Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

Or least based off of him.

Though now that I’m thinking on it, perhaps Forest Troll druids will get the eagle for base flight form and a dragonhawk based boomkin form.

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I would be so happy about this I would die.


If Blizzard just makes the Revantusk playable, do you guys think they’ll keep Elder Torntusk and Primal Torntusk in charge for a co lead, like they did with the Night Elves, or have them step down in favor of an unknown Torntusk child that will serve as Chieftain and racial leader?

I imagine in the Revantusk case they’d use one of the two you mentioned.

Though if they did want to create a new leader I wouldn’t really balk.


I wouldn’t balk either, since the current Revantusk leadership is just seen in the Hinterlands and not really out there. Though if Blizzard goes that route, I do hope that they have Elder Torntusk and his wife simply step down over being killed.


I’d really rather see more leaders step down when they get old. It’s so much more natural. Plus if everyone goes down in fire and blood it ends up cheapening the impact of leaders who die in combat.


For anyone unaware there’s a screen shot showing Talanji will be in the War Within. There are also rumors that she’ll be involved with a tribe of Dark Trolls or Primordial Trolls, who were suppose to appear Dragonflight. And I got to wondering if other troll tribes could get involved in this rumored storyline, and if that could lead to the Revantusk being made playable.

After all as the AU Mag’har showed, a new playable racd doesn’t have to have an obvious connection with an expansion.


As I put here

The Frostmane could join the Horde and become a new skin for the Forest Troll as customization (Forest Troll should be an allied race).


The Torntusks, I am forced to admit, are kind of zeroes; but…I agree. Pull some kid of theirs out of a hat—give us a quest where the Vilebranch are planning some sacrificial ritual to try to revive Shadra, the kid is their intended sacrifice, and we have to create a distraction so that the kid can finalize an escape plan—and have them step down and the kid take over.


Amani pristess:



(Amaca, Pristess of Nalorakk - by NɅITSɅDE)


I rather like that idea. Though a twist on it would be for one of the Torntusks to be captured, the other incapacitated (perhaps knocked out by poison), and their kid stepping up to save the day. That way their kid is able prove themselves and show how they can lead the Revantusk, which in turn inspires Elder and Primal Torntusk to step down and leave the tribe in their hands.

Perhaps Elder Torntusk could be captured as a callback to vanilla.


Oh thats amazing!


Oooo, I like this. Kiddo has us go get some reagent to save Mom from the poison; we get that; kiddo helps us search camps for Dad. Then, when we find Dad about to get sacrificed by some high priest: we help kiddo waste the boss and save him.


You know when the Revantusk were introduced to the game, the Troll Compendium on the Forest Troll tribes described the Revantusk were said to have specialize in negotiation and by the time they spoke with Thrall, the Revantusks had acquired a reputation for trustworthiness that was well deserved.

However we don’t really get to see this in-game, so this segment in a quest chain could easily allow us to see their skill in negotiation. For example, perhaps the Witherbark have the cure for their Vilebranch poison and instead of taking it by force, a deal is struck between the Revantusk and the Witherbark.

Speaking of the Revantusks’ in-game reputation for their negotiation, I think it could net playable Forest Trolls a racial that gives them discounts on prices.


Should we ever get playable Horde Forest Trolls, I hope the Revantusk are the playable faction or at least part of it if they do something with the Amani.

They make the most sense, given their history and loyalty with the Horde. And to see a tribe that was said to be looked down upon for being weak come out strong would make for a great storyline.

I am wondering if instead of playable Trolls just being Darkspear Trolls, if that could get some of the other Troll Tribes added as Customization Races to make it a Mag’har Orc situation. It’s one of the few instances where I can see a Customization Race fit very well and be able to have their tribe’s identity intact as a player character easily if designed with care.

Although to be clear, I’m still all more for playable races as full races instead, especially when we have multiple flavors of existing races and Earthen coming out in the next expansion. And given how Forest Trolls were a big part of the Old Horde in the RTS days, I feel like they’d be important enough to be their own race slot…granted, Wildhammer Dwarves got the short end of the stick sadly, so who knows?

Regardless, I’m on Team Revantusk when it comes to playable Forest Trolls.



Me too. I could easily see a storyline where the Amani leadership sides with the Void, with a splinter group reaching out to the Revantusk under the guise of trying to recruit other Forest Troll tribes in order to get word to the Horde. That way we can get allied Amani while the main Forest Troll tribe in the Horde remains the Revantusk.

It really does, especially if they are able to rally other Forest Troll tribes under their banner.

To be honest the fact that the male Forest Troll model is different from the existing Darkspear gives me hope that Forest Trolls can become a playable race on their own right over just becoming a customization option like the Wildhammer (via applying the tattoos) or the Darkfallen.

For the Revantusk! For the Horde!


I had a random thought, we know that the Horde Council is willing to expand it’s numbers as they did to include Mayla and Kiro after it was formed. But do you think that it would become apart of the plot for a new playable race?

Like we know that the the Torntusks’ are proud that the Revantusk are the within the Horde, but we don’t know exactly how they feel about the fact that races that joined after them have a seat on the council when they don’t. So perhaps their could be some tension that’s eased with the Revantusk getting a seat on the council.


My only problem with the Witherbrank tribe is:

“The Witherbarks living in the Hinterlands have since happened across the Revantusks and launched many attacks against the small tribe, but the dwarves of Aerie Peak have also become a noticeable threat. In the meantime, the Witherbarks living in Arathi Highlands have grudgingly allied themselves with the Boulderfist ogres in order to wipe out a far more hated enemy: the Horde forces who have constructed the settlement of Hammerfall.” - Troll Compendium: Witherbark Tribe

They hate the Horde and they often attack the Revantusks, so I think it should be very complicate to make a deal between them, the Horde and the Revantusks.

"The Witherbark trolls were once allies to the Horde, but they betrayed Thrall… and that must be punished!

Here, take my pike and go to the Hinterlands, far to the north. You will find it northeast of Tarren Mill, a village held by our allies, the Forsaken.

When you enter the Hinterlands, hunt Witherbark trolls. Gather their skulls and drive my pike into the ground at one of their smaller villages, Hiri’watha or Zun’watha.

Show them their vile actions are of consequence!" - Grim Message quest

They also betrayed Thrall, bringing on the wrath of the Darkspear tribe.


Taunka (WotLK), Ogres (Stonemaul clan/Dunemaul clan - Vanilla), Forest Trolls (Revantusk tribe - Vanilla/Cata), Mok’nathal (Mok’nathal clan - BC) and Dragonmaw Orcs (Dragonmaw clan - Cata) should have a representative of their race in the Horde Council because they are a part of the Horde too.


My issue is that we’re told that but only see the Revantusk fight against the Vilebranch.

To be honest I picked the Witherbark because I wanted to use another Forest Troll tribe and they were close to them, territory wise. Though in light of the reminder, perhaps they could negotiate with the Amani. Granted they have also been enemies of the Horde, but this could foreshadow a potential Amani partnership or the idea of an Amani rebel group.

Edit: Just had a thought, the Smolderthorn and Fire Tree have been silent with the Dark Horde’s defeat. So they are also options for positive Forest Troll relationships between the tribes.