Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

As a not-Troll player, I wholeheartedly support forest trolls being a player option. Were I to play a troll, I’d be a Vilebranch from Jintha’Alor.


Do you think a storyline where the Revantusk take over and unite all the Forest Troll tribes as Horde Forest Trolls become playable could work?

I know that the majority of Forest Troll tribes are lacking in moral fiber and have been quite the antagonists, but I was thinking of how the other Forest Troll tribes look down upon the Revantusk and think they’re weak. Something about the Revantusk somehow uniting and leading the other Forest Troll tribes could make for a good storyline.

Not only that, but there would be roleplaying opportunities for players to determine which tribe they come from, and that would include the Amani who was part of the Old Horde. While I still think the Revantusk being part of the playable Horde Forest Troll faction, if not being THE playable Horde Forest Troll faction is still important, it’s worth noting the old Horde before for some sense of nostalgia.

Of course, the issues are that the Forest Troll tribes would really need to learn the true meaning of Winter Veil to become good after some of the stuff they’ve pulled, there would likely be distrust from the Horde to those tribes (then again, Thrall did put Gallywix as leader of the Bilgewater Goblins despite what he did to him sooooo…not the best of judgement in general), and of course Blood Elves being part of the Horde and being mortal enemies of the Forest Trolls (aside from the Revantusk who are cool with them) are big issues with doing that.

Not impossible, but would require a lot of writing. What do y’all think? Multiple Forest Troll tribes a good thing? Or should it just focus on the Revantusk as the main playable Forest Troll faction?

:axe: :evergreen_tree:


1.) I thank you for the support.
2.) Lore wise Jintha’alor is held by the Revantusk, who claimed the area in the Cataclysm Hinterlands storyline.
3.) Why the Vilebranch?

Yes, I do. Zul’jin was able to sway the various tribes to his side by challenging the tribe chieftains, to either combat, racing, or some other task. So one possible quest chain could be a Torntusk doing the same. It would serve as a call back and could invoke parallels to Zul’jin’s rise and how things will be different this time, that the Forest Trolls aren’t being united in the name of vengeance or conquest, but in the name of protection, unity, and a brighter future.

We could even get a story involving the Zandalari. For example, say with the Dark Horde defeated the Smolderthorn and Firetree tribes decide to join up or ally with the Revantusk to give the Forest Troll race a more united front to help them build closer ties to the Zandalari from a position of strength over being seen as beggars.

I’m perfectly fine with the idea of playable Forest Trolls coming from different tribes, though if Blizzard decided to make the playable Forest Trolls from one tribe, then I would go with the Revantusk. After all they are the only Forest Troll tribe within the Horde and I would be bothered if we went into Midnight and received playable Amani, over Revantusk or a Revantusk - Amani union.


So I played around with Warcraft 1 and 2 and I couldn’t continue on with 1. The whole road pathing thing, the inability to actually form a group, and the way the game was held in a small screen in the middle of my monitor, all in all made it a turn off.

However Warcraft 2 was much more enjoyable with the two or three missions I played, no force road building, I could form groups of units like my grunt army or Zul’jin and the Forest Trolls in the Free Zul’jin mission. I will say that I did forget that during War2, we could only train one unit at a time.

All in all just messing around with the old RTS games made me rather appreciate how the RTS set up evolved from War 1 to War3.

I also have to admit that after freeing Zul’jin and unlocking the Forest Troll units, my mind immediately jumped to this thread.


Why the Vilebranch? Only because I messed up and thought they held Jintha’Alor. :smiling_face:


I get it, its less about the tribe and more about being a Forest Troll from Jintha’Alor.

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I just had an idea, what if the Revantusk and Amani end up competing with one another to gain the allegiance of the other Forest Troll tribes on their sides during Midnight?

It would be a neat way to include all the Forest Troll tribes, serve as a double call back to Zul’jin rallying the tribes to his side, and could have fun story moments. Like say both are attempting to recruit one of the tribes at the same time, only for the Amani try to cheat on the sly, only to be uncovered, and the tribe becoming so infuriated over the matter they immediately join up with the Revantusk.

I have to admit that in this kind of scenario I can see the Vilebranch and Witherbark joining up with the Amani, while the Firetree and Smolderthorn end up with the Revantusk. I’m not sure about the Mossflayer as they are more isolationists.


imagine having polkadots

I’m all for it but I fear the main reason they haven’t done it is because the Troll women look the same as Jungle Troll women (Darkspear). The Zandalari Troll women are still fairly similar and with how different and awesome the Males are the women would be lackluster.

I hope I speak for everyone when I say WE DON’T CARE. We’d like to have them playable regardless, even if blizz decides to make a very limited amount of transmogs work for the race and even if they limit us to like 2 class options, we’d just like to see it happen.

I’m usually more of a purist on these kinds of things but if it were possible I’d like to see them rework the female model so it’s not underwhelming.

If the excuse for why not add tons of playable options? Was to avoid opening the flood gates, we’re wayyyy past that, after Void Elves and Vulpera. At this point bring on the Trolls and Tortollans, Tuskaar, Sabron everything.


I have to be honest I never thought of the female model being a barrier against Forest Trolls being playable. Though in light of complaints about how certain allied races were just reskins, I can see why that could be a concern.

Perhaps we could receive updated Forest models as a whole? Like updating them to look more like the models that Mianyaue found on Twitter (seen below).


We are definitely past that point. To be honest, I’m genuinely shocked that we are actually getting a Dwarven variant on the Horde with the Earthen before the likes of Forest Trolls and Ogres became playable.


Same. There are so many cool options… and they give us a third dwarf recolor. I mean, the awkward silence during Blizzcon spoke volumes.


would you be green blue or purple


(Amaca, Amani pristess of Nalorakk and her bear Seza - by Cince Arts)


The Revantusk suck give us Amani and nothing else.

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Por que no los dos?


(Amani Survivalist’s concept - by Cince Arts)


The playerbase wanted High Elves forever, blizz said “tehe, Void Elves”
The playerbase wanted Forest Trolls forever, blizz said “tehe, Zandalari”
The playerbase wanted Dragonkin forever, blizz said “tehe, dracthur”

So I wouldn’t hold your breath, folks.

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Void Elves and Dracthyr were unknowns introduced as playable races, while the Zandalari had been known from vanilla before they got the upgrade to playable status.

*everybody knew that *

What I apparently forgot to add was that they weren’t exactly comparable. The Void Elves and Dracthyr were Blizzard taking prior playable race requests and putting a spin on it, while the Zandalari were not. They were people who wanted playable Zandalari and they got them, along with a model update for the Zandalari as they became playable.

When it comes to playable race requests, I get the cynical take on things since the long requested High Elf race became Void Elves that were pulled out of thin air. But I don’t think that Forest Trolls fall into that category.

The Forest troll models are different from the Zandalari and the male models are different from the playable Darkspear/Troll model, which should help ensure that Forest Trolls can’t just be tossed into a customization race like the Darkfallen, and Man’ari were.

Now when it comes to High Elves and Dragonkin becoming playable in their own right, it largely depends on Blizzard, and while I can see Drakonid getting the race, I’m unsure on High Elves. After all both Blood and Void Elves can appear as High Elves, either through skin or eye color options, and I just don’t know if Blizzard would have three different playable races with the exact same model.