For those against sharding at launch

Look at the current launch of the most recent Illegal Server. They’ve been using Dynamic Respawns and had a launch population of about 4 thousand players. It was absolute insanity and there’s no chance blizzard lets that kind of thing happen on classic launch


I want insanity. Blizzard should be able to deliver that


Try rereading every blue post thread in this forum. No matter what they say, someone loses his mind.


Welcome to every MMO Launch in the history of MMOs. There’s chips n dip as well as refreshing beverages in the corner for you to enjoy while waiting for mobs to respawn. Thank you, please enjoy your stay.


I’m pretty sure Classic will launch with more than 1 server.


Trial by fire


i’ll be fine with sharding at launch so long as blizzard stays true to their word.
low level zones only. limited time only.


Private servers aren’t illegal in most cases.


Sorry, what? Which countries copyright laws are you quoting?


While I am not a fan of dynamic respawns, I would rather dynamic respawns in the starting areas then sharding. Seeing people appear and disappear on my screen feels very disjointed, immersion breaking, and is just plain disappointing to me.

I want Classic launch to feel like the game is being over run by gamers. I want it to be crazy. I want to see a couple hundred people all running around in Northshire.

Also if Blizzards servers cant handle a couple hundred people in one area at the launch they wont be able to handle the AQ event, multiple guilds fighting over world bosses, and all the people that will be in EPL when the Naxx content is released.


Do you have your fingers in your ears? It’s a chip n’ dip. You put the chips on the side the dip in the middle

The people thinking sharding will only be in at launch because blizzard said so are delusional. Blizzard needs to actually fix the problem or sharding will occur anytime there’s more than 20 people in one place


Sharding is going to be a part of launch. The technology is there. As much as I don’t want it, I understand why they need it for launch at least.

Blizzard has put in effort showing they are going for Authenticity above all else. As crazy as it would be to have sharding completely removed for launch, I just don’t see it happening. But I have faith they won’t use sharding beyond what they have stated.


i see people saying we should shard AQ and that is something i am absolutely against.


They had a pop of about 14 thousand, not 4

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Yea sharding the AQ gates opening is a horrible idea. That event is actually designed for mass participation and it would drastically take away from the epic sense of the gates opening.

Sharding period is a bad idea but specifically any time after launch


The MOST sharding should be is for starting zones. Everything else is unnecessary.


when questioned about it at blizzcon Ion mentioned only zones that end at level 10 (or 12 based on your viewpoint). that is as far as it should go.
but i’ve seen people on this forums asking for anything from
shard all uncontested zones during launch
permanent sharding in the game. period.


When did Blizzard say “only at launch” and “low level zones only”? I don’t see any restrictions to sharding stated, other than a vague reference to it being useful “in the early days”:

Sharding players in and out of my world - effectively turning them into anonymous NPCs - is the most inauthentic experience compared to original WoW, when every realm was a small town and everybody knows your name.

Sharding is one of the reasons I stopped playing WoW. Why should I care about another player I only see for 10 seconds?

I lost my community to sharding (and LFG tool). I stopped caring about this game when I realized I was just another anonymous ghost to other players.

Sharding is inauthentic to original WoW in every way.

I would rather have queue times into a authentic original WoW than login and see sharding.

J. Allen Brack knows people don’t want it.

– Source PC Gamer: https[colon]//www[dot]pcgamer[dot]com/this-is-how-blizzard-plans-to-finally-bring-back-vanilla-wow-servers/

Sharding was never used in original WoW. If you want sharding, then go play current WoW.


Sharding has been the number one thing I’ve wanted confirmed not in the game at all and it hasn’t happened. It’s the biggest issue and people just trust blizzard to use it only at launch instead of fixing the problem. What makes people think it won’t be used post launch if Blizz hasn’t found a solution to the problem?