Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

At least give trolls Amani green skin. I want to play my troll as half Revantusk, half Darkspear hybrid. Human elf hybrid is available, after all.


Always appreciate these efforts into customization threads. Genuine question though from someone not that into Trolls.

It says,

ā€œSeeing as forest trolls are culturally and historically very distinct from the Darkspear jungle trollsā€

They are distinct from the Darkspear but are they distinct from Jungle Trolls in general? At least enough to where a more distinct Troll wouldnā€™t be more preferable like the Ice Trolls.

Iā€™d like to see them as their own AR for a multitude of reasons. They have a different ā€œempireā€ different culture and customs, and even their druid forms would likely be based off their four loa rather than the regular Darkspear druid forms. (or at least should be modified if the HMT are.)

But if its the only way I guess I could live with customization alone.

Jungle, Ice, Forest and Zandalari are all very distinct and Iā€™d say that even the Sand Trolls after so many years separated from the Jungle trolls are well past being similar in culture.

Some things are shared as they all do stem form a similar starting place, but each has changed over time.

At the very least as long as the HMT were different enough the various Troll tribes are different enough.


Just gonna say Iā€™m still really hoping to see Forest Trolls as their own AR.


Ideally, I would prefer to see Forest Trolls as their own AR as well.

Iā€™m sure they could work as a customization option for Darkspear Trolls, but seeing how Wildhammers were treated, Iā€™m a bit concerned at seeing how other customization races are treated. Not to mention that Wildhammers and Forest Trolls are pretty important races from the old RTS days. The Wildhammers have a statue dedicated to one of their heroes, and all we see are Bronzebeards cosplaying as them. A shame reallyā€¦

Iā€™m still in support of the Revantusk Tribe being the playable Horde Forest Troll faction. I also like the idea of how they were originally viewed as weak, but actually gain power to take over and unite all the Forest Troll tribes. I feel like that would make for a fun storyline, and it gives a reason for the Amani to be part of the Horde again. Not to mention the RP possibilities.

If the rumors of an old world revamp, likely Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, do happen, then there would definitely be room to work with the Revantusk Tribe. You could work with the storyline I mentioned of uniting all Forest Troll tribes or they could be doing something else we can help with. Iā€™m sure there are a lot of possibilities, though we donā€™t really know what direction the next expansion will go.

However, above all else, I feel that the Revantusk Tribe should be part of the playable Forest Troll tribe faction or, if itā€™s to only be one tribe part of the Horde faction, should be the tribe chosen. Regardless of what happens, Iā€™ll still root for our Forest Troll comrades to get on the Horde side of that character creation screen someday! :axe:


I cannot stress this enough. Its a massive loss to have only customization devaluing an entire clan of dwarves, one that is remarkably important to WoWā€™s storyline, reducing them to just a few tattoos.

They have a very distinct culture compared to both the Bronzebeard and the Dark Irons, and without proper care and racials to show them as such they really are justā€¦ not Wildhammer.

I very much do not want to see this for any other races going forward and if possible I want to see Blizzard reverse course and give us a proper Wildhammer race.


The Revantusk are in a prime position, especially now, to make gains and take control of the majority of the Forest troll tribes. The Amani have been dying for years between their two failed attempts to gain power and more recently having us kill many of their leaders again in Zulā€™dazar.

Aye, all of this.


Happy U.S. Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it!

Still hoping weā€™ll see Forest Trolls part of the Horde again some day. Iā€™m sure the Revantusk Tribe would love to be able to eat some of the delicious food part of Pilgrimā€™s Bounty! :axe:


Really donā€™t get how the Revantusk are not part of the Horde yetā€¦


posting support for forest trolls for the horde.


According to Wowpedia, Thrall did offer them an invitation to officially join the Horde, but they declined. The reason given at the time was regarding the actions of the old Horde and their corruption. You can see the entry here:

Obviously, a lot of time has gone by, so itā€™s possible that the current Horde couldā€™ve proven themselves as more capable and better than the old Horde. Maybe weā€™ll see them change their mind in the future, seeing as theyā€™re still really supportive with the Horde and stand with them. May as well make them official members and give them a seat on the Horde council! :axe:


By the Time of the Cataclysm I believe they finally elected to join. (As did the Wildhammer at that time joining the Alliance)

Given Dazarā€™Alor theyā€™re still in it with the Horde for sure one way or another. I still want to see this tribe be added to the player list.


Happy new year to Forest Troll fans! :fireworks:

Still hoping to see them become playable in some fashion. The Revantusk are still our Horde allies, and Iā€™d love to see them officially become members of the Horde and become playable. As I said before, Forest Trolls are a key missing member of the Horde on that character creation screen, and it would be pretty exciting to see them become playable and make the Horde closer to feeling complete.

Iā€™ll help to make sure our Revantusk allies are not forgotten! :axe:


At long last I can post here again!

Happy new years!

I cannot agree with you more Bagzak.

The forest trolls at least the Revantusk should join the Horde as playable both as a callback to WCII and because theyā€™re the allies of the Horde right now!

The Forest Trolls never forget and never forgive! :axe:


We need Forest Trolls.


I agree.

The Revantusk have been Horde (ish) since vanilla.

Itā€™s time to let the Forest Trolls in.

Preferably as an AR or as part of a revamped sub-race system so they can make use of unique druid forms and shaman totems that fit their people!

The Forest Trolls never forget and never forgive! :axe:


Now if they allowed hunters to use throwing axes mogged over guns/bows we would have a winner with this.


Old Godā€™s how I wish.

They really need to just let thrown weapons be a thing again and make it so they count as ranged weapons like guns and xbows and gunsā€¦


So with Shadowlands coming to an end and with us hopefully going back to the living world (of Warcraft!), Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll see our Revantusk allies again and see what theyā€™ve been up to.

Seeing as it seems like Blizzard was in the process of making Kalimdor a Horde continent and Eastern Kingdoms an Alliance continent, Iā€™m wondering how the Revantusk would be faring if theyā€™ve been fighting the Wildhammer in the Hinterlands still. Or at least what all has been going on in the Hinterlands in general.

Still think theyā€™re the best option for the playable Forest Troll faction. A storyline where they were viewed the weakest of the Forest Trolls tribes, only to take over and unite all the Forest Troll tribes would be a very interesting storyline.

Regardless, I want to make sure our Forest Troll allies are not forgotten! :axe:


We need customization of every type of Troll.

Blizzard gave us our Sand and Dark Troll skin tones during the SL pre patch, but no Forest or Frost Troll skin tones? Come on, Blizz!


I really really want to know whats going on there and I hope Blizzard comes to their senses and adds the Revantusk Tribe for the Horde and the Wildhammer for the Alliance properly. Both deserve, imo, to be full Allied races or part of a full Sub-Race system to ensure they get the care and lore they deserve.

And both should have druid and their own forms for it!