Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

I hope so.

Be nice to see em as an AR, but even customization at this point…


Now Blood Elves got Dark Ranger customization for them. I hope Darkspear Trolls could get Forest Troll customization in a near future too.


I’d love to see everyone get their wish here and will continue to support this and many other threads.


Maybe one day.

I’ll still support the Forest Trolls as an AR. Failing that I’ll settle for customizations but we lose so much that way.


I didn’t know someone made a Forest Troll thread or I would’ve been visiting more often. Appears I’ve visited this thread before because I’ve already liked it, lol.

Two races I never understood why they weren’t playable were Ogres and Forest Trolls. Seriously, who’s in charge of playable races that you leave out two races that go way back.

Not to mention I was upset when we got Zandalari instead of Forest Trolls. In the books Zandalari are not with the Horde but the Forest Trolls were. Do these people even know what is going on or do they just say “This race would be cool to play lets make it so.”? I don’t understand Zandalari before Forest Trolls. Honestly, I do not understand Zandalari at all. I like the Zandalari but that can’t cover up them coming to the Horde before Forest Trolls.

+1 Forest Trolls with the swole bodies

EDIT: While we’re at it, Blizz give me dual wielding axe thrower hunter spec so I can make a Troll Berserker. Thank you.


If we get another “season” or batch of allied races I think we should get amani, ogres(or mok’nathal)and skeletons for the forsaken.


+1 for you. I see you have great taste.


I was hoping we’d see forest trolls before ztrolls, but better late than never, Blizz.


I’ve been very good all year and I deserve nice things.

Like playable Revantusk one way or another, dadgumit.


Undead elf and Wildhammer Dwarf fans can vouch for this. I was so desperate for playable undead elves I expected the bare minimum (skin and eyes) thinking I’d be satisfied with that little. I was wrong. The ability to fulfill the undead elf fantasy (like Wildhammer and Sand trolls) is extremely limited. So I very much hope Forest Trolls receive much better treatment. I wouldn’t wish the paint job route on anyone.


As a big Wildhammer fan I was immensely dissapointed. The opportunities with them as an AR was expansive. It would have actually been a different dwarf in culture than the other two and don’t get me started on the classes.

No mages, warlocks, paladins but they’d have druid. It would have been amazing!

Revantusk have the opportunity to be amazing as well. Though I don’t think they’d lose any classes, they would be more than worthy of their own druid forms based on their own loa as well as their own shaman totems.


I do need more troll skulls for my skull throne. Plus the female skulls make good soup bowls.

Since its the perfect shape to hold the right amount cause if you notice… the brain cavity is very small. And the tusk make good tooth picks.

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I like the skins and the options they open up more than nothing, but more choices are always good. I really like the sub race idea, and I’d probably also enjoy getting them through customizations… but, you know, beefy ones (pun fully intended) with story. More than the Wildhammer “been here all along, don’t question it” or the Dark Ranger “guess we can hang; you’re cool”.


Those skins only give you a shell of the race. Without unique voice lines and probably some little racial area it is still just those races with a different skin. Not to mention some lore to go along with them. The Dark Ranger, whatever you want to call it, questline wasn’t what I wanted as far as lore.

What ruined it for me was the normal BE voice. The voice put me off immediately. I was just playing a BE that looked like it was undead but it wasn’t. I think I made 2 or 3 and then deleted 2 or 3 after finding out it was just a normal BE voice.

What I’d love for them to do is make an area somewhere on Azeroth that these races would call home. Doesn’t even have to be a new area could just be an old one. Allow these new class skins private access to vendors and quests that are tied to those race skins in these areas they would’ve called home.

For example:
Dwarves with the Wildhammer look would have access to a vendor and a lore questline in the Hinterlands or possibly Twilight Highlands. Trolls with the Sand Troll skin would have their vendor and lore questline in Tanaris.


Lots of potential for their druid forms. Snek form for balance and spider form for travel would win me over quick.


I’m a simple woman and a Revantusk rogue would do me.


I would like to see Forest trolls playable either as their own race or a customization option for normal trolls.

They already use the same animations they just need a new skin put over them to fit in with other models.


Seems like an easy win for Blizz.


A green skin recolor would be very easy to do.
BUT since it couldn’t also be added to Void Elves we probably won’t get it.


Still keen for this!! ^

There’s so much potential for champions / prophets / avatars / aspects of the Loa via lore, and would feel cool as heck if you got to bank on that (especially for roleplayers) with cosmetic features for Trolls. Such examples would models like Nalorakk

There’s so many different types of Loa & cool themes to play on too!
– Especially for different classes. Whether you’re a prophet priest who channels the Loa for the power of the divine, or a druid invoking the power of your Loa for your main spec (Nalorakk → Bear) or for instance, imagine being a hunter who’s an avatar of Har’Koa, with the Loque’nahak pet! :grin:

That’d be one way to get a good handful of Horde Blood Elves to yeet over to Trolls :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: