Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

I was responding to the person asking for Trolls to be Neutral.
Forest Trolls of ANY tribe ain’t joining the Alliance (They stole their ancestral land from them after all.).
The Dark Trolls are the only Tribes to have been known to work with both outside of Mercenaries, that’s why I brought them up.

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How about we just finally stop killing trolls for loot okay?

I would be perfectly fine with that. However Blizzard has a tendency to have us kill trolls. Thus while I would perfectly fine with the entire Amani tribe recognizing the seriousness of the situation and joining us, I would be very surprised if Blizzard goes that route.

I feel we could get three possible options.
1.) The diehards as a side enemy to combat against, like the rebel Dragonkin in DF. That way the bulk of the Amani are our allies, while the minority cling to their old hatreds.
2.) Amani civil war, where we work with one group against the other.
3.) Blizzard just has us fight against the Amani as a whole.

After the Forest Trolls become a playable race for the Horde, I would like to see the Frostmane tribe become a part of the Horde to be under their protection and under the protection of the Zandalari.

For the Drakkari, I think there are still some hopes to see them again with the Icetusk tribe in TLT. I think they could come back in Northrend and claim the remains of the Drakkari empire for themself.

Also, Ice Troll customizations on Forest Trolls could work well with a good introduction of Frostmane tribe in the Horde.


hopefully amani for midnight


That would be rather cool, especially since I rather like the idea of the various troll tribes coming together.


Much as I do prefer core/allied races over customization races, especially given how customization races have been treated, turning the Darkspear Troll character slot into a Mag’har Orc situation with multiple Troll Tribes is something I feel like would work well. It’s one of the few exceptions I wouldn’t mind seeing, since it would likely be the only way to have some of the Troll Tribes playable.

The racials and voicelines for the most part would fit any of the Troll Tribes added to it. All that would really need to be done, off the top of my head, would be things like a few more customization options, tabards, mounts specific to each Troll Tribe, and of course in-game NPC presence. Enough things to make it feel like your character is part of the Troll Tribe you’ve chosen.

It could also make for a fun questline to unite some of the Troll Tribes under the Horde banner. It wouldn’t be perfect, but I could see it being an interesting storyline and in some ways, exciting.

It is something I could imagine Forest Trolls being part of, though I know that it wouldn’t be as good as if they were their own playable race slot. Then again, I see the treatment of Wildhammer Dwarves and seeing Earthen becoming a full race instead and wonder if that is even a possibility these days. :person_shrugging:

What do y’all think? The Darkspear Troll slot becoming Troll Tribes as a Mag’har Orc situation sounds neat, though I know there would be some worries about treatment and such with the whole lackluster customization race implementation.



That would be rather fun.

The way I see it, the fact that the Darkspear and Forest Troll male models are different, gives Forest Trolls a better odds of becoming a playable race in their own right over other races like the Fel Orcs.


I feel like the Troll tribes are distinct enough to warrant their own AR’s and I think Blizzard should lean into that a lot more honestly.

But that would require Blizzard to actually do something with their vast art team involving customizations and race development and that seems like a pipe dream sometimes. lol


This right here reminded me that the trolls have a sand troll skin with no explanation. Now considering how sand trolls are usually hostile, we could gave gotten a story on how this came about it over the sand skin just randomly being an option.


I’m honestly not sure it is suppose to be a Sand Troll skin. Apparently Sand Trolls are a subgroup of Jungle Trolls, which is what the Darkspear are. So it’s possible that the “Sand Troll skin” is just a Jungle Troll skin, which would explain the lack of explanation about it.

Now if they implement more Troll Tribes as a customization races, that would be a good time to say it is a Sand Troll skin. Obviously a storyline would need to be given regarding why Sand Trolls would want to be part of the Horde, given that lal the known ones aren’t fond of the Horde to my knowledge.

Speaking of, I think I mentioned this before, but I feel like if they were to implement more Troll Tribes as customization races, then that could be something Talanji could have a part in. I think she has some sway over some of the Troll Tribes, and maybe there could be some need to unite as many of the Troll Tribes as possible, which could lead into why they would suddenly want to join the Horde. Maybe not all tribes, but some might be able to be convinced, preferably of their own free will and not coerced of course.

As for Forest Trolls, I do agree that they should be their own race, given their importance since the old RTS Warcraft days. However, I still can’t help but feel like they’d get the Wildhammer treatment while a group of Trolls out of nowhere get the Earthen treatment instead as a neutral race. Really frustrating to think about, even if Forest Trolls would use the swole Troll model.

Ah well. I’m not planning to give up my support for the Revantusk Tribe any time soon, so I’ll just keep at it with the support!



I still support horde getting one of their old allies as being playable, alongside ogre’s for the horde.


Its also notable that the “dark troll” skin that everyone reports on is used by Jungle Trolls in Stranglethorn and just wasn’t available to players until Shadowlands.

This would help me come to terms with it I think if it was just customization.


The Troll heritage armor is coming soon so maybe something with the Forest Trolls could happen then too.


I’ve heard rumors that the Zandalari have a presence, so I’m hoping that the Revantusk do too. It’s criminal that we haven’t seen the Darkspear, Revantusk, and Zandalari working together.



All three could use some screen time at the same time.


And Shatterspear since they also Joined The Horde back in Cata.

I feel like we don’t talk about them often for whatever reason.


(should have been dark trolls)

But yes, they should be there as well.


I forgot about them. I actually feel bad about that.

I guess when it comes down to it, I was thinking in types of trolls when it came to the tribes. So the Darkspear cover the jungle trolls (which include the Shatterspear), the Revantusk cover the Forest Trolls, and the Zandalari cover themselves.

The Darkspear, Revantusk, Shatterspear, and Zandalari working together, with whatever othe tribe happens to join the Horde, would be sight to see.


Bulky trolls yes.