Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

what color would they be

That could be neat!

I’d sure like to see differences and such from each one, and being able to gain rep with my favorite tribe would be awesome.

With a seat on the Council they wouldn’t “answer” to anyone. They’d be equals on that council with Lor’themar. I think it would give them a real opportunity to actually have a say in whats going on really.


Can’t we just give Trolls more customization options and then create an actual new race?

Posting on my new main.

Still no Forest or Frost Troll options. Very disappointed this hasn’t happened yet. C’mon Blizz, you added Sand and Dark Troll options. Maybe we’ll see them again in Midnight and/or TLT?


If Midnight can get a new playable race so give us an allied race for Forest Trolls, if not, give us the several green skins as customizations for Trolls with a little quest like we could have for the Man’ari Eredar please :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I’ve been wanting to run around as a Frost Troll since Wrath. The Drakkari have always been my favorite brand of Trolls. My Troll Hunter is using the most blue skin tone currently available, but it’s just not quite that icy blue color of the Frost Trolls.


I would like Forest Troll players to have that reflected when the character is moused over. Furthermore with how the male Forest Troll model is different than the Darkspear one, I see them getting a playable race slot over a customization more likely.

I’m hopeful for Forest Trolls come Midnight.


I kind of wonder if we could get playable Forest Trolls in Midnight and the Ice Trolls becoming a Forest Troll customization in Last Titan. The male models do, currently, look like one another. Though with how we currently have three Dwarven race with The War Within, each could end up with their own playable race slot. It really just depends on how Blizzard decides to go about it.


Forest Trolls as playable race and Ice Troll skins for Forest Trolls would be a really good option to get these both races playable in the Horde and have every type of Trolls in the Horde (except the Sand Trolls and the Dark Trolls even if we can “play” them).


what would be the difference between these and existing trolls?

You know how we have the portal casters for the capital cities in the Orgrimmar portal room. Should we get a Horde capital Zul’Aman, I think it would be neat if we had a Amani and Revantusk maintaining the portal.

It would just be a small way to demonstrate that there is more than one Forest Troll tribe in the Horde and show the tribes working together, without the threat of destruction over their heads.


what makes them different than the others

Blizzard just released a teaser for a potential upcoming animated project set in Quel’thalas. From what we can see it shows the elves fighting the Horde in the Second War and since we see the Orcs and Forest Trolls fighting side by side, I figured I would share here.


are they green or blue

When Midnight finally shows up yea.


Alleria video is out and I couldn’t help but notice how the Amani only show up when she talks about fighting the Horde.

Granted its likely Blizzard just making things more simple, but the side of me that likes to speculate can’t help but wonder if its a subtle hint.


green troll or purple

Green and here’s Elder Torntusk, one of the two leaders of the Revantusk Tribe as an example.


can they be bright pink or rainbow colored and be called the bright trolls

Why are you like this?