Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

I’ll give him one thing… he keeps threads going. :person_shrugging:


True, very true.


Give me hope for Amani trolls… plz…

Like updated amani models that were datamined… something!


Since I don’t see the Amani themselves showing up in TWW, we could get a line from Xal’atath about the Amani rejecting her. Perhaps she could use it as a taunt against Alleria. Like Alleria is struggling with the Void and Xal’atath mocks her about her even the Amani she detests are more firm in their rejection or something.

I think that would be more of a Midnight thing, unless Blizzard decides to update the Forest Troll model in advance.


Thats what I am hoping for, The Trolls were the only mortal race to face off against the black empire and win but it cost them their place in the world.

One of those grand old god killers was the Amani and Drakkari.


The amani will be the villains in midnight for sure, its along time since they made a raid/dungeon to kill trolls

I wouldn’t be surprised if we had a troll dungeon in Midnight. Though I hope its more of a rebel group over the Amani as a whole.


I gonna feel sad once more Amani get villian bad since well Horde screw over amani many time… I just hope the Animi be more willing fight horde then sit in mud with grudges… Heck I hope for amani troll theme stuff, I mean I Sure it be heck work with musle troll model but I can dig it.


So I’ve been thinking of what mounts new playable races could get and I see possibly three choices with Forest Trolls, depending on what tribe(s) we get.

If the Amani become playable (either by themselves or uniting with other tribes) then I could easily see a new Amani War Bear. Though if we have the Revantusk tribe becoming playable, then I can see the sea turtles around Revantusk Village or the spiders that the Vilebranch used, like a sign of conquest.


I feel like regardless of the tribe it will be the warbears. Its so iconic for forest trolls at this point I think.


That makes sense. Though I like the idea of Revantusk War Sea Turtle, so it could always be a mount they sell.


The idea of Revantusk trolls on those turtles would be fun. (calls back to those things obliterating my toons going through there…)


can they give the forest trolls measles

Nah mate, its going to be Zul’aman 3.0, we will defeat the amani once again

Could easily be the Revantusk helping us to take some of the land back. Perhaps the Amani will accept a deal with Xal’atath and we’ll go in with the Revantusk to kick out their leader and save the Forest Troll peoples brining them into the Horde.


Yes plz gimme more trolls.


what is the difference between the trolls

So I thought of potential storyline for the Amani in Midnight.

Zul’Aman is lost, claimed by the Void, and Kith’ix is resurrected. Desperation sees them working with us as we help rally the Amani together and the story line ends with Zul’Aman reclaimed.

In the aftermath, the Amani actually seeing us as valuable allies and in gratitude join the Horde.


Forest Trolls as playable race for the Horde for Midnight please. :dracthyr_love_animated:


So I had an idea on how we could get both Forest Trolls and Ogres announced as playable races for Midnight. We could have Lor’themar voice a feature trailer for Midnight, where as he mentions the Second War we witness the High Elves fighting against the Old Horde, and then as talks about how life had taken turns he never would have expected, he could end it with “And I never expected for my people to stand with those who once sought our destruction” and then the screen flashes to Blood Elves fighting alongside the likes of Orcs, Ogres, and Forest Trolls as “New Playable Races” flashes across the screen as it zooms in on a Ogre Magi and Forest Troll shaman.*

  • Classes picked at random.

Though as I think about it, that line of Lor’themar’s surprise could easily just be applied with Forest Trolls. Perhaps we could get a video highlighting the conflict between Quel’Thalas and Zul’Aman, building up this sense of another round being revealed, only for things to swerve with Lor’themar mentioning “As the Void threatens all we hold dear, our two races find ourselves unexpectedly fighting as one” with the video showing as a Blood Elf and Forest Troll fighting side by side, perhaps even throwing glares at one another, showing that that the conflict between isn’t going to be forgotten even as circumstances forced them to ally.