"Forced" to do LFR for tier pieces?

Oh? Is there some sort of sub option that I’m not aware of that limits the types of gameplay a player can do?

Tier sets are a ~12% total power increase on average, and skilled players do a lot more than 12% damage than their mediocre counterparts already.

The reality is that putting tier sets into LFR does force players to do it to try and acquire their tier faster for progression. That’s why they took that away in WoD to begin with, so now we’ve just come full circle.

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Not much of a problem imo. There are so many ways to acquire tier sets in 9.2, if you want to grind LFR, go ahead and do so.

Blizzard should make up their mind about that the core concept and design behind LFR is. Is it supposed to be a tourist mode where it’s almost impossible to wipe, or an introduction to how raids work, or something else?

It offers you a chance to get quick, successful LFR runs for at least a few weeks until all the higher end folks have their 4 piece sets. No waiting for 10 stacks of failure to non-mechanic the hard boss of each wing.

yes it is called real life, you know the one people have outside the game where they work and have children, etc.

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Because having to run the same raid three times a week is how people get burned out.

This is funny since you can clear normal or heroic faster than you can clear LFR. Grab some logic before you come back.

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I can almost tell you don’t raid outside a set raid group.

If I a guild is forcing you to run LFR for tier pieces then it is a bad guild and you need to gquit. Any guild, even a casual one, will have completed normal several times over before LFR is even released.

lol true. LFR sylvanas can take hours while a normal and even a heroic pug can down her in a reasonable time frame

You do what you gotta do to be competitive, if that’s what you feel like you need to do to have the edge, feel free.

But yes, LFR should drop tier tokens on account of me and others wanting recolors for our transmogs.

Yes lfr should drop tier there were no issues in Legion.

First off, people really need to stop using the term “forced”. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. I know you put it in quotes, @OP, but I am referring to those who love saying this in threads. If you want something then yes you have to do that thing to get it. Otherwise EVERYTHING is “forced”.

Now to answer your question, the reason they removed tier pieces from LFR was because they were better than items in Normal and even heroic if you got them. I personally don’t have an issue with LFR getting tier pieces with set bonuses but they should then make the bonuses only work with said piece and difficulty level or at least within 1 difficulty. So if you have LFR tier pieces then the bonuses only work as long as the others are LFR or Normal. And for normal tier pieces can work with Heroic or LFR etc.

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I wouldn’t mind it if the gear is upgradable by participating in the next harder level of content… even if it takes a few runs to earn the currency to upgrade it.

… that’s so untrue, and purely dismissive of the player feedback, in the context of this discussion and you know it.

Along the same lines of no one is forced, “No one is forced to do Torghast or craft legendaries” is such a bullocks statement. True on some kind of technical level but obviously running torghast and making legendaries represents a significant milestone in player progress and a major gain in power. No one, in any part of the game where performance matters, is going to ignore that or treat it as optional/something that can be ignored.

They are going to do it, then complain if they dislike the experience. Because that’s how players actually behave. It’s fully expected.

If tier sets are part of LFR and present the opportunity to complete set bonuses, players are going to run LFR for that express purpose. Because completing a tier set often equates to a significant increase in performance.

And if they dislike the experience, they are going to complain. BECAUSE it’s an unfun experience. Which is likely to happen … because LFR clearly stands apart from all the other difficulties in its design. It’s not the same kind of content nor provides a semblance of the same experience as Normal+ raiding.

Just like any other part of the game that has received criticism. E.g. How some people reacted to Korthia, covenants, Renown, Soulbinds, Conduits, Pathfinder, ect. Quit that “No one is forced into anything” dismissive BS. When something is designed poorly or an unfun experience people are going to obviously call it out.

No one is being forced to do LFR for tier sets especially after titanforging was removed. If you are doing LFR for tier sets then something is wrong

  1. It’s not untrue. No one is forced to run LFR and no one has ever been forced to run LFR. It’s purely a choice.
  2. What player feedback? This wasn’t a thread to complain about LFR. Many in here have said similar.

And that’s still a choice based on the content people want to run. This game has four levels of raiding. People have the choice on which level they want to run and can start in lower ones and work their way up.

They’ve been part of LFR since the end of Cata.

Or they can run Normal. Or they can run Heroic. Or they can run with their guild and wait like we’ve always done, as well.

Tier in LFR is not new. If someone wants their set bonus through LFR, that’s their choice.

How about you quit the dramatic BS?

Tier being in LFR isn’t poor design. Go run the other three levels of the raid if you hate LFR so much.

I would agree with Whitecrows on moving away from the technical levels of the word “forced”. We’re debating semantics here which isn’t really that useful.

The idea of being “forced” to do something stems from players not wanting to hold back their peers in raiding or M+ combined with said activity being unfun or degenerative. For example, players felt “forced” to do torghast because if they didn’t have their legendary, they were effectively holding back their raid. Any serious raid that was progressing absolutely required players have their legendary equipped. This is the same idea for fixed M+ groups who are pushing keys each week.

You can absolutely say that no one is “forcing” players to do torghast but likewise, I can argue that being the chronic underperformer or lazy player amongst a group of other players creates pressure to improve - and that is a form of “force”. You also can’t extend the “nobody is forcing you” argument simply because nobody is forcing you or you are entirely comfortable being mediocre in performance.

No matter which way you want to use semantics, no one has to do LFR. No one has ever had to do LFR. If you’re running Heroic raids or Mythic raids and you feel you absolutely need that set bonus, then you have the choice to run Normal or the choice to wait or find other ways to improve your performance. As someone who was progression raiding during the time LFR first released, I can absolutely tell you that no one felt they had to go into LFR to get that set bonus. And if they did want to do it, that was purely a choice on their end, but no one ever made them do it and no one’s performance suffered as we progressed and got everyone their tier in Normal and Heroic.

If you feel you aren’t doing good, then that’s on you to decide. But to say that LFR shouldn’t have tier, because some elitist threw a tantrum over how much they hate LFR, when there’s Normal and Heroic to run… that’s pretty ridiculous.