Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

I wouldn’t say that they break canon. Darkfallen are just undead elves, which both factions had via the death knights.

The Man’ari were a real surprise but came with an interesting premise. However the lack of an actual reaction to their inclusion in the Alliance is mind boggling.

It also raises makes me wonder if other fel variants will be included as a skin. Like the fel orcs.

With Midnight coming soon, I hope we will get:

  • HD Amani weapons (all Amani weapons in the game can be found here):
  • New Amani mounts:
  • An update for the Revantusk village with Forest Troll assets
  • Forest Troll as playable race :dracthyr_yay_animated:

What i meant they break canon is that they are not part of the race

they would be considered their own race, not customizations, while customizations are seen as allied race.

Fel orcs? no, fel elves? sure, cause they only add elf stuff

Why not Fel Orcs? We got some Horde ones guarding the Dark Portel.


Because blizzard only add meaningful customization for elves

God knows i want me dragonmaw, fel orcs, blackrock orcs, but i know isn’t going to happen.

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Hey if Blizzard had a Forest Troll reunion storyline and allowed for playable Forest Trolls to be from any tribe, which tribe would you have your Forest Troll come from?

I would go Revantusk. They were the first to join the modern Horde and they fought to claim Jintha’Alor in our name.


are these mini trolls - the size of a fairy??

With it getting closer to the release of Chronicle Volume 4, I got to wondering if the Revantusk could get any mention and the possibility of anything being seeded. For example, Volume 3 mentioned that the Zandalari were under attack by an old threat, with BFA revealing them as the Blood Trolls and before that we had Volume 1 introducing us to characters we would see Legion like Elisande, Odyn, and Heyla.

Now I can easily see Volume 4 mentioning the Revantusk as supporters of the Darkspear Rebellion. There was Forest Troll workers in Razor Hill during Escalation after all. Furthermore they had a small presence on Zandalar, which could be expanded… That whole power of trolls thing against the Lightforged in the faction assault on Drustvar would have been better if we had a Zandalari, Darkspear, and Revantusk doing the ritual.

Anyways with the Zandalari joining the Horde, I wouldn’t be surprised if Volume 4 mentioned how the other tribes reacted to it. Which could allow us to see if the Revantusk have established closer relations with the Zandalari, like the Darkspear did. Which does have the potential to show the current Forest Troll tribe relations. Have the Revantusk reached out to the other tribes to join them? Do the other Forest Troll tribes still look down on the Revantusk? Have some of them reached out to the Revantusk, as a means to build their own bridges with the Zandalari?

Furthermore with how Chronicle Volume 1 helped establish characters for Legion, perhaps Volume 4 could do that for Midnight. Zul’jin and the Amani were outraged when they discovered that the Blood Elves had joined the Horde, and I image that there was similar or even more outraged at the Zandalari becoming allies of the Blood Elves. Though that could also have a group deciding that they need to change with the times. Thus Volume 4 could actually establish an Amani divide and let us know who the players are. Which leader is still steadfast on fighting everyone and which leader is open to diplomacy, and perhaps that leader would seek out the Revantusk to serve as a middle man to reach out to the Horde.

After all in Shadows of the Horde, both Khal’ak and Vilnak’dor were enticed at the mere idea of bringing the Darkspear into the fold, even with Vol’jin’s noted loyalty to the Horde. So I image the idea of a reborn Forest Troll Empire would be enticing enough for someone to buy and unknowingly allow dialogue to open up between some of the Amani and the Horde.


Give us drakkari,amani,forest all as an allied race or seperate. Just give me more trolls!!!

I could see all these troll tribes having different racials!!

I really want drakkari.

Personally i am scared of another mag har sitiuation.


Since the Revantusk have a history of diplomacy, I would have suggested a rep bonus. However since the human’s lost theirs… Perhaps they can smooth talk themselves into discounts.

Could you elaborate?


Mag’har are really a race that ought to have been rolled into Default Orc customization.

Frankly, as things stand, Mag’har & Orc both have this very unsatisfying feel owing to their limited customization options that are mutually exclusive (eg, No Grom Hellscream hair for regular Orcs, no stubble for Mag’har, Mag’har tattoos baked into their skin color, Orc tattoos independent of skin color.)

Currently Mag’har just feel completely outdated, considering they were made before the expansive new slate of customization options.

Blizzard is just intent on taking these very dumb half measures instead of going all in on customization options. Void Elves & Blood Elves fall victim to the same thing, neither can use the others’ hair style.

That & the fact that they’re Lorelol WoD Mag’har instead of Outland’s Mag’har

They could do with more customization options.

I’m still not clear if Anachronos’ statement “Is it time for you to visit me already? Yes, I suppose it is then” when the Horde comes to get his help to recruit the AU Mag’har, was a sign that the events of WoD were apart of the true timeline all along or if the two timelines coming together had side effects that effected the true timeline, like the Horde recruiting the AU Mag’har.

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:fireworks: Happy Fourth of July all :fireworks:


I want Amani and Drakkari.


Here are the current known memories that we will experience in the prepatch event and from what it looks like we fight with Prophet of Sseratus against Scourge-turned ice trolls. Which is very interesting since we actually killed the guy for draining Sseratus.


Revantusk for the Horde!


1000 times this.

Its crazy that we are getting a Dwarven variant with playable Earthen when classic races like Forest Trolls and Ogres remain unplayable.


I’m down for forest trolls. They should be a Horde Allied race.


would they be pink and green???

You know you actually could get something like that. For example you have your green skinned Forest Troll, then can transmog your gear to get that pinkness you want.