Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

Fury so i can dw 1 hand ax and go for troll berserker look


That’s pretty cool.

So I finished Chronicle Volume 4 and sadly we didn’t get anything on the Forest Troll front. I was hoping that we would discover how the troll tribes reacted to the Zandalari joining the Horde and possible have something seeded with the Amani or something.


So since we have Paelarin in Farstrider Retreat who refuses to sell to troll players, do you think we would get a Forest Troll NPC who would refuses to sell to elf players?

Like so come Midnight, we have the Horde working with the Amani, but one NPC instead of rebelling just outflat refuses to do business with the elves of the Horde, while continuing on normal for the other Horde races.


Theres an npc that refuses to sell to trolls?

Looking up now.

Let the blood elf tears flow.


It’s just an old npc from TBC. This kind of things won’t happen now.


You know in thinking about how I want playable Forest Trolls and at the very least a Revantusk - Amani reunion, I realized that I would prefer them as an allied race. I want Midnight to have the Horde work with the Amani, to have the Revantusk step forward, and I want that quest chain bringing, at least some of, the Forest Troll tribes together.

Which makes me wonder, on what other people prefer. Would you all like that or Blizzard just announcing Forest Trolls at the start of the expansion as a core race?


Amani are an empire and the strongest version of their people, so I would prefer them because of that and their history of the arcane.


Would I be correct in assuming you would create a Forest Troll mage?


Hmm, I dont have a mage yet so maybe. But I am thinking druid,shaman or priest.

Hell even a paladin.

I usually play specs with a healing spec now and a druid of them would be wicked.

If you are curious why I mentioned their knowledge of arcane is that their magic was initially stronger than the high elves and they beat them back.

When the elves comissioned and taught the humans were they able to beat them back and steal their secrets.


I was curious and thanks for explaining.


green, blue, or purple?

When we get Forest Trolls, I plan on taking mine through BFA via Chromie Time. Mainly for the troll unity.


In thinking about how SL, DF, and TWW follow the four leveling zone set up, it has me wondering if Midnight would follow suit and exactly how the Amani would factor in with that. As people have noticed I want the Horde working with the Amani, preferably as a whole or at least a group, and it something I can see happening.

However it does raise the question of how the Alliance would fit into that. Would they just have their own group to quest with and mirror the Amani, after a fashion? Like as the Horde work with the Amani, the Alliance works with Void/High Elves.

Or as would Blizzard find some way to have the Alliance work directly with Forest Trolls. I have to admit there is apart of me that wonders if the Harronir will become an Alliance playable race and serve as a vehicle to the Forest Trolls interacting with the Alliance. Like official the Amani are accepting help from the Harronir, but Alliance champions get to step in and help.

With that said, I still see Forest Trolls as a playable Horde race. After all even in the event that Blizzard has the Amani be a neutral faction, it wouldn’t be the first time a neutral group only joined one side. As seen with the likes of Nightborne in Legion and Mechagnomes in BfA.


what is the difference between the trolls

They have their own empire and own loa.

their bodies are super jacked(Buff as absolute shiz) in comparison to darkspear trolls, They also have wider faces and more upward tusks.

They have their own Arcane secrets as well their own unique voodoo abilities which steals powers from a source(like their gods).


In general or specifically the Forest Trolls?

For Forest Trolls specifically Adolwa got it pretty good.


So you know how we have the Valdrakken Renown and underneath are reputations like Sabellian and Wrathion?

I got to thinking if we could see something like that with the Forest Troll tribes. After all a reunion of the tribes could be a new Amani Empire. Therefor the Renown track could be the Amani Empire, with individual reputations underneath it displaying the different tribes within the new empire. So it doesn’t feel too much, the reputation for the tribes applying to the renown track, and we got a unique way of showing off which Forest Troll tribes are with the Horde.

It could look something like, for example,
Amani Empire:
Amani Tribe
Firetree Tribe
Revantusk Tribe
Smolderthorn Tribe


As we know the Horde is now led by a Horde Council and I realized that, the Amani joining the Horde could paint the picture that the Amani answer to said council. A council that has a blood elven seat, which I could see being an issue, as I could see the Amani not being happy with the interpretation that they answer to Lor’themar.

So I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we end up with the Forest Trolls getting their own seat on said council. Which could have the benefit of answering exactly how the Horde Council expands itself and what not.