For those against sharding at launch

And leave the “No Shards” people to claim they have a majority and destroy the game I want to play? Heh, nope.

I tend to tune people out when they say this nonsense. Even Ion has acknowledge the slippery slope.

Well, at least you’re honest about it. You’ve got my respect for that.

As for whether or not it’s the devs’ call… it’s not. It’s not even Kotick’s. It’s the server engineers’.

There’s a reason we’ve never had another Gates of AQ event, and that’s because the server engineers said no.

They know this. And they don’t want to spike their own game either.

They are stuck between a rock and a hard place, and the least destructive long term solution is a temporary period of sharding during launch.

Have a little faith, brush off the dust from that 15yr old nugget of enjoyment, and feel free to revel in the “I told you so’s” if they shard AQ in a year.

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Oh woe is me I have to maybe wait 10 more seconds to kill a mob, maybe even POTENTIALLY group up, imagine the horror.
But it’s ok to completely sack and go against vanilla core philosophies before the game even launches, as long as I don’t have to wait for some mobs to respawn!

I already had faith.
10 years of blizzard constantly breaking it, ruining their games specially wow and heading to a catastrophe where they can’t recover, for 10 years.
Enough, is it not clear you can’t trust blizzard by now?
If they shard this they WILL shard AQ, they WILL shard high pop realms, the list keeps going.

You’re asking people to “have faith” in the company that told them not long ago that they didn’t even wanted classic in the first place, they were wrong.

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Then why do you even believe your argument is being heard or matters? If you can’t trust them, why does anything matter. The evil overlords will do what they will, and we’ll all unsub.

You literally have faith if you believe that Classic can be good.

There is a huge difference between handing blizzard a blueprint and directions and saying "do this " and trusting blizzard to make judgement calls. Why do you think i fight so hard against stuff like changing class balance from vanilla, adding post naxx content, and of course containing sharding?

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Because they already showed they listen before, but not completely, hence things like these.
Yet here you are trying to put us in the exact same path that lead to this game downfall by being complacent and just accepting everything as the game stealthy keeps going to hell.
Listening doesn’t hurts, when they start deviating from vanilla core designs and game philosophies is when it stops being vanilla and starts being retail.

I would LOVE to know how their servers and current goals with sharding line up, if the servers somehow can’t handle a lot of people playing a 15 year old game spread out through an entire zone for some hours, how will they be able to deal with AQ events.


Because tens of thousands of people per server is not viable for Vanilla or Classic.

Its simple as that. Far too many people will want to play and then stop quickly because its free to subscribers.

That’s exactly my concern. Make no mistake, I do not want sharding. But I’d rather have sharding and the ability to participate in the AQ event than crashing servers and long login queues that would make me miss it.

You call it selfish, I call it preferable. I consider sharding to be far more dangerous and damaging to my Classic experience that questing inconveniences.


How does the first 2 hours of your multi-year experience being sharded, destroy the game?

Because she’s unreasonable and childish and petty? Like a LOT of these people? Not all of them, but most of them? I won’t name names or ranks, they all know who they are.

You talk about faith and believing Blizzard, but I’m just gonna throw this out there…

“One of the tenets of Classic WoW is none of the cross-server realms and different [server] sharding options that we have available to us today. There’s a lot of desire on part of the community that this is something that they don’t want.” - J. Allen Brack

That philosophy didn’t last very long.


To be fair, they didn’t even 100% guarantee sharding would even make it in. They only said they were considering it.

Do you mean the whimpers from those for whom Classic is not convenient enough?

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Philosophy meet reality.

But its pointless to say “We don’t trust Blizzard.” because even if they don’t launch using sharding, they can turn it on any time they like. You must trust them not to use it even if you win the argument, because it will still be available even if you win this argument. They can use it at any time.

If you don’t trust Blizzard not to use it, you’ve already lost your argument.

Also “We know the community doesn’t want sharding” is a long way from “We promise not to use sharding”.

And now you’re exaggerating and apparently don’t know how their servers work, I didn’t knew “tens of thousands” were ABLE to enter a single server at once!

If they can’t handle a bunch of lowbies killing mobs spread out through the entire elwyn forest/durotar, pray tell, how are they gonna handle what’s often almost the entire server when it comes to massively packed places like stv?
Crossroads and barrens?
Tarren mill?

And more importantly, AQ event where it’s often the entire server, as many as possible all present and gathered up in a small place.
Are their servers worse than the old vanilla 15 year old servers?
They crashed A LOT back then so I doubt it.

No, this is ideologies and people on the top of the chain forcing it.

This basically. There already exist at least semi-Vanilla private servers. People who absolutely despite Sharding and everything it stands for aren’t going to quit their comfy server for an “Authentic Blizzard Experience” when it’s crappier than what they already have.

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