"Forced" to do LFR for tier pieces?

…was to explain, it’s the same person having those two separate thoughts, just like it was stated in the post I quoted. Which isn’t the case. One thought isn’t related to the other.

Cool, we agree.

Because i can always hold out hope that they will change course, and go back to the MoP template of tier gear, where your previous tier from the last raid still carried over to the next, and you also had upgraded to the tier that would drop, but you still could get new tier that would have the same bonuses as the last tier, so you could complete 4 set, or run two two piece sets and not feel left behind.

Ill start actually raiding again if that ever happened. Heck, id even get back into M+ again!

1: holy run-on sentence.
2: every new tier has been a different set bonus
3: running tier from the previous raid can get a little degenerate, see what happened in legion with people running 2set + 4set.

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Last time this happened Personal loot got introduced

10 years later it replaced Masterloot

What more self inflicting disaster you forced* guys want to do now ? :rofl:

Hey man i have been up over 48 hours. My bad. But again, When they go back to some semblance of MoP tier and raiding, i will happily do grouped content beyond LFR. This xpac is junk, and i have no desire to even attempt LFR.

we need to push players out of the LFR swamp and into actual raiding.

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No. Players who don’t put forth effort and afk through content don’t deserve things like tier sets. Blizzard should have put them in normal+ and gave LFR players a reason to run normal.

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Why are people fine with having to do normal but not LFR? Anyone “having” to do LFR would do normal first if they actually care about their performance.

LFR is the same thing but easier, you can even queue with a full 25 from your guild if you want to run it how you’d normally run it.

If you don’t do LFR, you’ll get tier at the same speed as if LFR didn’t even drop tier. Mind blowing, I know.

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Its players like you that ruined LFR and raiding in general after MoP! Where it was a perfect balance! I do not want to hear the BS line that elite raiders didnt complain that they had to run LFR to gain an advantage for the tier they were running in guild! They absolutely were! Its those players that destroyed what was the best raiding expansion there ever was! Just go look at the archived forums!


i agree at this point in the game, it’s more of a hassle to set up a raid group for regular, i stopped hardcore raiding a long time ago.

Yes 100% they should drop them.

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they always had to - those types complaining about being forced to do LFR still went into LFR even when no reason, for transmog or d/e items or what not.

people who do LFR instead of normal only do it because they have no option - they won’t all of a sudden have the ability to do normal for more rewards. They will just have less reason to play.


Tier and the trinkets just outright weren’t dropping in WoD. They had their own dummy tier.

If they work in a “oh they fit together regardless of diffculty” kind of way, then no it shouldn’t because it will necessitate people doing LFR to maybe get them until they can replace them with a higher difficulty equivalent to it. There is zero reason why players should feel obligated to do difficulties beneath them for dumb reasons.

If they made LFR gear only work on the LFR set bonus, Normal only apply for Normal, then maybe make an exception for Heroic and Mythic being able to work together given how important those tier bonuses will be for progression on Mythic for some guilds then go for it.

That said, as long as LFR tier pieces still work for my set bonuses I will do LFR until I have the same pieces of higher difficulties just because you can’t miss out on a tier bonus. Same case with Bindings of Immerseus and why they made the change in WoD. Even on LFR quality, a 5% boost to all your secondaries was still really powerful. The only thing better than that trinket was the same trinket in a higher difficulty and it really hated dropping. Then people were crying that all their casters bailed after Immerseus because they were higher level raiders just wanting one more chance that week at Bindings. No different than how people cried on SL launch that people with memories from early bosses in a dungeon dipped when they killed that specific boss instead of sticking it out the entire time.

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I see no reason for LFR tier and Heroic tier to count toward the bonuses together.

Keep the bonuses the same, but your set can be:

  1. All LFR item level
  2. a mix of LFR and normal level
  3. All normal level
  4. A mix of normal and heroic level
  5. All heroic level
  6. A mix of heroic and mythic level
  7. All mythic level

I don’t think you should be able to mix heroic and LFR or normal and mythic to get a set bonus.

Casual players can still get their gear and mythic raiders don’t have to no-life four raid difficulties a week to be capped on gear.


Yes. I would rather have fewer chances at it and gear slower. Yes.

Take your “like”. At least you are honest. This is a discussion after all so it’s good to have multiple views.

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I’m not sure why LFR dropping set bonuses would be such a bad thing? It feels like it could help speed up progression for any organized raid team - at least, as long as you can queue for LFR as a raid. I’m not sure if this is possible, having never tried it, so please correct me on this point.

I’m assuming LFR loot for 9.2 will all be ilvl 239, so that’s functionally all tradable loot. If you have a couple of guys who are missing critical set bonuses, it seems like you could stack a raid for the appropriate loot specs, kill bosses that should take all of five minutes each for a progression guild, and hand the pieces to the people who will benefit the most from them.

If the argument is just “people running lower difficulty raids shouldn’t get these set bonuses”, then that’s just tacky. You’re never going to interact with any of these LFR heroes, so whether or not they get to have a semi-shiny thing that is vastly less shiny than the far shinier things you get from higher-end contact doesn’t impact you at all.

The problem is that most people running mythic don’t really want to do every difficulty every week. By letting them get useful gear from it, there is a sense of obligation to do it, but it’s not very fun to go and stop through the instance on easy mode. It’s just time consuming and boring (and often really frustrating).

This is one of those things that a lot of players do but complain about. I think it detracts from my overall enjoyment of the game.

There are ways to let them get their bonuses in LFR and just not make mythic and heroic raiders feel required to do it too. I would just make the pieces not work together if they’re more than two difficulty levels apart.

Lfr should drop tier. Absolutely. But I shouldn’t be able to finish my otherwise heroic and mythic tier set with it. That has no affect on lfr players and allows me to skip doing content I don’t enjoy