Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

I’d like to think that there not being a green skin for Darkspear Trolls means there is a chance to see Forest Trolls as their own race slot on the character creation screen. They would get a lot more love as their own race as opposed to being a skin color on Darkspear Trolls. For Forest Trolls specifically, they deserve more respect since they had a presence in the old Horde since the old Warcraft RTS days.

With any luck, we could see Revantusk officially join the Horde in the near future and Wildhammer could still have a chance to become their own race to go with them. Lots of possibilities for events and such with that paring!

Also happy to see others taking up screenshot taking. It’s really fun to do when you get into it! :axe:


Thank you so much for this! That’s awesome from you and I think it helps a lot. People like you are great. :smiley:

I hope you are right. After the Zandalari I don’t have any hopes left for this to happen, even though I agree with everything you said. The Forest Trolls are beloved from the RTS games and even WoW itself. Also, their inclusion doesn’t make the Horde in to "only green “monsters” again. We have a lot more of diversity in color, shapes etc. at this point in the Horde.
I really want to see them in game, playable with all the proper lore and love they deserve.

They already did during Cata. This makes it even stranger they aren’t a playable race yet.

Indeed it was. You gave me the inspiration to do this.


Happy to help =]


I was under the impression that they were allies to the Horde as opposed to being members of it. It goes with the text that they state in BfA of being friends to the Horde and supporting them. Would be cool if they were an actual part of the Horde.

I mean, at this point, I feel like inducting them as full members of the Horde could benefit them a lot. I don’t see why they would turn down full membership nowadays, especially with a Horde council where they could get a representative to speak for the Revantusk Tribe to address any concerns.

Seeing them and other members of the Horde, like the Horde Ogre clans, become full members together in a ceremony would be quite an amazing event! :axe:


I support this. If we’re going to continue to be World of Elfcraft then we might as well give some more love to the primal flavor of elf :stuck_out_tongue:

I am remembering some old lore that forest trolls had moss on their skin, and as a treehugger this intrigues me.


The game should be World of Trollcraft! I think trolls deserve more subraces and options :slight_smile:


I would wish Forest Trolls, Blood Trolls, and even Frost Trolls were playable already. More Troll Tribes would be nice.


Their texts and Horde banners are rather clear on it. But I wouldn’t count on some people remembering it. I will list some examples. I think the first and last ones are making their Horde membership rather clear.

We are proud to call ourselves the last tribe of Forest Trolls to serve the Horde.

The Horde has done much for us Revantusk, and we’re no freeloaders. With the other forest troll tribes pushed back, we’re striking out to claim more land in the name of the Horde.

But now the Wildhammer dwarves are getting in our way. If it’s a war they want, it’s a war they’ll get… and I don’t plan to lose a war to creatures half my height.

Get out there and kill me some dwarves.

Every victory of the Revantusk is a victory for the Horde!

Claim Jintha'Alor for the Revantusk... claim it for the Horde!

Indeed, I want both of those races, the Forest Trolls and the Ogres as playable options for the Horde.

I wish all tribes would join the Horde. Ice Trolls would be a great bonus too.

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Seems like all the more reason to offer them official full Horde membership and a seat on the Horde Council. If they’re going to put all this work over a long period of time for the Horde, then they deserve to have a voice on the Horde Council!..and a spot on that character creation screen, too.

I wonder which tribes, other than Forest Trolls, would be likely to join the Horde. Some of them sound interesting and would make for some great customization options. :axe:


The Farraki, while often hostile, have a good reason to want to maybe consider the Horde.

Loss after loss and now the Zandalari are Horde? The Farraki have to be thinking maybe if you can’t beat em join em at this point.

Meanwhile the Ice Trolls have lost their empire entirely and it seems most of their tribes find themselves either cut off and hunted by Alliance or without a home to go back to. They’d also make a lot of sense now that the Zandalari have joined the Horde to want to go Horde.

imo of course.


There was another Horde Forest Troll during MoP Marli two toes:

Primal Turntusk is on a quest to reunite all Forest Trolls and bring all of them in to the Horde. I need to see her quest continue. I want to main a Forest Troll. It is absolute time we get them in the Horde. Further more the Revantusk said in BfA they want to help the Horde.



A push for Forest Trolls.

I can’t be we don’t even get a customization option for the Revantusk, after the Alliance has all of their WC2 races back. I want our Forest Trolls playable.


Forest trolls for the Horde! Hopefully as an AR.


Horde should definitely have forest trolls. No reason there couldn’t be defectors and with void elves Blizzard has shown no group is too small to potentially be playable.


I hope that’s not too out of place here. I’ve comissioned a picture of my Forest Troll main. My desire is that it will help to show our dedication, to show my idea of my Forest Troll and to hope to get more support for playable Forest Trolls.

They are a classic Horde race and dearly missed.


Very nice!

The Wildhammer head is a nice touch.


Thank you! I thought so too, but some seem to dislike the head or something? I don’t know.^^


Revantusk !!! please I love them!! Jintha’Alor race capital!!



I do hope we’ll see that someday.