Forsaken population

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

How about YOU take the actual adult choice and put me on ignore, oh sensitive one?

ItĀ“s less rude than telling people to ā€œshut their trapsā€ because you canĀ“t stand their argumentsā€¦ just saying.

Sure Zerde, Sylvanas becoming the most disgusting example of mysoginistic writting thanks to the writers using her previous development to make an ā€œabused woman becomes the abuser cause God forbids she has the strenght to healā€ is certainly ā€œminorā€ to rando NPC nobodies getting portrayed as the saddest innocent victims ever.

WC3 happened basically 20 years ago, it is time for you to cope and move on. Cause as far as IĀ“m concerned, the ā€œsurvivorsā€ of Lordaeron donĀ“t deserve to get anything when they were only too happy to run away and stay hidden under StormwindĀ“s petticoat until the Forsaken -the actual victims- fixed the Scourge problem by themselves.

This is a Middle Ages scenario, I bet to you it wasnĀ“t the peasants the ones that escaped to the safety of Elwynā€¦ it was the nobles.

Excuse me MaĀ“am, but I havenĀ“t mentioned Nathanos anywhere above. Heck, Nathanos is as much of a victim of bad writting as Sylvanas, HE should had been the actual racial leader replacement instead of Lilian ā€œI had to get an extreme makeover in regards to characterizationā€ Voss. And the less we mention the actual self insert (Calia), the better.

Nathanos was great, I liked him cause he for once wasnĀ“t a character willing to kiss my characterĀ“s butt by default. His snark was refreshing.

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The first suggestion of a potential romance between Sylvanas and Nathanos was in In the Shadows of the Sun. Written byā€¦ a woman named Sarah Pine in 2007.

Steve Danuser was hired by Blizzard in 2016.

How could this character who was added in Classic be a self insert of a dev who joined the team eight years after his addition to the lore?

Iā€™m just so tired of this dumb arguement.

Iā€™m tired of defending female characters in general.

WoD coddled too much and too hard some members of the playerbase, nowadays if they donĀ“t have Gods and Racial Leaders kissing their toonĀ“s feet they ā€œfeel hurtā€.

When I mentioned Sueism, I was making a reference to Anduin (heĀ“s a by-the-book Purity Sue).

Sure it is.
Anduin is one.

before Danuser: Nathanos wasā€¦irrelevantā€¦a nobrainer charā€¦like 105876576389567383 ncs elseā€¦after Danuser joiningā€¦nathanos was build up :wink:

Thatā€™s not true at all. Nathanos was a fan favorite character even then as both a Forsaken quest giver at first and then the undead hunter trainer in Undercity post Cata. Heā€™s always been the same, except maybe now heā€™s less rotten.

His quest to retrieve the Registry of Quelthalas back in vanilla was the first time it was hinted he has some kind of a relationship with Sylvanas he tells you not to read the book on penalty of death and you read it and itā€™s just her letter to (presumably the Conclave of Silvermoon) defending his promotion to Ranger Lord. Just because it wasnā€™t a mainstream until Legion doesnā€™t mean it never existed.

In the Shadows of the Sun doubled down on this by Pine suggesting that they were secretly lovers, and notes that they never denied those accusations. There was a lot to speculate about even pre-WoLK.


Nathanos didnā€™t act any differently under Danuser than he did in vanilla.


Alliance players are so used to the Horde getting absolutely no content, that when they get any content at all Alliance players scream ā€œDEV SELF INSERT.ā€

Were Nathaniel a self insert, Tyrande would be dead right now and the setting would be better for it.


fanā€¦favorite andā€¦dev favorite is a big difference. That is exactly what i meanā€¦he was a fan favorite, i agree, but before danuser joined the company, he wasnĀ“t even used since Classic.

Tell me, are you kidding me? The one faction WITH no real Content for themselve is the alliance faction, the horde gotā€¦BFA, Cata and MOP :wink: as their Content, really their faction and characterroster was in focus ā€¦butā€¦the alliance as a faction getā€¦when exactly focus?

Horde. Every expansion is written intrinsically and specifically only for the Alliance. Legion? No Horde content until the expansion ended and Nightborne were added to the Horde.

The Alliance wins absolutely non stop the entire expansion after the War of Thorns. Everything wrong the Alliance did was retconned, and Blizzard didnā€™t even put in the effort to change what Rexxar had to say about Jaina.
Speaking of whomst, Jaina solos the entire Horde and it is later confirmed in Shadowlands Ardenwealdā€™s play that Jaina could have killed the entire Horde present were she so inclined.

Jaina, Anduin, Bolvar, and Tyrande are the only stars. The night elves are hard retconned to force night elf content where it did not belong. Forsaken are hard dropped from the only plot related to them, so that life bound Elune worshiping night elves, Anduin, and Jaina can be the stars.

AND THE OTHER SIDE IS NOT A REALM. Itā€™s a demi realm of Ardenweald. Word of God from Ion. Bwonsamdi is completely subservient to the Night Elf Winter Queen and you can completely skip Bwonsamdiā€™s story if you want.

ā€œb-but treng thrall i-ā€
Thrall sat on his butt for the entirety of the first patch. Later, heā€™s told to remain in Oribos to protect it off screen while Alliance Bolvar and Alliance Jaina go to do the real plot.
Then Thrall just repeats the same five sentences with his mom about leadership.
Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s all he does.

tl;dr: Youā€™re wrong.


funny you should say thatā€¦

Legion was originally planned to come after WoLK but the art team really struggled in pre-production with the graphics at the time to render The Emerald Dream. They showed the in development panel at some Blizzcon I donā€™t remember now, but they said that with the technology they had in 2008-2009 they didnā€™t feel comfortable releasing Legion as a finished idea so they took the idea of the Emerald Dream and the Legion and those plot threads got put on the back burner until they had better systems essentially. So instead they focused on MoP, Cata was a filler between WoLK and Mop and WoD was the filler between MoP and Legion.

Cata and WoD were filler expansions. They said that this gave them more time to focus on the much bigger lore expansions of MoP and legion without having a 6-8 year gap for production and for better graphics. They said if they released Legion on 2010 it would have just been a ā€œdifferent colour forest that already exists in gameā€ and the Emerald dream had to be bigger in scope than that. I think it was in the World of Warcraft art book not a Blizzcon panel.

While is seems like Nathanos and even Sylvanasā€™s stories were pushed to the sidelines. if Legion had been originally released like it was supposed to they would have had more focus because Legion essentially picks up after Edge of Night with Sylvanasā€™s personal quest to gain more Valkyr.

MOP? Without Alliance you would notice no difference (remember: Robocat XD)
Cata: The metaplot was without alliance possible (Thrall one man show)
Bfa: It was Sylvanas 400000000d Cheeseā€¦nothing elese.

no, not b-but Treng!

Trengā€¦you are simple WRONG:ā€¦and so bliended by bias, you didnĀ“t even notice it :wink:

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Thats not entireliy right, emerald Dream was noticed as an expansion on their ownā€¦later part of it was used for the nightmare and Dream-parts in legion, but the dlcĀ“list you talk about here, showed after wotlk not legion as a addon. Soā€¦sorry to disapoint youā€¦but here your source are simply wrong.

(The part of the Dreams later used, you could visit beforeā€¦on any private server if you want toā€¦because this parts are long introduced in the gameā€¦since classicā€¦the emerald Dream part was never released, but since classic in the game files. )

MoP ended in 2014.

Thrall saved the world. Heā€™s the only time in all of Warcraft that a Horde character does it.
MoP ended in 2012.

tldr;: Zahirwrite complains about expansions that are almost a decade old to hide from the fact that heā€™s wrong about the pastā€¦ when did Legion launch?
checks notes
Five years.


You are right and I did say it was just the Emerald dream they had planned but that turned into a fleshed out Legion expansion. We are only given glimspes into the Blizzardā€™s development processes.

Should I mention the whole Baine fiasco or will you do it?


I didnā€™t mention it because Baine might as well be Alliance.

that doesnĀ“t change anything, we got what we got, and before Danuser Joined and liked Nathanosā€¦(he even made an picture of its ownā€¦as nathanosā€¦but that was actually something i liked) nathanos was aā€¦Nonusedā€¦NSC since Classic, he was absolutly ā€¦irrelevant for absolutly anything in the game and arround the forsaken.

Thats the reason it was a fan-Favorite, but never a devfavorite until danuser joined

Is your only metrik Time, thenā€¦congratulation ā€¦BFA was only 2 years ago andā€¦was an addon with hordefocus, hordestory, warchief-storyā€¦expect Kulā€™Tiras the entire Metaplot wasā€¦Horde.

so, whats your problem?

Oh yeah, thats the only character with problem in this entire game in terms of Presentation? DonĀ“t make me laugh Ariel.

Man, and Ainhin accused me to pulling chess pieces out of my pocket.
BFA had horde focus, as villains for the heroic Alliance to defeat.
Saurfang admits the Horde player is wrong for playing the Horde to Anduin in Duskwallow Marsh.
Sylvanas states the Horde is nothing and is revealed to have never been faithful to it, just constantly using it for her own various ends.

Lie more, Zahirwrite.
Itā€™s your reputation youā€™re torpedoing, not mine.


thatā€™s not what happened at all.

He tweeted ā€œitā€™s like looking in a Dark Mirrorā€ about his story titled Dark Mirror with a normal selfie of himself. He did not at any point post as picture of himself as Nathanos.

That self insert rumor was started by the Sylvania fandom and it spread to Reddit, all because a handful of diehard terfs didnā€™t want Sylvanas being written by a man and some vitrolic lesbians were like ā€œa man near my fave. never!ā€ They even tried to create slander out of nothing.