Forsaken Hallow's End

Can we please stop with the Alliance should take Lordaeron, screw the forsaken and forsaken players obsession? Y’all are disturbing with how single minded you are about this one thing thats never going to happen


Can the Troll fans stop with the “All land is Troll Land” obsession too?


Well…yeah. That’s also hella annoying

The Alliance took Lordaeron for like a minute during the onset of the Fourth War, but then relinquished it to the Forsaken and ceded Tirisfal Glades, but took over much of Silverpine and Southshore/Hillsbrad Hills as part of their victory. The Alliance book discussing Eastern Kingdoms confirmed this. The Undead do have what remains of Lordaeron the city, but much of the country is now held by Gilneas/Stormwind/Argent Crusade.

In the book it was a resounding victory in Stormgarde that allowed the resettling and rebuilding of the Arathi nation. The Alliance proceeded to take Southshore with huge swaths of the Hillsbrad Foothills. Gilneas took Silverpine forest as recompense. Argent Crusade keeps the Plaguelands. All the Forsaken keep is parts of northern Hillsbrad Foothills and Tirisfal Glades as well as the entry to Tirisfal in the Bulwark and Silverpine Forest. The Alliance won what they wanted except for the capitol city. Did we all forget the Eastern Kingdoms book? Mathias Shaw even wrote about it.


Gilneans didn’t take anything. It was the Bloodfang pack that took Fenris Isle and Shadowfang Keep….but you know, details amiright?


Bloodfang Pack is part of the Gilneas coalition. So the Worgen through Ivar Bloodfang gained these new territories. I’m not disagreeing, but overall the Alliance won what they wanted. We got most of it all and made an exception to Lordaeron city. I think right now all that is needed in game is a formalized treaty and ideally an open relationship with humans/high,blood,void elves/worgen/dwarves/undead as the vested parties on the continent of Lordaeron. As a formalized treatise on what will be acceptable moving forward.

Calia being the chief bridge between the Forsaken and the humans can possibly foster a tenious peace that can become something more. Though I doubt either side will make it easy.


The Bloodfang Pack, founding members of the notorious non-Gilnean faction, the Gilneas Liberation Front


It was created by Darius Crowley…who’s gilnean…Ivar is not gilnean, he’s a kaldorei worgen……but again…pesky details keep getting in the way

Where did you get this? This is the first I’ve heard of this assertion. As far as I can tell Ivar Bloodfang didn’t appear until Cataclysm as part of the Gilneas Liberation Front.


It appears he’s not kaldorei who turned worgen that was another person. Ivar is just a Worgen likely former human.


It’s basic common knowledge of worgen lore. Ivar had nothing to do with the Liberation front being formed. Darius and his daughter founded it when they were freeing Gilneas from the forsaken.

So…please if your going talk about worgen lore, at least brush up on it, you’re talking to a worgen super fan here.

Indulge me. Where do we see that Ivar Bloodfang isn’t Gilnean?

He was part of the Wolfcult that originally assaulted Gilneas with Alpha Prime…as he was already a worgen at that point. Wouldn’t make sense if he was gilnean

I understand that, but Ivar Bloodfang is ruler of Shadowfang Keep in the name of Gilneas and the Alliance. He’s the protector of it’s artifacts. We know from the book that the Alliance won pretty much everything they wanted. Does it matter if he’s formerly of Gilneas or not? He now represents their interests as so far as we know. Idk why there needs to be a distinction? Anyways, the Forsaken need to broker a formal peace and that’s my initial point especially since they lost so much and can ill afford to anger their neighbors. The bloodfang especially…


I don’t see anything in his background to indicate that he personally was part of the Wolfcult, and even if he was, that doesn’t preclude him being Gilnean. Looking at the Wolf Cult’s ranks on WoWpedia I can see two confirmed Gilnean humans already. The whole reason Alpha Prime went to Gilneas in the first place was to convert humans into his cult.

To say nothing of the fact that Worgen are created by a curse that spreads and infects people either willingly or unwillingly. Ivar Bloodfang didn’t need to have any association with Alpha Prime at all to eventually fall under his control because that was the case for most of his followers.

If this sounds familiar it’s because it’s close to the circumstances surrounding the birth of the Forsaken, whom you insist are Lordaeronians.


Alpha Prime was following the Scythe of Elune actually. The gilneans didn’t realize it was being stored in a old elven/abandoned area that was literally in their backyard. Converting the humans was just an added bonus.

Sylvanas wanted it when she heard about it being stored there, it’s why she sent her Dark Rangers to the abandoned house there to retrieve it

Fair enough, but the fact remains that it doesn’t indicate that Ivar Bloodfang is a Kaldorei. Everything about his behavior, from his alliance with Crowley to his hatred of the Forsaken, suggests that he’s Gilnean.

Given his name and his position it seems more likely that after Alpha Prime’s fall and the Wolfcult’s demise, he took control of the feral worgen that were under its control and reformed it under his own leadership.

He dubbed them the Forsaken Bloodfang and then started to pursue a campaign of vengeance against those he felt wronged him, such as Arthas Sylvanas


He hates the forsaken because they’re undead and he loathes the tactics they use in battle. Nothing suggests he’s gilnean at all. Ivar has raging hatred for all undead, it’s why he went to Darkshore in the Fourth War….just to pick a fight with them.

That’s not indicative of him being a Kaldorei though, and the argument that it isn’t explicitly stated anywhere what his specific nationality is and therefore he isn’t representative of any particular nationality can be applied to most minor characters in the game.


Him potentially not being Kaldorei doesnt make him gilnean either. He’s just a worgen and a old one that. And the only reason Ivar even team up with Darius was because of the Forsakens policy of killing all worgen.

Are you done now?