Forsaken Hallow's End

Hallow’s End should be replaced by an event where the forsaken remember the horde defeat in W2. They can build a small shrine to Turalyon in Orgrimmar, to commemorate his victory over Orgrim Doomhammer.


Hallows end is too sexy for warcraft we need the whole event gone in the name of equality.

I reckon the Forsaken should use a recoloured double-headed eagle, like the Lordaeron tabards as seen in Caverns of Time. If we want to go really fancy, make it a skeletal one with darker colours.

Anyways, 100% agree OP.

Unless there is some sort of sex-pun in Hollows End questing I don’t know about, don’t expect any updates from Blizzard anytime soon - much as I wish otherwise.

The Forsaken as a whole and their connection with Sylvanas is a separate issue that has needed addressing for years now - I don’t expect it to be resolved anytime soon. They’re still too busy smacking their action figures together and pretending it’s a story of high art and intrigue.


The whole holiday needs to be updated so we don’t have to time travel.


You still have to use a bronze dragon to complete all the quests even for Brewfest.


Huh, that’s interesting. I was referring to the overhaul they did in BfA.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Such an RP nerd rofl, players don´t spent time in Orgrimmar, we´re too busy in Oribos and Korthia.

Get on with the times, old guy.

Haven’t you heard nerd has been re-appropriated to me “smarter then you”? Also, I’m pretty sure there is still quite a few people in Ogrimmar if only because Oribos is a horribly drab “city” and is closer to some mausoleum, but hey you’re on the faction with the undead race, maybe you guys like that stuff?

In your private universe, perhaps. Certainly not where I live.

God damn SF is deader than dead. Pure troll threads, such a shame.

Who cares over the seasonal events, dude? No seriously, they are the literal “do when you have nothing else to do or in the case you want some very specific rewards” gameplay content. That´s why I called you a RP nerd, cause average players stopped caring over Hallow´s End sans the mount event -and only if they don´t have it- at some point in their second year playing this game. Only RPers would care about it getting “updated” or the place it´s hosted on.

Her “bird symbol”?


Then your universe is a pretty sad and petty one.

Considering it did get updated back in Cata(I think) to reflect the new lore that Worgens were part of the Alliance/they had a deeper connection to it them Stormwind ever did, an updated to the Horde one wouldn’t be totally out of the realm of possibility. Also, there is this thing called “fun”. New things are added all the time to world Events, heck all the allied races even got their own spots for Brewfest now.

Not to mention a bit of new lore showing the state of the Forsaken wouldn’t hurt. Assuming they don’t just get a new capital next expansion.


It´s less childish indeed

I repeat: how many players from the average type even care for Hallow´s End on WoW, again?

Sorry Zerde, regular people cares over their Hallow´s End party, not over canned / recycled content on a rando game.

Wasting time in this BS event while the devs even ignored the Forsaken race in the Undead expac would be nothing but to add insult to injury.

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Oh no are people talking about WoW on the WoW forums again? SHAME on them! This forum is for IRL stories only. Everyone in this thread advocating for change in a game they love, please stop immediately so that we can tell IRL stories about our recent trip to the grocery store to pick up a dozen eggs and some milk because grandma asked us to, as this forum was intended.


Some of those look hella suspect, but I will admit I straight up forgot about Thassarian’s sister. At the end of the day I was being facetious, but kudos for the legit ones you mentioned.

Okay, but I wasn’t even going there with you but if you want to share please be my guest.

Doesn’t she have birds all over her armor? The Forsaken symbol has arrows, her face, and a bird on it; it wouldn’t be surprising if the bird also derived from Sylvanas.

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Look dear, go buy his “argument” after he literally expressed the only reason he desired the “update” was to troll lowbies -literally, “update in Orgrimar so my bombs actually fall on players trololol”-

Different from you, I do have standards. And wasting -yes, you read well- resources in a “once every year” event to “advance” Forsaken lore instead of you know… properly advance it and show how the race is doing seems no benefit business.

“Advancing” the lore of the forsaken tied to a pop culture event only diminishes the relevance of the race and gave us the message they only are important as far as superficial parties are involved, period. If you think this is decent content to deploy for the REAL Forsaken fans I think it is a YOU issue. I for once want the race to get aknowledged properly and seriously, not as a vehicle so anti-Hordies can troll with the race even more.

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Id like to see what Sylvanas becomes when she is inevitably left in the Shadowlands before subscribing to this view. It may continue to make sense for certain adherents of the Cult of Forgotten Shadow to revere Sylvanas. She may yet become more relevant to certain Forsaken.


Victory for Sylvanas!


Don’t forget that after the First War Stormwind was razed to the ground and it’s original population slaughtered to the point of near extinction. The canals were filled with the bodies of dead humans. The few ships that left the Stormwind port was all that was left of it’s people.

After the Second War, King Terenas, offered King Varian money, resources and human capital to replenish and restore his country. So the thousands of people in Stormwind are actually a mix of international refugees, but most of them are actually Lordaeronian immigrants. It’s why Stormwind considers Lordaeron it’s sister kingdom. They’re literally cousins. In Wrath of the Lich King when the Alliance invades Undercity. King Varian shouts that Lordaeron was as much his home as Stormwind as he grew up there.

So it’s easy to argue that most humans in Stormwind can make a claim to Lordaeronian lands. Had Calia wanted it the nation of Stormwind could easily rally it’s people to rebuild her kingdom in the same way as King Varian was helped by Terenas. She retorted that she believed the undead were it’s original people and that she didn’t want a war, and was hopeful for the gathering in Arathi.

I agree that if the Alliance wanted it. They could easily take Tirisfal Glades and Lordaeron proper. We saw as much in the Fourth War. The Alliance seems for now ceding it for now. Though I wonder for how long. I wish they just ripped the bandaid on this story and give us a meaningful conclusion which moves the story on the Forsaken vs the Humans. Maybe in the end both sides agree to disagree or try through Calia to have formal open relations and dialogue.