Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

Or just Customization Options in General. Plus Forest Trolls would give Bulking Giant Trolls that people wanted.

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Lose too much as only customization.

They deserve AR treatment.

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More inspiration for Forest Trolls

Since WC2 Forest Trolls are a beloved part of the Warcraft franchise. The Revantusk a Forest Troll tribe are at least allied with the Horde since the start of WoW and seem to be members of the Horde since Cata. No matter, their bond is still strong and they want to help out.

Represent them finally with a playable option. How could anyone not want to play these legends?

Rise Forest Troll fans and keep the demand up!


Itā€™s something, at the least. That said, itā€™s AR only at the moment and I donā€™t see that changing. Iā€™m also not letting it get my hopes up after how the last pass went.

Iā€™m also going to be going off sub (again) on the 22nd and unless Blizzard manages to turn an avalanche around, I wonā€™t be back anytime soon.


Itā€™s a shame to see you leave, though I understand why, Youā€™ve been an awesome person and your posts have always been a joy to read. Iā€™m very appreciative of your Forest Troll and Ogre support and also the kind words towards me.

Whatever game you go to, I wish you the best of luck and hope you have a good time. Iā€™ll still hope to see playable Horde Forest Trolls someday! :axe:


Sorry to see you leave. (again)

Rather enjoy talking with you and seeing your take on things. The forums will be darker with your absence.

I hope we get to see Forest Trolls (preferably as an AR) someday. They, like ogres, are a long time coming.


I am here to show my support for forest trolls. We need more trolls.


Forest Trolls for the Horde!


Forest Trolls are really missing.

Why is the Horde still missing this core race from WC2 while the Alliance has all of itā€™s WC2 races back?

In terms of customization / playable races Forest Trolls are my number one.


The Horde is missing Ogres and Forest Trolls in terms of the Old Horde representation, if Iā€™m not mistaken. If both were made playable, it would be a great call back to the old days.

I still support Forest Trolls as a playable race. I do think there was a bit of a missed opportunity, since the Revantusk Trolls were in Zuldazar, but didnā€™t really do a whole lot other than stand in the background. They are still the best choice for the playable Horde Forest Troll faction, seeing as theyā€™re still allied with the Horde.

Rumors of an old world revamp make me wonder if we could see something from the Revantusk out of it. Whether there is still some sort of conflict with the Wildhammers (which really should be their own race) or not, Iā€™m sure something could be written into a cool storyline that leads to the Revantusk becoming full members of the Horde.

Weā€™ll see what happens, but I hope we see them part of the Horde again in the near future! :axe:


So much this.

Also Iā€™d have my Ogre monk. >.>


A reminder. The WC2 Forest Trolls are still missing for the Horde.

The Revantusk are part of the Horde. So they have to be a player option. I am all for more options. This old school race is really sorrly missed and would make a great addition to the game.


Iā€™ve been dabbling some in TBC Classic, and I quested in the Hinterlands and was reminded how there was a bit of conflict between the Wildhammer Dwarves and the Revantusk Trolls. It got me thinking that it was a missed opportunity to introduce them both during BfA, since they were present during that time.

Wildhammer Dwarves were part of some quests in BfA, with their leader present also. The Revantusk Trolls were in Zandalar, but were justā€¦there. While they were allied with the Horde, they didnā€™t seem to do much to help out with the war, even with the Zandalari also joining in on the Horde.

I feel like there couldā€™ve been something that happened with the Wildhammer Dwarves, maybe them helping the Alliance to attack parts of Zandalar, and the Revantusk Trolls hearing about it go to help out in the area to fight the Wildhammer, which leads to them joining in on the war and possibly both joining their respective factions as a result. Wouldā€™ve made neat callback to the Hinterlands in general and filling in important members of both factions missing since the old RTS days, even if it was a different Forest Troll tribe that was part of the old Horde.

Seems like such a missed opportunityā€¦then again, I consider that the theme of BfA in general. Ah well. Hopefully weā€™ll see more of the Revantusk in the future. Theyā€™re still allies of the Horde and think of the faction very fondly, so maybe theyā€™ll officially join it someday. :axe:


It really was.

Two old both wanted racesā€¦ Long hostility between them?

Prefect for BFA I think.


Have all my likes and a bump


Wowhead had a post showing off Hearthstone artwork for their new mercenaries mode. One of which is this Troll that looks like a Forest Troll:

Pardon my ignorance, but Iā€™m not sure who this character is suppose to be. It doesnā€™t resemble Zulā€™jin, the only major Forest Troll character I can think of, so if someone knows who this is suppose to be, please let me know.

Anyway, itā€™s a neat art piece I wanted to share. :axe:


I donā€™t know who they are but they are beautiful. What I would give for forest trollsā€¦


No come back! I wanna talk about forest trolls!


Forest trolls, ogres, and mokā€™nathal should be playable on the horde. Feels odd horde donā€™t got these 3 playable yet, specially after the concept of allied races.


Yeah. Itā€™s really odd that they skipped over these races with ARs as theyā€™re very well set up for this.