Never you mind that the Horde loses THREE Racial Leader characters in BFA.
The Alliance loses 0.
But best believe when Varian had to die, we had to lose Vol’jin for parity in the most humiliatingly pointless way possible, with him being fooled by Sylvanas while Varian goes out yelling FOR THE ALLIANCE and soloing a raid boss monster.
When Saurfang dies, he isn’t even allowed to yell For the Horde IMMEDIATELY AFTER SYLVANAS SAYS THE HORDE IS NOTHING.
Man, Zahirwrite, if this is what you think bias is, I’d hate to see what you think hate is.
Well, he´s the only racial leader directly and pointedly deemed useless by a God tier entity.
The fact the devs didn´t even tried to fight this notion leaving him in 9.1.5 to “defend Oribos” says everything we need to know.
Wrong dear, BfA was the background for current metaplot, that ended up being about who, again?
YES, Blanduin!!!. Only too late we learned it wasn´t even about Sylvanas, it was about Blanduin managing to convert the most hardcore objective he had until now -an angry Banshee with real issues and a chip on the shoulder the size of the Sun-. Cause that “coincidence” that makes her act decent only thanks to his preaching is the same BS that ruined Saurfang and Varian and Genn and Velen and a whole army of characters.
Anduin IS the real problem. EVERYTHING in this story ends up being about him ALWAYS, so freaking tired of having to deal with this BS even while playing the faction that should authomatically protect me from this, smh.
Time and Winning are you metrik…i talked about Focus in the Meta-narrative, are you really so blinded by your own bias that you don´t get the REAL Plot of this Addon, bfa?
“Wins” WINS?"
What big win have the Alliance got that is even CLOSE To the devastating lose of the war of thorns?
Also wake me up when Blizzard has to state who the Alliance’s racial leaders are on twitter because they specifically never write any Alliance storylines so that the players can know who their new leaders are when the old ones die.
Sylvanas 400000d Cheese and Horde (Saurfang Story), yeah, right…the metaplot was both…"Horde soulfinding adventure and preparation for the current story. But both characters were Horde and both characters get the spotlight.
Jaina, you could argue aswell…but after the battle dazar’alor she disapeared and returned in the end before the gates of Orgrimmar.
I wanna brew on this for a second:
Zahirwrite states that MoP is a Horde focus expansion, BUT WE DIDN’T LEARN WHO THE ORCISH RACIAL LEADER WAS FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR, and we found out on Twitter.
Thats not the entire reason nathanos is called his self insert into the story
THIS Tweets are also the reason aswell:
And atleast the model change from this=>
Its not an "on event alone was enough to be called his self insert, it was about a range of 2 years a lot of tweets…changes of nathanos …(i mean, they even admitted to use danusers face to create his new model face…XD) and so on, after all this happened, nathanos was his self insert.
I repeat: everything nonsensical (cause nothing made sense in BfA starting by regular fire burning a freaking LIVING tree full of druids that can control Nature magic) that happened in BfA only happened so we could travel to meet “the Jailor”. Who basically chose Anduin as his fav for the lols, and whose power is inconsistent regarding this same issue (he´s OP enough to overpower the Primus but somehow weak and fool enough for Anduin to overpower and cheat).
Give me a break. This game´s lore is TRASH not because of Horde leaders getting villain batted in the way you guys don´t want (cause you don´t care over how inane is the writting behind those lost character, you only care your faction was portrayed in a more dominant way while at it, period), but because Blanduin´s BS has permeated everything so hazardously even Gods end up playing by his schemes. The whole narrative ALWAYS ends up being about “How right is Anduin” an “how can we help Anduin” and “how much better we could be if we were more similar to Anduin”.
I still like this character and I don’t think it makes any difference to his character. He’s always been the same just not physically.
I think ingame Nathanos is a babe. So * shrugs *
Dansuer seems like a pretty cool dude himself, a little nerdy and seems kind. but I imagine every guy in this forum is a bit nerdy and probably self inserts as (insert any male fictional character here) so pot meet kettle.
As a woman I don’t see why it’s so threatening for a hot girl to be attracted to a conventionally unattractive guy, but this really rubs people the wrong way for some reason and its always guys. Girls can be out here like “we like dad bods and dorky guys” and other guys will be like “eww”
I think it’s funny if Dansuer did self insert as Nathanos, because then he also wrote other characters reacting to himself as ugly. So good for him for having the ability to poke fun at himself.
I have never any good hope for anduin…he was since MOP a problem in this story…since he got attention he was annoying…so kill him off for good aswell as sylvanas and be done with this plot…(jail or kill the jailer aswell…and bye bye shadowlands, what you have still problems shadowlands? Not my problem ,bye!)
Nathanos is awesome.
His character’s only change thus far is that he questioned Sylvanas three times.
He’s always been abrasive to the Horde player character.
He’s always been condescending.
Anyone who thinks he’s a self insert for Danuser is a Class-Five™️.
Pff, not even killing him will save us from the latent menace his existence implies (this expac was basically a “being dead doesn´t count trololol!!”). He needs the Med´an treatment a.k.a. to get 404´ed.
The one you are focused on was lost before there was a WoW.
It is not “tearing up Humans” for the Forsaken to have some of the territory, and history, the games already posited.
The developers did what they did with the story. So, as I said in another thread:
You appear under the mistaken impression that Blizzard made WoW so Humans could conquer their enemies and regain their former glory.
They didn’t.
The transition to soap-opera storytelling has left both Factions lacking development. It’s not just Alliance that’s having trouble.
The Alliance has a ton of chocolate, it just never eats it.
House of Lords
Defias Brotherhood
Fifth Legion or whatever the rip off of Vader’s bois is named.
Whatever Shaw’s spies are called.
Knights of the Silver Hand
etc, etc, etc.
Four at best. And two of them are unrelated to playable humans at this point.
We had Southshore, an actual remnant of Lordaeron using the two-headed gryphon tabard, for over 6 years.
Yeah, forsaken should start celebrating the defeat of the horde in the 2nd war and placing of the orcs in internment camps. Could be a new event instead of Hallow’s End.
Blizzard sold human players entirely on a narrative about reclaiming their former glory. It’s right there on their character select screen and it was the driving force behind the human narrative from vanilla through to WotLK
It is when absolutely all of that history has been moved to the Forsaken, especially now that Horde players have determined that humans getting some of it back is “tearing apart the Forsaken” when they didn’t seem to care about it being moved to the Forsaken in the first place.
The Forsaken robbed the Alliance of the bulk of its heritage and when Alliance fans ask for it back they’re treated as unfairly marginalizing the Forsaken.
“Blizzard sold human players entirely on a narrative about reclaiming their former glory.”
Meanwhile Redridge, Westfall and Duskwood are literally dumps full of poor people just trying to survive enemy encroachment and really only Elwynn Forest is thriving. I honestly feel bad for you that you thought that Stormwind was in a position of power to reclaim anything after Lordaeron fell.