Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

I once again have to voice my support for Forest Trolls.

The Hinterland is one of my favorite zones.

Good! I agree the Arathi warfront was really a missed opportunity. It would have been the perfect moment for the Witherbark to join the Horde and for the Wildhammer to send Stormguarde some help. It would have been epic.


This statement alone proves they are different looking than the trolls we have now and they could have some cool racials and druid morphs

Forest trolls are leaner, more agile, and taller than orcs;[12] but still significantly smaller than the tallest of trolls, the Zandalari and Drakkari.[13]
Like other trolls, forest trolls have long beak-like noses and pointed chins. They have tusks, typically coming from their lower lip, these tusks can vary between a foot long and barely visible. Forest trolls are fairly strong but are also extremely agile. The third toe on their feet helps forest trolls to maintain balance and climb trees.
Due to a mutation that took place many millennia ago, the forest trolls’ bodies can support plant life to a limited extent, considered by some to be a strong affinity for plant life. A thin layer of moss inevitably grows on the skin of forest trolls shortly after they are born and gives them their characteristic green coloring.[14][15] Their bodies could also support other simple forms of vegetation, such as algae.[16]
Orgrim Doomhammer compared forest trolls to ogres when he first saw them. After finding out that they were agile, cunning and smart, he eventually concluded that the trolls were more similar to orcs despite their ogre-like size and strength.[17]
Some forest trolls have long, taloned fingers that are perfect for digging through rock and earth.[18]


Still want this


I seriously need this.


Bumping for Zul’Jin


Zul’jin will be proud when we get forest trolls finally.

Wonder which covenant he ended up in?


I came across a neat video from Keeper of Lore, who also did a video supporting why Ogres should join the Horde:

Of note is is starting at the 1:45 mark, where it talks about the idea of the Revantusk uniting the Forest Troll clans, which to me is a pretty cool idea.

This especially given this text on the Wowpedia entry for the Revantusk:

“Due to the tribe’s small size and the Revantusks’ pact with Thrall, all other forest trolls regard the Revantusk trolls as weaklings and enemies.”

Honestly, it would be a pretty cool storyline to see what was considered a “weak” Forest Troll tribe overcoming challenges to unite all the Forest Troll tribes. Then people could roleplay whatever tribe they want their Forest Troll to be easily.

Granted, I’m pro Revantusk all the way, so at the very least, they need to be part of the playable Forest Troll faction.

He actually has been found in Shadowlands:

Not sure if anything will come from what he says, seeing as he is a bit busy being dead at the moment. Besides, the living Forest Trolls are the ones we need to focus on, IMO! :axe:


Got the link there before me, dang!


Oh so he has! Most impressive!

I think I may have known this at one point and just forgotten…lol


It still boggles my mind why they (at the very least) didn’t add the Green Skin tone for regular trolls. On one hand it could be because they’re planning for a Forest Troll allied race, but if they’re not they should give them the skin color. I want to see a buff option too, but the skin color would at least be something. It just seems weird seeing how they gave the Sand Troll option & the Dark Troll options but not Forest or Ice.


I really think forest trolls deserve an AR.

Their possible new druid forms and that they’d have a different mount and should be beefier make them good candidates.


I’m pretty sure I also mentioned this before here. It’s cool it was mentioned in a YouTube video. It’s getting overlooked every single time anyone is talking about the Revantusk. I want to see this quest of Primal Turntusk to see advanced. We had no update on it since Cata. Her wish and the plan of the Revantusk is to reunite all Forest Trolls under the Horde. I want to see at least something in this direction.

Give us your green, buff Trolls to play!

Exactly this is really strange. Especially after the Void Elves and Wildhammer.


Honestly, helping the Revantusk to unite all the Forest Troll Tribes sounds like a great allied race unlock questline to me. I’m sure something could be done with it to be great, and it lets people be able to RP their Forest Troll as whatever tribe they want. :axe:


Um both regular trolls and zandalari trolls have green skin options.

We’re not taking about Zandalari, and darkspear have a jungle troll skin that is sorta green but it’s just a jungle troll skin color.

There is no forest troll skin.


No they absolutely don’t. At least not for players.
Zandalari is closer, but it doesn’t work for a Forest Troll. The Model is too different.

This would be great and so much fun to do a quest chain like this. You are right, it would give the player a lot of freedom. I would love something like this.

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Hm, I really like his work and his male buff model. The female seems a bit too Kul’tiran, Blood Troll like. Perhaps I simply can’t see it in the right angle, it’s mostly the belly.
Muscles are not simply only mass. It’s cool he is trying though. Wish Blizzard would hire people like him, let them work on more customization and pay them well.


I really don’t understand why we didn’t get at the very least a green skin. I made something today to hype Forest Troll fans and others for playable Forest Trolls. It took me some time and I could only use a Horde rogue. If an Alliance rogue wants to help, you can pick pocket Revantusk NPC’s in the Hinterlands, especially around Shaol’watha, because those NPCs are using a Horde tabard.

Firstly a Forest Troll elder arriving at Orgrimmar to pledge his tribe to the Horde.
The Forest Troll elder in Pandaria.

Arrival in Orgimmar.

Between Trolls of the Horde.

Diplomatic talk to join the Horde.

Making a pledge to the Horde.

Female Forest Troll (Witherbark) on her way in to the Hinterlands, on a diplomatic mission.

Arrival at Revntusk village, port and flight master.

Diplomatic talks between the speaker and Elder Turnruk, leader of the Revantusk, the currently only Forest Troll tribe of the Horde.

Pledge to the Horde.

Forest Troll enjoining the View in Revantusk village.

Forest Troll visiting Revantusk village.
A Forest Troll visiting Orgimmar.

A Forest Troll visiting the Darkspear bridges in Orgimmar.

A Forest Troll visiting Darkspears.

Forest Troll warrior in Orgimmar, look at those eyes! They are so cool.

Among guards.

In front of the gate.

Of course a Forest Troll has to visit the Brawler’s Guild and have a look at the Horde’s training.

Something similar to home.

Forest Troll warrior visiting Tauren.

Forest Troll standing with the Argent Crusade in the hope to heal his home land.

What if we saw Ongo-longo again?
This last one is more for fun. I would like to see this character once more. Just as I want to see Primal Turntusk in her quest to reunite all Forest Troll under the Horde and more of the Revantusk in general.

Visiting Pandaria.

Arrival in Orgrimmar.

Forest dire Troll in front of the embassy.

“Ongo-longo gona visit the Darkspear.”

Listening to warriors.

“Neva will I forget how the Horde helped my tribe.”

Almost like in Revantusk village.


Copy paste from Kazthan for images to show!


I really don’t understand why we didn’t get at the very least a green skin. I made something today to hype Forest Troll fans and others for playable Forest Trolls. It took me some time and I could only use a Horde rogue. If an Alliance rogue wants to help, you can pick pocket Revantusk NPC’s in the Hinterlands, especially around Shaol’watha, because those NPCs are using a Horde tabard.

Firstly a Forest Troll elder arriving at Orgrimmar to pledge his tribe to the Horde.
The Forest Troll elder in Pandaria.

Arrival in Orgimmar.

Between Trolls of the Horde.

Diplomatic talk to join the Horde.

Making a pledge to the Horde.

Female Forest Troll (Witherbark) on her way in to the Hinterlands, on a diplomatic mission.

Arrival at Revntusk village, port and flight master.

Diplomatic talks between the speaker and Elder Turnruk, leader of the Revantusk, the currently only Forest Troll tribe of the Horde.

Pledge to the Horde.

Forest Troll enjoining the View in Revantusk village.

Forest Troll visiting Revantusk village.

A Forest Troll visiting Orgimmar.

A Forest Troll visiting the Darkspear bridges in Orgimmar.

A Forest Troll visiting Darkspears.

Forest Troll warrior in Orgimmar, look at those eyes! They are so cool.

Among guards.

In front of the gate.

Of course a Forest Troll has to visit the Brawler’s Guild and have a look at the Horde’s training.

Something similar to home.

Forest Troll warrior visiting Tauren.

Forest Troll standing with the Argent Crusade in the hope to heal his home land.

What if we saw Ongo-longo again?

This last one is more for fun. I would like to see this character once more. Just as I want to see Primal Turntusk in her quest to reunite all Forest Troll under the Horde and more of the Revantusk in general.

Visiting Pandaria.

Arrival in Orgrimmar.

Forest dire Troll in front of the embassy.

“Ongo-longo gona visit the Darkspear.”

Listening to warriors.

“Neva will I forget how the Horde helped my tribe.”

Almost like in Revantusk village.