Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

Yes more trolls and less elfs and furries

I want more than just green skin. I want moss growing on blue skin, like the revantusk males. If you look at their hands and feet, they are blue and you can see the edges of the moss/plant life

You have no idea what you are talking about. The revantusk are currently a part of the horde. The Amani hate void elves, and silver covenant just as much as blood elves. They hate humans too just slightly less than the elves

  1. They hate Wildhammer too, probably even more.
  2. Alliance has those elves as well.
  3. They were Zul’jin fanboys. Which means, what? If you’re saying that them being fans of the old leader of the Amani, who aren’t friendly with the Horde, remember the Amani don’t care for the Alliance either.

You’re also leaving out that they’re already allied to the Horde and take that very seriously. The Zandalari have also joined the Horde, and the Zandalari are respected by all trolls besides blood trolls.


Amani would never stand alongside Blood Elves and Darkspear…
Revantusk however…
now were talking,
should probably just be a customisation though, as that’s what their main rivals, the Wildhammer, became.

Imo, Forest Troll shouldn’t be its own allied race. LF/HM were pretty bad. However, they should definitely be a customization for Darkspear Trolls. While we’re at it, beef up the female model too so it looks a bit more on par with the male one.

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it also made no sense that the Blood Elves joined the Horde. Yet there they are. The Revantusk were something they came up with in Vanilla, and wind up forgetting completely, despite the fact the Revantusk did idealize Zul’jin and were - as I recall from talking with the she-troll leader - waiting him to make his glorious return and retake the Ghostlands.

If the Amani hatred for Blood Elves is as intense and desperate as to make them crusade against the Horde that once had them, and if the fall of Prophet Zul’s Troll Federation during the Cataclysm did leave them in shambles, it’d make more sense for the Alliance to back the Forest Trolls - a contestant near Forsaken plaguelands and Sin’dorei Ghostlands - than for the Forest Trolls to swallow their pride and join the Horde.

Just another “enemy of my enemy is my friend” situation, better contextualized than the Blood Elves or Nightborne joining the Horde.

It’s mainly the revantusk and witherbark tribes that hate us more than elves, the tribes to the north in the elf territory hate elves so much more than us

the Revantusk reafirmed their loyalty to the Horde in bfa


revantusk trolls are so much different than jungle trolls, imo they should be an allied race. They grow plants on their bodies, they are much larger and stronger, thus have a different body shape. the customizations would have to be much different for them to truly be forest trolls so just having a green skin option doesn’t cut it for me

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Yes, completely forgotten about, which is why they were remembered in BfA. Prior to 5.4, there was a forest troll at Shrine of Two Moons, and there’s not any reason to believe he’d be from something other than the Revantusk tribe.

The Amani do hate the blood elves, yes. But Alliance has those elves too. And they have humans. And in the case of the Revantusk, Alliance has Wildhammer.

The Horde does have blood elves, but also has the Zandalari, and every time the Zandalari have tried to get the Amani to do something, the Amani did it. After BfA, the Zandalari despise the Alliance.

The Amani have enemies on the Alliance too.

More correct, “the enemy of my enemy also happens to be my enemy, but my first enemy is now friends with my best friend, and my best friend hates that second enemy of mine”.


You overestimate the Troll kinship. Before other threats, they fought each other regularly, and the Zandalari only “allied” with the Amani during the Cataclysm due to desperation and mutual opportunism. Now their homeland is full of HORDE elves, their leadership dismantled by Horde forces, and the Zandalari - or, more precisely, Prophet Zul - who promised them power, failed them during the Cataclysm and MoP alike.

To me, all these factors tip the scale towards Forest Trolls not joining the Horde anytime soon.

The Amani have no love for the Alliance.

Besides the forest trolls, among the Revantusk for instance, are already Horde.

Forest trolls are furry… They have moss growing on their skin.

They are already a part of the Horde.


Not really.
Gurubashi and Amani fought very little as conflict would be costly in lives and pretty much pointless when they already had so much territory.

Drakkari were the step kids who left towards the North and lost most contact with other tribes

Farraki are an off shoot of the Gurubashi.

So really, the troll empires didn’t really fight each other

Only Gurubashi fought among themselves after Hakkar’s fall as they tried to control Stranglethorn while the Darkspear left


Just like the Alliance is full of Alliance elves and humans.

Who is now dead after betraying the Zandalari.

Also, the Amani still hang out in Dazar’alor and they attend King Rastakhan’s funeral and Queen Talanji’s coronation.

The Amani still respect the Zandalari.

In the case of Cataclysm, Alliance participated in this as well.

But the nice thing about forest trolls as a whole, and not just Amani, is that there’s already a tribe allied with the Horde that takes that alliance seriously.

When it comes to the Zandalari-Amani kinship, don’t think so.


Just to add to the discussion, here’s what the Revantusk have to say in Battle for Azeroth:

  • Da Revantusk be rememberin’ da Horde’s help. We be ready to pay it back.
  • We be a long way from da Hinterlands but know that da Revantusk always be friends to da Horde.

To this day I really enjoy the hinterlands since it’s a land called back to Warcraft 2 with the Forest Troll Revantusk Tribe on the Horde and the Wildhammers on the Alliance.

If the Revantusk was playable. That would be so great to see Green Trolls within the Horde again.


this is an acceptable different form of furr just like the tauren furr its why the tauren arent furries , alliance slave lovers maybe but not furries

Technically its not fur at all… just furry.

I would love to see a heavy forest hinterlands battleground featuring the wild hammer and revantusk