amendment: Cataclysm, not vanilla. I don’t have classic installed. No idea if it’s there in vaniller.