Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

No we need the Amani with a bow on their city. Revantusk are lame and useless. If any new race joins us they need to bring a capital city hub with them and not being at the brink of death. Also I am sure the Revantusk tribe has taken the large troll city of Hinterlands by the end of the Cataclysm quests.

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All we need is Forest Troll as playable race. I don’t care who they are if we can finally get Forest Troll. Revantusk is the best choice for now. Maybe Midnight prove us we could get other Forest Trolls as playable race :dracthyr_nod:


All tribes used to be part of the Horde during the second war. Let us remind their leaders of their loyalties and that they need to adapt with time and act their hatred against the true enemy of us all(Humanity and alltheir lackeyes).

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Old Horde is nomore. We have the New Horde now and the only Forest Troll tribe in the New Horde is the Revantusk tribe. Maybe we will get more tribes in the New Horde in Midnight.


Alliance of Lordaeron is gone too yet no one would argue Wildhammer Clan dwarfs and high elves shouldn’t be part of it. Tauren are the worst Ogre replacement you can think of.

I’ve been wanting forest/ice troll customization options since BC


The Amani only cared for the Horde so long as they took back Quel’Thalas for them. They didn’t care for the Horde and never have. The Revantusk, stayed with the Horde despite all of that. They’re truly Horde Forest Trolls not the Amani who only care so long as the Horde is useful.

Not only that the Amani actively attack the Hordes current allies.

The Revantusk have taken a new city in the Hinterlands and are well setup with Horde backing to be a strong player group.


All Forest Troll tribes used to follow the Horde and we can negotiate a peace and agreement with them now that Zul’jin is gone. He did nothing wrong of course but still the mission lives on. After Ogres they are the most iconic original Horde race still missing from the cast. With the Zandalari being the diplomats to make it possible. Even Vol’jin says all tribes matter.

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So long as the Revantusk are at the head of those negotiations. They’ve always been Horde and should be the focus. The Amani are traitors and barely care at all about the Horde. Not saying they couldn’t become allies but any attempt to bring in Forest Trolls that ignores the Revantusk is a foolish concept.


No one wants to exclude the Revantusk. They aren’t filthy traitors like the Whitebark are.

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what do they look like

Very bulky to say.

I dislike you.

Forest trolls tend to be a bit taller and thicker than the average jungle troll. Their skin is green due to a moss that grows within their skin (in the non-canon ttrpg they could slightly photosynthesize) and they, like all trolls have tusks. Amani seem to have some process by which to make Troll berserkers (the big hulking guys) as well though I don’t think thats been adequately explained with the Forest Troll groups like it has with others.


If we do end up with an Amani civil war, I wonder if the enemy faction would sneak spies in and try to sabotage things between the civil Amani and the Horde. At the very least it would make for a fun quest chain, especially if we get to see the diplomatic reputation of the Revantusk at play in smoothing things out.

You had me at troll, I approve this message.

But can we make them neutral like pandas? I really want an ally troll :sob:

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In truth if your going to get any trolls, Dark Trolls are the most likely.

I would be happy with any trolls, to be honest. I think they’re all pretty neat.

Dark trolls are extinct. Forest Trolls are already a part of the Horde through the Revantusk. I can’t see any reason that Dark Trolls would be more likely than Forest Trolls… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Dark Trolls are known to live underground.
Where are we going next Expansion?
A Newly Discovered Underground area.


To be extinct.

Sure we could find more underground but the Forest Trolls are already in the Horde through the Revantusk tribe.

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