Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

I’m a High Elf Mage and I say Yes for Forest Trolls still.

Also to fight them to as well to add more variety of fighting against the Trolls of the Troll Empire Nation.

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I’m stating facts. They have never actually said what the new tones are for.

They did say so for the Dwarves and Wildhammer. Sadly… They should have been their own AR in my opinion. (Honestly perfect world I’d have all the Troll tribes be AR’s too)

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Again not quite.
They said new tribes and the skin fit’s only one known tribe, so. Unofficial sadly, with that you are right.

Back to our Forest Trolls.

With no customization we should push for a full on Allied Race.

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If I’m not mistaken didn’t Blizz say that sand troll skin colors are to be assumed to be Sandfury? I could’ve swore that came up at one point but I don’t remember where.

Can you show that?

Like, for real Blizzard has never said what the tones were for to my knowledge.

With forest trolls a full AR seems more appropriate.

They’re different in general size and could easily have modified racials.

Plus druid forms can be so much more.

Not to mention racial mount for em would likely be a bear.

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I have to look for it, it was during or after the first announcements of the customization options.
It wasn’t “Those are Farraki.”
It was simply “members of other tribes, just head cannon it”.


If you find it I’d like to see it. Just quote me or something when you do so I notice. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just to note for anyone who might think otherwise, I got no issue with how folk want to RP it. I have a Farraki troll myself now. lol

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I could swear he also mentioned tribes, but guess that’s it:

Lore Interview with Steve Danuser

Is the lore team consulted on customization options?

  • The team was consulted on various options to determine if they were appropriate or not to the lore and universe. They are 100% on board with all of the options.

  • The team wants Azeroth to be a place you can express yourself.

If you use Wildhammer tattoos, are you part of that clan? Seeing how you start in a Bronzebeard starting experience.

  • It’s complex - can’t make a starting experience for every subset, it would consume so many resources.

  • You have the freedom in your mind to roleplay your character how you like. You get to decide how you want your character to be.

Edit: I made some mistake posting the interview.


Ah yeah. This is the one I was referring to with the Wildhammer.

As I said what we RP is all good. We just can’t say that we have Farraki or Dark Trolls. It’s not in the lore. It’s never been directly stated.

I will meet you half way. They suggest it might as well be Farraki or Dark Troll options.

Those Forest Trolls though. Let’s get those. :smiley:

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True I had it not fully memorized it seems like.

To be frank it’s a bit of a disappointing response (you can play what you want, no lore). It’s not like they would have to implement something large because of a statement.

Of course I never thought anything else from you. :slight_smile:

Indeed! Let’s get them! Revantusk are officially aligned / part of the Horde, so this has to happen.


So much this. Just even mentioning that now that the Zandalari have joined the Horde select members of the Farraki and a hidden group of Dark Trolls have thrown their allegiance in with the Horde!

Be so easy…

Aye! I remember still the elation I felt when back in vanilla I ran into them. Forest trolls still with the Horde? Sign me up!


I think the forest trolls should be an allied race and I have no idea why they aren’t, it would be cool if they made them the bulky huge trolls that we see on the old models but if they gave them a high resolution look like the model in the isle of thunder it would be pretty sick.

And with people saying it’s a small tribe, well technically the revantusk has been a thing for year’s so their numbers would have grown, plus the remaining refugee forest trolls that gathered in zanadalar would likely throw them selves with the revantusk (if they choose to) which would give them more numbers there.


I’d like to see more new races before we get more variants/factions. Or at least a healthy medium.

I agree.

Between the bigger model the likely different druid forms it’s a no brainer that they should be an AR.

Plus their racial mount has to be a bear.

They’re just too distinct from jungle trolls.


We get beards yet?

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At the VERY least they should give Trolls the green skin tone. Same with the Ice Troll blue color. I want the buff option but at the very least the color would give SOME degree of a Forest Troll look. I’m surprised they didn’t get that though. Didn’t they show off a green color back when they announced the customization options? I know that was a long time ago but still.

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They did not, the only time a green skin was shown off was during the datamining phase when Wowhead used to to show off warpaints, not because it was actually datamined as to be playable.

As far as we’re aware, there were never any plans for the green skin used by forest trolls to be made playable.


Ah i see. For some reason i was thinking it was at Blizzcon. Must have got it mixed up.

Still though, seems weird to me they wouldn’t throw that in there.


I still want this

Forest Troll shaman and warlocks would be so cool. Like the ultimate voodoo witch doctors :heart_eyes:


I agree. I was leveling a Horde alt in Arathi/Hinterlands a few days ago and didn’t realize how badly i wanted a Forest Troll Warlock until now :rofl:

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