Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

My body is SO ready for Amani customizations.

With Midnight, I’m hoping we see it at the very least. Who knows - maybe it’ll be an allied race.


Amani for the horde!!!

Better than Raventusk!!!

All forest trolls came from Amani empire!!


I just want playable Forest Trolls and the Revantusk not to be forgotten if the Amani tribe become playable.


are they pink or Polo dotted

Amani didn’t stay with the Horde. I’ll take the Revantusk any day over the Amani.


I will take both if I can finally get Forest Troll as playable race :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Bring on a Revantusk Amani union.


So people have already received their copies of Chronicle Volume 4 and from what they are saying it’s just a general overview with clarifying text to make certain story elements smoother, like Sylvanas.

From what I’ve heard we do not get an explanation over how the troll tribes reacted to the Zandalari joining the Horde and there’s nothing seeded for the future within the book. Thus no hints on the Revantusk and their plans for the future, no hints on the Amani and what’s going in Zul’Aman.

Hoping that I’ve heard wrong and we can get some kind of tease. At the very least I would have expected some kind of Zul’Aman tease, since Midnight will be the Quel’Thalas revamp.


I want playable Amani soooooo, sooooo bad.


You know I could just see it, Blizzard showing off the Midnight trailer, and then the words… “The Horde renews, a once broken pact” and then the video flashes to Zul’Aman, showing off the Amani in action, joined by Horde forces.

I for one would love if Zul’Aman was a Horde capital in Midnight.


I would squeal honestly.

Imagine they show the Revantusk walking up with a Horde entourage and then the Amani leader saluting them or something.


I need amani so badly. I get anxiety tho thinking about midnight expansion since blizz is well known for keeping its racists tropes and villian bating the native races. If what was suggested by the harbringer questline is true and darkspear heritage is true snd the void curropts the amani then blizz just threw away so much lore and went out of their way to villian bat amani once again.

What does blizz have such hate against the native americans anyways? From what they did to amani to the taurens “sitting bull” joke in shadowlands.

Sorry this went to a rant. We need amani thick strong trolls. Plus a fire mage amani fits so well.


I get that, since Blizzard doesn’t always have the best track record. Now it is likely that we will fight against Forest Trolls in Midnight, since Blizzard is likely to reuse assets for both friendly NPCs and hostile mobs, like we see with the Dragonkin rebellion. The question though is to what extend we fight Forest Trolls.

Like I could see a couple of scenarios at play.
1.) The Revantusk remain the only Horde tribe and we just fight against the Amani.
2.) The Amani being in a state of unrest and we help one group against the other(s).
3.) The Amani being united and joining the Horde, with hostile Forest Trolls coming from a different tribe. For example either the depraved Vilebranch, driven from the Hinterlands and seeking the power of the Void, or one of the tribes from the RPG (Blackleaf/Treeblight) becoming canon and seeking to use the upheaval to claim Zul’Aman for their own or something.


As long as its not a complete massacre ill be happy. As a troll player having a elf tell me i need to kill more trolls is disheartening. I usually just mindless do it for the exp bur thats not fun in a mmo. We need a good faction of amani for sure.


With the Zandalari on the horde, I can see them shutting that down.

Also I tried to find u ingame many times, no luck.


Im an enigma but also on thrall

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We really need more AR in the game, but i fear that blizz would ruin the lore and give us void trolls…or something as stupid as my idea Minature Giant Space Gnomes

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The only Void Trolls I suspect to see in Midnight are hostile mobs. Playable Forest Trolls > Playable Void Trolls.


I hope so if we got an ar forest troll race i would make an alt


Do you have a class in mind?

I can’t make up my mind for my own future Forest Troll.