Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

what if they are purple

I am currently only one step away from playable Earthen (just need the max level War Within Campaign), and while the campaign has allowed me to see how the Earthen are different from Dwarves, to separate them from the idea of Horde Dwarves due to their culture, and being moved by elements of the story (ex: the side quest with Korgran), they still just lack the spark of excitement that most races give me when they become playable.

Until the Earthen, every playable Horde race had given that spark. Just the stories and characters established for each of them (from the RTS games and the questing in Highmountain, Suramar, all of Zandalar, and outright saving the AU Magā€™har) just made me excited when each was revealed or unlocked as a playable race.

Now with how the Earthen unlock just feels like something to do over something Iā€™m looking forward tooā€¦ it honestly feels weird and increases my desire for the races that I want playable, like Forest Trolls, because I know that the excitement will be there.


The final chapter of the War Within Campaign will be available on 9/3/24. Which means that players will be able to unlock Earthen. For all my lackluster reaction Earthen, I do like how quick they are unlockable and hope that Midnight follows through with Forest Trolls.


Its a shame you dont like them, I have grown quite fond of them.

But I am also a sucker for synthetic life races, robots,golems,androids. Etc.


Iā€™m glad you like them.

To be honest, as long as any of the playable races have fans then Iā€™m happy people can play them.


They are cool. They make my mechagnome brain really happy actually.

But theyā€™re not really what I was hoping for in the next batch of Allied Races.

And Iā€™m still miffed that Wildhammer, the most important clan of dwarves and the only reason the Alliance has gryphons and survived the Second War, have been relegated to minor cosmetics as though thats the entirety of their differences to the Bronzebeard.

So the earthen are always going to be tainted by that for me. Still like em. Just this little thing always on my mind with em though.


Just saying, Mecha gnomes donā€™t count.

They are cyborges. >:(

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The inverse of android counts just as well for me.

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So with each allied race unlock, the allied races got a presence in the capital(s). Case in point when the Magā€™har were first unlocked, they took over the Hall of the Brave, the Zandalariā€™s unlock added to Zandalari Warlocks with the Darkspear ones, and the Nightborne unlock gave us Nightborne throughout both Orgrimmar and Silvermoon.

Now with the Earthen unlock this week and the knowledge that they will be in both Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff, I got to wondering where other potential allied races, like Forest Trolls, would go. Like would they have a set spot, be sprinkled in the city, would they just be added to Orgrimmar, or two two Horde capitals. I could easily see Forest Trolls joining the Darkspear in the Valley of Spirit or be being sprinkled throughout the city.

Now when it comes to other capitals, I could Forest Trolls being added to the Ruins of Lordaeron. We do know that Dark Ranger Velonara and Huntsman Markhor have worked well together in the past, so I could see the Revantusk being within the city. Perhaps if we the Mossflayer join the Horde, with a union of the living and the dead, we could them as the Forest Troll representative.

With Thunder Bluff, it could be possible since the Earthen will be having a presence, but I find it unlikely and I canā€™t image a Forest Troll entering Silvermoon, at the current time.


Iā€™ve unlocked the Earthen, which did not have a recruitment quest chain or scenario like the other allied races. We just do the three side quests required, complete the max level campaign, and instant Earthen.

It was very lack luster because we frankly donā€™t get context to the Earthen joining the Horde or Alliance. The best explanation we get is that the Earthen were invited off screen per the newly created playable Earthen quests.

Now while I personally like doing the race recruitments, I can see how this do achievement unlock race thing with the Earthen could work, as long as it depends on the race and context we have.

When it comes to Forest Trolls, it really depends on the route taken. For example, if itā€™s just the Revantusk tribe then we could easily just have a quest mentioning how theyā€™ve been called into action or arrived to aid the Horde, and then once they are unlocked we have them established as answering that call.

However if they are the Amani, then even with a zone showing us rallying the scattered Amani, I do feel that we need greater context showing them joining the Horde over just accepting our aid. Meanwhile with the multiple tribe route, while I hope for greater context, I can easily see a union with the Revantusk turning into a union with the Horde.


I really hope they add recruitment quests in the future.

It was a bit jarring.


Among the new mounts with the anniversary event is the Amani Hunting Bear. Now since Blizzard clearly isnā€™t against new Amani bear mounts, I can easily see that ending up as the playable Forest Troll mount.

I also have to admit that there is apart of me that wonders at them choosing to create a new Amani bear mount, over one of the other BC mounts. Just them picking a popular mount or something a bit more at play.


Looks like its an updated Amani War Bear tooā€¦ uprezzedā€¦ almost like they made that for a purpose. >.>


I just met my first Earthen player in-game. They were Horde too, which honestly made me feel weird seeing it. A feeling I know I wonā€™t have when seeing Forest Troll players.


New bow for the Amani in the trading post soon with the Ancient Amani Longbow. Donā€™t miss the chance to get it (because Ancient Amani Longbow seems no longer available to players) and be ready with it when we will get Forest Trolls as playable race. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


That reminds me, I thought of doing a Forest Troll hunter, but wasnā€™t a real fan when I tried out the class out. A Forest Troll with the Windrunner bow would have been amusing though.

I figure Iā€™ll go Enhancement Shaman. I can treat it as my main here taking an apprentice, but said apprentice wanting to have his own path with the elements.


Gotta get evwry troll themed item no mayter what gotta save those tendies for the AMANI


In thinking about how I would like the playable Forest Troll leadership to be handled, I realized that I would genuinely prefer a central figure as their leader. And yes, the Darkspear and Zandalari having one leader, did have an influence.

So if playable Forest Trolls are just Revantusk, I would like for Elder and Primal Torntusk to have retired with their son/daughter being charge. And if we get a Forest Troll tribe reunion storyline to go with playable Forest Trolls, than I want the Tauren style leadership for them, where there are different tribes with the High Chieftain being the authority over them.

Now if we had this High Chieftain be the Revantusk leader it would be fantastic, but Iā€™m open to the Amani having position, which is mainly nostalgia since they were the trolls we played in War2 and the fact I still like Zulā€™jin.

Though Iā€™m curious, for those who want playable Forest Trollsā€¦ Do you have a preference for how their leadership should work? Singular, like most racial leaders, a duo, as the Revantusk currently are, or even a council style, if we end up the multiple Forest Troll tribe route?


Wether it is Amani or some other tribe forest trolls better become playable soon.


Personally feel like the Revantusk should be first and foremost for the Horde Forest Trolls but I have no problem with more than the Revantusk joining up and becoming playable. Hope we see it.