Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

Maybe not with a good model update :+1:t2:

do we really have to go through this again!?
Amani are not the only forest trolls.
the Revantusk have been in the Horde for years and have no issues working and fighting alongside the Sindorei


They still wonā€™t be.

Also that mission statement was kinda short lived.

Some do.

Not all.

Hmmā€¦ Still prefer an AR but there is some blizzard style sense there.

In fact, all Forest Trolls hate Elves. Even the Revantusk leader Elder Turntusk is bragging about how he killed High Elves at Zulā€™jins side during the Second War. He still belongs to the Horde.

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping for. I think they need to do something with Zulā€™jin if they put him in Revendreth. This could be another good opportunity to bring in the Forest Trolls as a option (skin option, or allied race) for players.


Cool. Not all trolls hate elves.

Forest trolls donā€™t like high elves as a rule, but it doesnā€™t mean all of them actually do. The simple fact that Revantusk work with blood elves is proof enough.

Their allegiance is horde before their hatred of elves.

Zulā€™jin would likely make a very poor leader for the Horde forest trolls. I wouldnā€™t put much stock in them bringing him back for more than a cameo.

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Chronicle 1 said they do. In fact itā€™s part of the reason why the Amani attacked the first High Elf they saw. You also can work with people you despise, in most nations you have groups that hate each other.

Not really. Like I said they are still bragging about killing High Elves and sending the player to murder some more and they still see Zulā€™jin as hero.

Thatā€™s true, thatā€™s what I said.

Uff, thatā€™s a no go. He was the best they ever had. The idea was also never to bring Zulā€™jin back to the living, that would be stupid.

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This is something Iā€™d love to see, maybe just customizations but a race would be super fun!


Another push for the First Trolls.
They are really missing and would make for a great option.


Forest trolls when, blizzard? Seriously, please even add the model as an option (including making a buffer/bulkier female model).


Revantusk for the Horde!


I would love a forest troll allied race, however, I would not want them to use the darkspear models as base. Forest trolls, to me, have always had a build closer to the zandalari. Look back at all the art for them, especially the wc2 art and tbc art. The Zandalari build are essentially the way Iā€™ve always considered them.


Iā€™d totally want to make a Forest Troll Druid, I wonder what their forms would actually look like! Would be cool if they were plant based or somethingā€¦


Good question here, Ice Trolls have very similar models to the Forest Trollsā€¦ would they be a customization option somehow? Or would it not make sense?


We canā€™t say what options there would be.
However we can make an argument and perhaps even an assumption.

Indeed Forest Trolls and Ice Trolls used the same base model (the bosses in ToT changed it up a little bit though, but that was more an aside thing). If at some point they would make a new Forest, or Ice Troll model, all they needed to add are basically only the apropiate skins for the others (green forest, blue-ish for Ice).
For arguments sake I would say the Frostmane Tribe would make sense to join the Horde. Even the Winteraxe Tribe could make sense. Both their locations are vulnerable and they stood better changes alongside the Horde and the Zandalari.


I agree, I think it would be strategic to have the Frostmane Tribe apart of the Horde given how close they are to Ironforgeā€¦ then again who knows if we will get another war. I do think it would be interesting to see more from Drakkari, even though they are all indeed dead where are they in the Shadowlands?


Like in Ardenweald Bwonsamdi talks about the Drakkari loa and you get to see their wild seeds, what about all the Drakkari themselves? Few other races that make me wonder where they are as well.


Wanted to wish everyone a happy New Year. I hope the support for playable Forest Trolls continues to be strong during 2021 and beyond.

I still stand with yā€™all and would love to see them playable. Hopefully, weā€™ll see the Revantusk Tribe become full members of the Horde and get on that character selection screen in some fashion. Theyā€™re the tribe that make the most sense to me to become the faction of playable Forest Trolls, and they deserve some love and respect for being loyal to the Horde!

Here is to a new year that hopefully will be one with Forest Trolls playable! :axe:


We get our forest trolls yet?


unfortunately not


What a pain.

Get on it Blizzard.

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I really really find very hard to understand the concept of allied raceā€¦
Some AR should really be customization, even with a whole other cultureā€¦

TO MEā€¦ Zandalari trolls, Magā€™har orcs, Highmontain Tauren should be custom
Nightborne and Vulpera should be races

Iā€™m horde so wonā€™t explain about ally racesā€¦