Forsaken population

It feels like Ainhin just runs around telling lies all the time.
Would someone really do that?
Just go on the World of Warcraft Story Forums and tell lies?

  1. Thrall didnt know about it. It is why it is called underground arenas.
  2. The enslaved potentially becoming slavers themselves has always been one those ironic twist Blizzard like to add. Namely that people can become some of the very things they were fighting for.
  3. The assumption is that the various positive elemental/natural forces are available to everyone and that no one has a monopoly on them. Heck, the previously light specific theme of the Alliance are now part of the Horde as well.

Why would former slaves have slaves Zerde

It has only been used for Orcs, this is a nonsense argument

Lo’gosh isn’t his name, it’s Goldrinn. Lo’gosh is the Tauren name for Goldrinn that Orcs simply happen to use. And they applied it subsequently to Varian, a character that to the player reads as White Man™.

Could’ve just used Goldrinn! But no, not ~exotique~ enough.

It’s completely absurd.


It’s okay to admit the Varian story is ridiculous and would’ve made more sense to borrow from Arthurian legends to develop him given the BUCKET LOAD of Arthurian basis of Human Lore in general.

It’s like pulling teeth with you people to recognize the Alliance-side of the story is dumb as hell because the writers like using y’all to villain bat the Horde every damn time.

The writers suck! We all know this! And given the lawsuit and what we now know, a lot of our suspicions were right all along!


God it’s even more ridiculous when you remember that the Arathi tribe was led to Strom’s location by a magical wolf.

Maybe it was Goldrinn! And Goldrinn just shows favor on Varian as Goldrinn because Magical Human Destiny Arthurian Magic!!!

But no, Varian is the “avatar” of the Wild God while in a slave ring run by former slaves using not the Wild God’s real name but the Native American Tauren name for the Wild God, so you have Local White Man King with Tauren Name Avatar Alter Ego

Even using that ridiculous “inside me are two wolves” meme.


In Reg’har case, money. It is ultimately a “if you can’t beat the system, join it and be top boss”.

Goblins apparently enslave trolls.

Goldrinn is just the most famous name but for all intent and purposes his other names are valid in the sense that I think he would be ok if he got addressed as Lo’gosh.

There was a story reason they used goldrinn, namely that Varian ended first hearing about his story from the Taurens and not the night elves.

Or people are allowed to MIX cultures. That we are not solely suppose to build story from our cultures but should be free to use stories from other cultures/mix it with our own and they in turn should be allowed to take our stories and mix it with them.

Some of the writers were horrible people, but that doesnt mean all of the things they wrote were bad. Heck, Rowling is an awful person but you can’t deny she made a popular and generally speaking good books.

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No actually, basing an entire story on the most ridiculous iteration of “White savior of native americans” compounded with “inside me are two wolves” but actually is dumb as hell


He didn’t save any native american/native american inspired people(unless you count the night elves) he saved his own people.

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The ridiculous iteration is the self-referential use of “Lo’gosh” vis-a-vis “inside me are two wolves” meme

It is ridiculous you feel compelled to defend this nonsense crap story dude.


I don’t know why you guys are bringing up Varian having a rip-off of Thrall’s story since it’s not even in the same universe as how bankrupt human lore has become as a result of the Forsaken co-opting the collective narrative of the entire human race as built up since the beginning of the franchise

This isn’t even just my opinion at this point. In this very thread Horde posters who are constantly advocating the Forsaken’s connection to the historical human narrative are simultaneously making the accurate observation that human lore as it stands right now freaking sucks, is boring, and feels disconnected from the universe at large


Because it wasn’t that bad. And it is again proof that the various people of Warcraft are not actually as different as well all like to think. Thrall learned from the humans and was better for it. Varian learned from his stint as a gladiator and even managed to befriend Reg’har.

Because the writers failed to use any of the Arthurian/Tolkien basis of the race after setting the stage.

Literally an entire setting with “uther” and a “Forddragon” and a “Lordain” and etc etc etc and most they managed to do is “What if King Arthur/Sword in the Stone, but evil” with Arthas and then nothing ever again for twenty years

how have the writing team managed to keep their jobs?!

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God and what’s worse is they’re trying to build an entire cosmology on an ankle-deep narrative because they objectively failed to do any meaningful world building for the cosmology and histories of the peoples therein in twenty years.

Because apparently nobody in the development team thought during the peak of WoW that "Hey maybe we should actually establish an elaborate internal cosmology, it seems like we’re doing well and maybe we need to create more lore and history to use for the future, and slowly introduce this history via expansions/questlines, cuz what we got is gonna last us maybe 10-15 years tops"

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To be fair “What if King Arthur but evil” was pretty freaking good and was the chief draw to the franchise for a lot of people

But it doesn’t matter because they gave that to the Forsaken. You get more human lore exposure playing Horde than you do by playing a Human, certainly you get more exposure to all the interesting bits that everyone was most attracted to.


I sort of forgot to repond to this.

While I would have preferred high elves from the very start I don’t particularly mind the void elves and I am curious to see what happens to them in the future. As it is they make an excellent dichotomy to the blood elves who are now bathed in light. With the whole light and dark being both required I could see a future where those two opposite elements and the opposite ideology of the two races be forced to unite.

As it is the Alliance has over the years been forced to deal with darker powers and be forced to find the balance. Heck, this started even back in BC when the Alliance had to content with the fact that monsterous looking draenei were not actually evil. Then followed though in Cata by the worgens addition.

Minus the lightforged draenei/pandaren every race added to the Alliance thus far has had darker streaks to them.(dark irons, void elves, mechagnomes, all former enemies/power the Alliance rejected)

Is Liadrin equal in lore relevancy to Turalyon or Alleria?

Is Natalie Seline equal in lore relevancy to Turalyon or Alleria?

Because you know with all this cosmic crap, they’re building a roster of “Cosmic Force Power Rangers”

Try to make a list right now of Alliance and Horde characters. Do Alliance then Horde. And tell me that the names you fill in for each cosmic force are equally developed or centered by the Writers.


As lore fans we like to assume that we’re the only enlightened few who pay any attention to lore at all but the truth is that most players pay at least superficial attention to it, and I guarantee that without the one-two combo that was TBC giving the Horde High Elves and Cataclysm making Lordaeron the Forsaken identity the Alliance as a faction would not be in the dire straits that it’s in now in terms of how widely played it is.

Losing Quel’thalas and especially Lordaeron to the Horde damaged the foundations of Alliance identity at a fundamental level that I don’t think many people around here can appreciate, unless they’ve been playing Alliance since Vanilla and were able to observe the Alliance deflating in real time over the course of this game’s history.


You assume Blizzard wont build up new/current Horde characters. Alleria had nothing to do with the void until Legion and all it took was a quest chain to link her to it. Similarly, Turaylon trumps Liadrin in lore relevance for one simple reason. Seniority, Turaylon is older then her meta wise and thus had had years for him to gain legendary status.

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A lot of posts saved for posterity in this thread.
Yes, Ainhin, Cataclysm was when Lordaeron was allotted to the Forsaken, whom – I remind you – are the only descendants of Lordaeron that players can play.

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Why, in the name of Saint Carlos Acutis’s Gamer Chair, would I reasonably expect Blizzard would do this if they’ve failed to use Baine this entire expansion?

Why would I reasonably expect Blizzard to do this given the ambiguity and lack of clarity of Vol’jin’s arc?

Why would I reasonably expect Blizzard to do this if they’ve under-used Thrall (forced to bring him out of retirement because they realized everyone else on the Horde roster isn’t relevant) and under-used every other Horde-side character that has cosmic relevance (Liadrin, Natalie Seline, Talanji, Rommath, etc etc etc)?


Because Blizzard ultimately will give lore to both factions. What that lore will entail is anyone guess.

Don’t force me to drag the whole “devs let players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out.” As it is right now, if a player wanted to play a decendant of a Lordearon he just has to play a human character. It actually quite reasonable to assume a Stormwind human can have a parent/parents that was from Lordearon.

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